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Ben's Progress Pictures.

benny boy

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I think it helps that I was technically underweight for my height when I started so I had some impressive gains from the get go as my body was yelling out to gain weight.


I got a bit stuck around 13 1/2 stone for a few weeks in January because I was sick. But then I re-read Daywalkers post in the General Body Building section and the word that stuck out to me was 'progression'...I realised I hadn't been pushing myself to lift 'heavy' at the gym and get progression session on session. So I am attempting to train a bit harder and it seems to be paying off.


Re-reading this it doesn't seem that much but here is what I eat on an average day for anyone who is interested (also the reason I am not 'lean' )



3 Weetabix + soy milk

pint of juice with 25 grammes soy protein

Alpro Soy Dessert


All morning; 3 or 4 handfuls of peanuts.


Lunch; 4 Sandwiches i.e 8 slices of wholemeal bread, usually houmous and tomatoes or cucumber.

(take a walk to holland and barrett )


Afternoon; Alpro Chocolate soy shake, Blackfriars Apple Flapjack bar, Sos Roll. sometimes some halva if I have any in my desk at work.


Late afternoon; Apple, packet of crisps.


Tea; Normal meal (well kind of normal, I make big portions).


Evening; Another pint of juice with soy protein, sometimes another sandwich or two, maybe a soy desert or some soya ice cream.

Late evening; 3 weetabix and soya milk.


...hmmm I appear to like my soya!


I warn you now I get some killer acid burps at times which isn't the most pleasant of experiences.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not meaning to be harsh, but you need to do several things in order to grow:


1) Eat, alot, and then some more.


2) Ditch isolation lifts completely.


3) Focus entirely on getting stronger on heavy compound lifts that I will detail below.


4) Eat some more.


As regards to the compound (multi-joint) lifts, any routine that you do should be based on, or variations of these exercises:


- Squats and front squats

- Deadlifts and straight leg deads

- Bench and close grip bench

- Overhead press, push or strict

- Bent over rows

- Cleans and powercleans

- Shrugs and powershrugs

- Chins and dips


I swear you will gain at least a kilo a month if you train with these lifts three times a week and eat enough. And a kilo of lean mass too.




I am gonna switch over to nothing but compound movement exercises for training from now on. i am noticing quick and great results.

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