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Do you have a greenish tongue?


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I was just curious because my tongue has a white greenish tint on parts of it at the surface from about 3/4 of the tongue going back towards the throat. Brushing doesn't seem to get rid of it. Anyone else notice this or know if it's related to any imbalances in the body?

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There, don't you feel better now skee-lo ? (Loveliberate has a great bedside manner, doesn't he ? )



Seriously, is that the only symptom you have ? This website may help you determine the cause. (However, I recommend seeing your doctor as it may just be thrush and if it is, your dr. can give you antibiotics for it.)

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Yes I was very comforted by loveliberate's comment.

I just went over my tongue briefly with a colgate tongue cleaner tooth brush and water and it seemed to get most of the green out. I don't know about you guys, but I never use a tongue scraper. Maybe i'm behind in the times. I guess it's all the greens staining my tongue.

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