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The prime cause of Cancer explained here .

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Hello, I wish that every Vegan/vegetarians would spend 30 mins to read Dr Brian peskin study on the roles of EFAs (Essential fatty acids) Vs Cancer. This is the most shocking and important article i have ever read concerning heart disease and cancer prevention.





The Prime Cause of Cancer as Discovered by Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph.D.


Brace yourself. We have become so accustomed to being told that “someday” we might discover what causes cancer, and that cancer

is the major medical mystery of our modern time, that you might find it hard to believe the following. Otto Warburg discovered, and

clearly stated, the prime, most basic cause of cancer:


Too Little Oxygen to the Cell

“We find by experiment about 35% inhibition of oxygen respiration already suffices tobring about such a transformation during cell growth.”28

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Okay,i'm going to list down things that focus on attacking the prime cause of cancer - Hypoxia or lack of cellular oxygen




A ) Undamaged/ unprocessed EFAs ( Both PArent Omega 6 and Omega 3 at appropriate ratio )

B ) Nutrients that support healthy haemogobln ( B12 , Iron , and ?? _




A) Exercise

B) Herbal medicine (Eg: Gingko bilbao ) that promote blood circulation ( Anti clot )

C ) Cocoa !!!!

D) Normalization of blood sugar level( Diabestes causes poor blood circulation and cancer feeds on sugar for fermentation process )

E) Please suggest



A ) Oxygenated water (ex alkaline water )

B ) Ozone

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I don't know about the colon cancer thing...honestly I've met a lot of people(normally family of friends) that have had colon cancer and none of them eat even a remotely fibrous diet...some of them get maybe only 10g a day from the white bread and iceberg lettuce on their ham sandwhich. Some things on here make sense but really he seems to be picking and choosing like every other PhD does. As for vegans I've only met one vegan with colon cancer and she ate a terribly meaty diet for most of her life and has only been vegan for a few years(someone I cycle with occationally)

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What kind meat does he eat ? How does he cook ? Processed meat loaded with carcinogens and zero functional EFAs ? High temperature cooking with commercial vegetable oil ?


Our food industry is a real disaster .. It cannot continue without severe consequence.



Remember the prime cause .. Lack of cellular oxygen = Cancer

Edited by escapee
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Actually the cyclist I know eats completely organic other than eating out occationally and she eats mostly raw(cooks mostly with coconut oil)...sometimes its too late to cure everything.

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Yeah but thats also based on the govt. rediculous RDA system...which makes no sense and results in fat people who eat what they are told. You don't need that much plain and simple...just like you don't need 50g(assuming your a 180lbs man) of protein to be healthy vegan or not...in fact its probably way too much if you don't excersize...just like the EFA recommendation...everything is way too much which is why there are so many good vegan athletes who eat relatively nothing compared to what science says they need in order to perform the way they do.

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Simple proof through knowing of my diet and the diet of others. Until recently(I've been vegan for nearly 6 years) I never focused on getting EFAs at all and when I look back on my first 4.5yrs of being vegan I didn't really eat anything with and substantial omega 3 or 6 outside of the occational flax bread and the not so great source(olive oil). These "essential" parts of the diet aren't like B12 in that they don't stay in you for long periods of time so I think I should have suffered. I have also met vegans that have eaten terrible vegan diets for over 10 years but seem to be very very athletic and intelligent(since brain activity is related to omega 3 and 6). However a typical american educated dietician would have told these people they are either gonna pay for it big time any moment, or they would be 10x more proficient than they presently are if they cleaned up their act(I highly doubt that).

As for the protein thing...the simple fact that I'm 200lbs(maybe 7% fat)...ride my bike 300miles per week and have failed miserably at trying to lose muscle on 30g a day is proof enough for me that if you eat well you need little protein. Its gotten to the point that I'm contemplating giving up dieting since I simply miss eating more calories than I used to. As for anything being called essential...essential is relative. Just because your body can't make it doesn't mean its essential(however I do concede you need some omega 3 and 6 but not much if you don't consume too much bad fat so it screws with your ratios of fat intake). It seems like everything that is discovered in any remotely healthy object that isn't found to be produced by your body is seen as essential. Chances are most vegans are missing some amino acid(maybe even many) yet to be discovered in meat that our bodies can't produce(as new amino acids are discovered every few years even if scientists think they have no purpose for humans, but I promise you...if one were found in meat and not in veggies most scientists would say we need it). Guess what??? We've been living fine and healthy without it.


***Granted this is only one case but I have met a raw vegan a few years ago that doesn't even eat 5g of fat a day...he had been raw for nearly 5 years and his only fat is pretty much the occational avocado. He didn't look terrible fit...just a regular looking dude and not some pale terribly thin vegan. We have a forum member here that probably doesn't eat that much either(maybe even none) and he's one of the fittest people on the forum.

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Raw organic Walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashew or Flax are all good source of EFAs for vegetarian. If you're eating them regularly just keep doing it and exercise as regular as you can.


Lack of cellular oxygen = cancer ( it's that simple )

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Trust me I'm not concerned about my EFAs...and now that I eat them regularly(mostly for taste) I don't think I'm better off than I was before in that sense. I'm better off because I'm eating more fruits and veggies...as for nuts none of those things are raw anyway. I'm also not concerned about cancer...and I wasn't when I was on my regular old mostly healthy vegan diet.

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Yeah dont underestimate those nuts even it's just for the taste. BTW, I'm just doing my best here to inform everybody about the significant role of EFAs on cancer.


Lack of cellular oxygen = Cancer .


EFAs act as a oxygen magnets for trillion of cells in our body .

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Well...before people knew of healthy diets...lets say people under the Roman empire. Citizens ate mostly vegetarian(maybe fish once every week or two) but more than anything vitamin "deprived". The laymen were given reasonable rations of bread and wine. Maybe a tini bit of cheese and whatever they could buy with their meager saleries...well now...they had an average lifespan in the mid-60s...better than any western nation up until 20th century in the US. That diet sounds short to me in terms of nearly everything but carbos, protein and the antioxidants in the wine which was diluted to make water a bit more palatable. However studies of remains show very little cancer...plain and simply they didn't get cancer because they were rarely if ever eating any meat...despite the fact of not really eating an adequate diet in any other sense. Surely they suffered other ailments(bad teeth especially). Plain and simple they didn't eat anything terrible but didn't really eat much of anything good either...and with that lifespan, poor healthcare, lack of air conditioning I'd say they probably lived longer than most people in the US would now live without health care.

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That's called caloric restriction with adequate nutrition. It's very good for insulin control. In addition, Grass fed meat, cheese and fish are good source of EFAs.


If you say that meat is responsible for cancer, How do you explain the contradiction in Eskimo and Masai population who consume a pure meat diet ?

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I would say that even the old Roman diet is healthier than the modern SAD. IT's A SAD diet loaded with no functional EFAs due to overprocessing of food. There are all trans fats, refined caborhydrate, carcinogenic addictives added to prolong the shelf life of the food and make it palatabel .

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Wowo You have just nailed the most important point !!!


RAW Food ! with plenty of intact and undamaged EFAs ...


It's well known in scientific community that EFAs are heat sensitive and can turn into poison under heat (eg : Lipid peroxide and HNE ). This is why the modern diet consists of mostly overprocessed and overcook food are such a real menace to human health .

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That's called caloric restriction with adequate nutrition. It's very good for insulin control. In addition, Grass fed meat, cheese and fish are good source of EFAs.


If you say that meat is responsible for cancer, How do you explain the contradiction in Eskimo and Masai population who consume a pure meat diet ?


Eskimos don't die of cancer because they die of diabetes before they get old enough. Same with the Masai(not due to diabetes in most cases) who rarely live over 50...personally I'd rather take cancer at 70 than die for some other stupid ailment at 50.

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Which Eskimo population are you talking about ? Some of them have changed their diet to the SAD . Many of them are alcoholics ( this explains the high incident of osteoperosis ).



MASAI low lifespan? It's mostly due to poor sanitation and infectious disease. it's so clear to me that the link between cancer and animal meat cannot be established .

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The Masai get most of their water from a root vegatable that filters the water...as for infectious disease most of it likely comes from the processes they use for meat production...aka stagnant water in ditches dug for cows to eat from which results in more mosquitos.


As for Eskimos...Inuits are a good example...men live something like 10 years less while women live 14 year less than the average canadian(I've even heard much worse numbers but these are optimist estimates). As for osteoperosis...they aren't really being killed off by it...and bone density has been a problem for all societies in cold high meat eating climates...alcohol or not.

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Most Vegetarian/vegan are misled about protein on Osteoperosis ( By the China study )

Alcohol is the most significant cause of cancer in Eskimo population . Nothing else .




Alcohol negatively impacts bone health for several reasons. To begin with, excessive alcohol interferes with the balance of calcium, an essential nutrient for healthy bones. It also increases parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels, which in turn reduce the body’s calcium reserves. Calcium balance is further disrupted by alcohol’s ability to interfere with the production of vitamin D, a vitamin essential for calcium absorption.
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Excersise is the most important factor for bone health. You can stuff your face with as much calcium as you want, it won't give you stronger bones, with or without alcohol. There is no point for our (or any other) organism to spend energy on building something that it doesn't need.


A good rule of thumb when it comes to cancer is to stop listening to people who are too sure about what they're saying. Cancer is a complicated process that can have alot of causes. When someone says cancer = whatever I become very sceptical. None of the serious writers who believe in a whole-food vegan diet (like Fuhrman, McDougall, Esselstyn, Campbell) would say something like meat = colon cancer simply because it would be a lie. It would be simple and therefore attract alot of attention but still, it would be a lie.

It's all about probability in large studies. We do for example know that some of the longest living populations in the world are near-vegan (no, inuit and maasai is not among those populations so I don't see the point in using them as reference). We've known for 500 years that the more unprocessed plant-food and the less of everything else you eat the better off you will be. The evidence have been getting stronger as time passed and more information became available. We do not know exactly why this is or exactly which compounds or combinations of compounds that are responsible for this but we know that it works.

What's interesting for me is to see studies that compare whole-food vegan diets with other diets to see statistics on diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc. From what I've seen so far the whole-food vegan diet holds up pretty well.

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I 'm goint to repeat again what Otto warburghas discovered 80 years.


He clearly stated, the prime, most basic cause of cancer:


Too Little Oxygen to the Cell

“We find by experiment about 35% inhibition of oxygen respiration already

bring about such a transformation during cell growth.”28



The differences between malignant and benign tumors are

differences in degree [of compromised respiration – DURATION

of lack of oxygen] rather than kind.




To this day, not a single scientist is able to disprove and dispute the finding. As a matter of fact, there are currently many research undergoing to evaluate biological response to Hypoxia. such as the link below .









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