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Nature's Burgers?


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Does anybody know how much liquid I add to how much mix for Nature's Burgers? I bought some in bulk, but forgot the directions at home when I came back to campus... now I have no clue how to make the things (you'd think that kind of thing would be readily available on the internet).



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Awesome. Thanks. The only thing I found on their website when I looked was the box directions... which wasn't helpful.


And they're pretty good... though I don't know if I'd eat them if I had a more functional kitchen. But, I'm on campus, and have limited cold food storage and limited cooking (one kitchen, badly in need of repairs, shared by about 20 people). Almost everything I eat is simply reconstituted in water--instant refried beans, instant mashed potatoes, nature's burgers, cous cous, hummus, TVP, oatmeal, and other odds and ends. Nature's Burgers are actually one of the tastiest things I have access to at the moment. But, I move on the 12th of next month, and I'll have a kitchen. Looking forward to it.


Thanks again!

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