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Figure Comp Pics


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This is my first attempt a posting a photo. Hopefully what will happen is a pic of me at my last comp (on 7/21/07) will come up! If successful, I'll put a few more on. Here I go ...



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Okay, that worked! Other than the hugeness, that is. Let me try some smaller...


Okay, for this show I was Elvis (duh, right?). This show was a late decision. I had intended only to do 2 shows in the Fall, but my trainer wanted me to do a full diet cycle before the diet cycle for those. I told her I'd only be motivated to diet hard if there was a show on the line. So we aimed for this one, knowing I might not be "stage ready". I went ahead and prepped a theme, bought a used suit on line (since my custom ones for Fall wouldn't be available in time), and went for it. Hardest thing I've ever done. The diet nearly killed me However, I ended up looking better than I did at Nationals in 10/06, so we decided I'd do this show "for stage time" to get ready for Fall. I was up against some seriously lean mo-fo's in my height class. I was ranked last in swimwear, actually. Ouch. BUT, I am a major ham and have a lot of personality and rocked the stage with my posing, confidence, and the whole Elvis dealio, so I managed to squeak out 4th place among 7 in my class. Whew! Not bad considering I didn't get the "okay" from my trainer to hit the stage until 2 weeks prior. And she was iffy then. I was pushy about it just b/c I didn't want to pay the late registration fee. tee hee Anyhow, I'm all pumped up for Fall. FAP Dixie show on 9/15 where I'll do Ms. Bikini (versus figure), which is more about feminine muscle, poise, and beauty--less about symmetry and hardness. Then 10/6/07 I'll do SNBF Nationals, where again I'll be out of my element among the ripped girls, but I'll just have to lean out as much as possible between now and then, and really bring it with the theme to hopefully earn another top 5 placing.





These 2 are some backstage photos taken after prejudging (aka. day show) and before the night show. My trainer wanted some after I ate something salty and fatty to help her strategize my show day diets in the future. I didn't question it--best friggin' veggie burger I'd ever eaten!


Edited by hmm1219
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Okay, now that I'm an "expert" at this--hardy har har--here are some from my very first shows last year. Let me know if you see a difference between these and the ones above.


These 3 are from my very, very first show 7/22/06. I lost about 50 lbs. to do this! It was fun. And addicting. My goal was to do a show before I was 40. I did this and the next one at 35. Need a new goal, LOL.





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Thanks for the ups everyone! I feel the love! My fave judge comment is always: "How are you doing this as a vegan?" That's assuming the announcer pronounced "vegan" correctly when reading my bio. I'm sure that isn't seen a lot at a bodybuilding show. The girls backstage are always like "How did you get your chicken into perfect squares?" when I'm nibbling on my tofu and asparagus too. I let them slide since they are all carb depleted and dehydrated.

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  • 7 months later...

I think I finally figured out photobucket (better late than never). Had to in order to be able to communicate with my choreographer for my fitness routine. Yep, I'm attempting Fitness this year, along with Bikini Classic (aka. Old Fart Bikini ). Fitness has the 2-piece round + the 2 minute routine with strength moves, dance...whatever you can manage, basically... Nothing mandatory in FAP (Fitness America Pageant), luckily. I have bruises all over from learning my routine up in Boston this weekend.


Obviously these "routines" for some figure comps d/n require much choreographing b/c they are basically just for an "Aren't I so cute in my themewear?" round in addition to the physique/2-piece round, but since I managed to load them...

Pool Shark (10/07): http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj53/hmm1219/show%20routines/?action=view&current=MOV01332.flv

Elvis (7/07): http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj53/hmm1219/show%20routines/?action=view&current=MOV01032.flv

Wish me luck with the new training!

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cute What is the pool shark song in the first one. I really love that one! Thinking I might use the same type thing when I head line (except I'm on for about 20min).


They don't have those classes here. Our modeling divisions are runway Esq.


The modeling divisions are becoming more and more popular in the shows as the figure gals continue to get bigger and bigger. The Top figure gal of today is bigger than the to bodybuilding gal in the 80's!

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