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for the Bible tells me so


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My first impression is it is propaganda to paint Christians in a hatefull light just because some wackadoo christains actually do believe that crap.


Similar to how the effort is being made to lump all muslims in the terrorist tent because of the actions of some.



Who bankrolled it and what is the agenda?

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I'd be interested in the angle the film takes. I have an idea but its trendy to have radical shifts in movies nowadays.


The group that agrees with Fred Phelps is pretty small, the trailer makes them seem like some huge group that people are oppressed by. I do believe that was Phyllis Schlafly saying that if homosexuals had rights, so would prostitutes and whatever else. What a way to ignore the bill of rights. Honestly what a freaking fascist. I want equal rights for all not special privileges like she proposes (straights only have civil rights) or those favoring federal definitions of marriage (only straights can get married). Its just the same old story of people trying to exert control over others through government. Once thinking like that takes hold en mass and becomes more extreme, it is my belief that america as it was intended will be over. Freedom is gone. We've been teetering for quite some time now...

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For the record, this post isn't meant to be offensive. It is to shed light on a documentary that has just come out that seems to focus on some important issues, just like What Would Jesus Buy?. I found out about this movie while watching a trailer before WWJB.


This trailer looks very interesting too, doesn't it?


Anyway, not meant to offend anyone, but to give another perspective. If we keep seeing things through the same set of lenses day in and day out, we don't broaden our views of the world.


Just something to think about and no offense is intended.

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I feel weird about this because the bible basically teaches hate of some groups but most Christian Americans(pretty much the whole US population) don't really follow the bible so in some ways its an unfair wrap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I missed this when it came through my town, partially on purpose because I try to forget that people hate me just because of who I'm in love with, but if you read the synopsis its about several families who are both religious and have a gay member, its obviously not about saying all christians are evil. But the fact of the matter is that the bible is used tp justify hating people as much as people use it for good. It's like that with most belief systems. If people would just put down the facade and say im afraid of you because I don't understand instead of trying to hide behind a book things might be different.

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