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Training after a Cold or Flu

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Hi all,


I was just wondering: When you've consistently been attacking the steel and you come down with a bad cold or even a flu that keeps you from training, for say one or two weeks, how, and when you get back into the gym, do you start off?

Do you start with spilt training or do you train your entire muscle groups for one week and then "reenter" your routine?



Take Care



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I barely ever get sick (in fact, last time I was sick was probably almost a year ago; the side effects of being healthy ), but when I do, I still go to the gym :-\. Not sure if that's a bad idea, but for some reason when I'm physically active, my sickness seems to go away and I feel great for a few hours. The workouts don't seem to impede my recovery from illness, seeing as how I'm usually better in a day or two. Maybe it's because I'm 16? I dunno....


Anyway, when I skip days at the gym in general, I don't pick up where I left off since I have a 6 day schedule. For example, if I miss Thursday (shoulders), I'll continue on Friday and do biceps instead of doing shoulders, as if I didn't skip Thursday.

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I was sick for 3 days recently. I kept up my training though because I took some painkillers that made me feel almost normal. It is very important for me to get my lifting in; I am floored by how well my biceps have developed from such light lifting.

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I get straight back into things where I left off as well.

I wait until I feel well enough to go to the gym, your body tends to tell you pretty clearly when this is. If my balance is affected or I have aches and pains then I take that into account.

I eat a lot when I am sick, so my body has the fuel to fight off whatever is attacking me...

A bit of exercise is often good to fight off the cold or flu as well.

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Thanks all for the info. I am fighting a cold for the last four days and hate it when I miss a day of training. I did Shoulders on Thursday. And Friday's I usually take a day off and head to the Sauna. I was supposed to do legs on Saturday, but I just felt like crap.The body though does know best when to push and when to let off when feeling achy and fluish.



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