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Help with Gemma Protein :-X


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I bought the strawberry-banana flavor from True Protein. In all honestry, it tastes pretty bad and doesn't mix very well. I had to put about 2 cups of water (with two scoops) for it to even be a liquid. With my whey, I could make a shake with two scoops and 1 cup of water with no problem.


So far I've tried:


2 cups water

2 scoops


The result: Drinkable, but not very good. Very thick.


1 1/2 cup water

2 scoops

~1 tbsp peanut butter

1 Banana


The result: Too thick to drink. Tasted terrible. Had to throw it out


I have no idea what to do! I don't wanna give up on gemma because I know it's better for you than whey.


Any advice?




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Have you thought of using hemp or regular soy protein isolate???


I have some hemp protein, but I can't use it as a regular protein shake, because 30g of hemp is only about 14g of protein. 30g of gemma protein is 25g of protein. Gemma's also a lot cheaper too.


I've thought about soy, but not much. I already eat a lot of soy to begin with, so I'd rather have a variety of different proteins. That's one of the reasons I chose gemma.


EDIT: Also forgot to mention, the reason I want more protein (the reason I choose gemma) is because I'm currently bulking.

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Have you thought of using hemp or regular soy protein isolate???


I have some hemp protein, but I can't use it as a regular protein shake, because 30g of hemp is only about 14g of protein. 30g of gemma protein is 25g of protein. Gemma's also a lot cheaper too.


I've thought about soy, but not much. I already eat a lot of soy to begin with, so I'd rather have a variety of different proteins. That's one of the reasons I chose gemma.


EDIT: Also forgot to mention, the reason I want more protein (the reason I choose gemma) is because I'm currently bulking.



Throw some canned pineapple in there and blend it up. Sounds like you might have to make some fruit smoothies with it!

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I've been vegan longer than interested in fitness so I don't know what whey is like, but I will say that the pea protein (gemma) is MUCH better tasting than soy or hemp.


I'm currently having these in the morning:

1 cup light soymilk

1 banana

2 rings of pineapple (from pineapple juice packed can, drained)

1.5 70cc scoops of gemma protein

1/4 cup water to thin it out


Comes out to about 48 grams of protein give or take.


It tastes great, but it definitely more a smoothie than a shake. I like it that way.

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It's because your using 2 scoops. It's thick enough with 1 scoop but 2 scoops is just way too thick.


If you really want the two scoops, break it up into two shakes or something.


Some other tips would be:


Use really overripe frozen bananas. They really add a ton of flavor to shakes and I bet you'll find you don't need the sugar. Also a mixture of frozen banana and frozen strawberries would probably go well with that flavor.


Try using 1 cup water and some Vanilla soymilk or a couple of Tbsp of Silk French Vanilla creamer to flavor


It is thick but you can work around the consistency.

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