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Crap.. What do I do now?


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I guess it's ok to be uninformed as a child, it's an wonderful age for innocence and having fun, eventhough a kid who has a lighten conscience is even better, like your sister! . And I guess it's alright too for an adult to be uninformed, as long as this person have some will to learn, a thirst for self-improvement and change.

But most people are just reckless persons, unconscious, unaware of everything, their only knowledge is based on prejudice, disinformation, clichés, they've never opened a book in their life and probably never will or if they do it's gonna be Harry Potter, worst of all they find their life is ok this way and don't see any reason for changes they don't even think about it, they don't think period. They don't have any creative talent. I maybe look pissed off by people like that, but I'm not, not anymore, I just ignore them, there's no hope for most of them. My next step is to be more optimistic and say to myself, like Bruce Lee said:


"He who knows not and knows not he knows not, he is a fool - show him.

He who knows not and knows he knows not, he is simple - teach him.

He who knows and knows not he knows, he is asleep - awaken him.

He who knows and knows he knows, he is wise - follows him. "


I'm pretty sure it's rare to see omnivorous in the top categories.

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Yeah. I hate my sister's boyfriend though. He is an ass. He lives on a pig farm and has no conscience when it comes to slaughtering things. The other day I said to my sis (with captain numbnuts in the same room) "The guy from 'Art Attack' died!" and he said "SWEET!!"

What a jerk. Really. I used to watch Art Attack as a kid. It was one of my favorite shows. I was sad. I was sad when Mr. Dressup and Charles Shultz died too. The fact that someone would say something so disrespectful about someone I grew up watching and admiring is just sick. He's a horrible human being.

I really idolized those guys cuz I was (and still am) an artistic kid. I've always been more sensitive to the things around me. Hence why I went vegan. I couldn't eat animals or animal products knowing how much suffering they go through.

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