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Update on Octopussoir:


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Lately I havent been on the forums due to a couple of things. One being that I dont have internet anymore so I come to free wi-fi spots to get on. I cant stand to be in one place too long so I usually cannot come to the board and start posting on the topics I want/need to. Secondly, Ive been running more and more these days. Ive gotten my fastest mile down to 7:14 and my longest run(yesterday) has been 8.8 miles. I actually have a race this sat and right after am driving 4 hours to get my back tat redone.


I sorry to say that I will not be able to lift heavy weight for a very long time if ever again. My tendon(elbow) kills me everytime I try to lift heavy on upper body. Ive been taking it easy for months now and it seems to not hurt when Im not working out but does when I do. At least when I run I can push the limits and myself to prove to myself what Im worth and nobody else.


It seems nowaday with my running that my metabolism is crazy high. I cant seem to keep the weight on. I swear I must eat clean enough that when I eat a whole LARGE pizza that I lose 5lbs by the next morning. I dont want to start eating bad just to put on fatboy(think robert, haha) pounds. So now my muscle is whithering away with my 4 runs or so a week and working out from time to time. Its kind of discouraging to even want to workout with these problems at the moment. I know most of you would say "oh quit running and it will help" yes I understand this, but im loving running so much that I cannot stop now.


Anyway, enough of my current life story. I wish you all the best and I will post some pics of me soon. I am currently ranging from 172-176 and 3.4% bf.

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Sorry to hear that bud:( I was in the same boat when I dislocated my shoulder the last time.


As for the weight dropping running is definitely causing that. When I quit track and sat on my butt for about a year before starting again I barely lost any muscle at all. It wasn't until I started cycling that the muscle really started coming off(I've plateaued though) so don't fight it too much. Its part of being a runner. Your body will become what it needs to become in order to do what you make it do. If you lift you gain muscle...if you run and have too much muscle for a runner then you'll lose that too. Its just part of the territory.

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I agree that runners usually have good bodies (look at brendan brazier...)

But since I have elbow issues, too, I have to ask: have you tried isometric exercises or upper body exercises without elbow-movement (gymnastic style)?

Maybe these exercises can help you to keep some muscles...


Anyway: All the best. Please try to keep us updated. This is not only about bb but also about fitness and friendship.

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