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Posts posted by Ping

  1. I personally don't understand not wanting help from someone based on their ethnicity. If this is to do with black people wanting to take over a country for themselves, then of course it would kind of make sense that white people wouldn't be involved in that. But that seems like an unreasonable goal to have. However, if the goal is equality, then surely it shouldn't matter what ethnicity people are when they are all working towards the same goal - which is to all be treated / regarded as equal.

    Yep. It makes me kind of sad to see that it's often not a movement for general equality but for freeing a race which in fact just supports racism it its own way. It's like saying that there has to be a law that says how many women a company has to employ. It's sexism, too. We shouldn't give things like race or gender any value in these concerns to really make progression.

  2. Cool thread!


    Singleplayer: Assassin's Creed atm.. Very repetitive but I want to see how the story evolves and it has some cool stuff in it.

    Multiplayer: Call of Duty 4 since release (I'm a CoD fanboy) and a bit Lord of the Rings Online..


    Hope my GRID arrives soon...

  3. I'm surprised McCain is doing as well in the polls that he is. He or his staff seems to say at least 4 things a week any one of which should have torpedoed his campaign. I'm hoping that it isn't an indicator that a large segment of Americans are ready for a 3rd Bush term, but rather that it is simply a matter of it being the summer, people now paying attention, and that the race will heat up after September comes.


    Well, we'll get either a third Bush term or a third Clinton term, one or the other. A third Clinton term would be slightly better, but nothing to get excited about, so I can't blame my fellow Americans if they're not paying attention.

    Yeah, what a choice. I dislike that two-party-system.

  4. I like the part in that clip where he says something about Al Queda training terrorists and then one of his handlers immediately corrects him and gets him to say "Iran" instead. Doesn't this guy even know who hes supposed to be beating the war drum against?

    Well, it's really hard to lie all day, so I can forgive him this one.

  5. 13.6.08 6/13/08


    My pictures make me laugh everytime, heh.












    Not really much progress, maybe the arms? However, the weights / reps increase, so it's okay for me .

  6. I have much more respect for anyone that consumes animal produce if they can actually bring themselves to do the killing themselves.
    *sighs* I wouldn't say respect, but what I'd be fine with is searching and hunting (stealing etc.) animals in the wild, but anything with animals (factory) farm is wrong in my eyes.
  7. OK, let's say if some American gased jews in 1940 in a TV show to show how fucked up the Germans are. Isn't that comparable? I don't mean to be offense but I really cannot see how one can view his action in any positive way.

    It's OK, you’re not coming over as offensive.


    The thing is most people do not regard the mass murder of people and the mass murder of animals for human consumption as comparable. They want to eat meat, eggs and milk and have few qualms about the killing of animals necessary to provide their chosen diet.


    I’m not looking at this as a vegan, I’m looking at this from a wider perspective, and have no problem with Jamie Oliver on TV re-enacting to non-vegans what normally goes on behind closed doors. If some people as a result reappraise their eating of animal products and change their diet then that’s positive.

    The thing is that the main differences between normal campaigns and this one are:

    He doesn't want to change it.

    He kills beings instead of using footage.

    He is no vegan.

    What I've read here is that it's good he doesn't tell us the story from an activist's point of view and I agree. But the fact that he doesn't want to change anything has influence on the people's conclusion, I guess. But still, even if he'd like to show people the reality he could use footage and comment on it. Killing beings live is nothing we should ever consider nor appreciate.

  8. I know what you're saying but I bet you wouldn't talk that way if he tortured some kids to show the influence of the rich parts of the world towards the poor.

    He is showing the reality of egg production.


    Torturing children in some hypothetical and disturbing TV stunt is not really the best way – in fact I fail to see any link - of highlighting the influence of the rich over the poor.


    So no I wouldn’t talk that way Ping as your example is not really a valid comparison nor is it ever going to happen.

    OK, let's say if some American gased jews in 1940 in a TV show to show how fucked up the Germans are. Isn't that comparable? I don't mean to be offense but I really cannot see how one can view his action in any positive way.
  9. But I'd like to see fast food chains selling shit food like this shut down


    Supply and demand.

    And the demand got hit by the boycott actions (else KFC would have done NOTHING in that direction) that are stopped now, so yes, I too think they will kill more than before now. Superb, PETA.


    That doesn't make any sense...

    Demand got less due to the boycott actions. Then KFC had to make a move (see OP), the boycott is stopped and now more people will go there, so more beings will be killed.
  10. Fair play to him for acknowledging the truth about egg production and bringing it to wider public attention.
    It's plain murder.

    Well obviously.


    Most people are still unaware of the slaughter of male chicks as part of the egg industry.


    It goes on whether Jamie Oliver partakes in it or not.


    He highlights how food is really produced, and most people will listen to someone like Jamie Oliver rather than a vegan.


    He did a similiar stunt - I think it was him, maybe some other celebrity chef - where he slit a lamb's throat on TV. At least they admit how food is really produced and try to bring that to wider public attention.


    I know his intent is not to make people go vegan, but as a result of such actions appearing on mainstream TV, I think some people will consider more how their animal products are really produced and some of those will consider and attempt vegetaranism and veganism as a result.

    I know what you're saying but I bet you wouldn't talk that way if he tortured some kids to show the influence of the rich parts of the world towards the poor.

  11. That's stupid.

    I don't care if they have a so-called "vegan chicken burger"

    I'll never set foot in that place.


    Way to go PETA, for supporting the KFC sales. Now more chickens will be killed since people think "oh they gas the chickens so they don't suffer so I can eat as many as I want"



    I totally agree. That's no step into the right direction since it's just moving towards those people who want their meat to be happy (in their own interpretation). Those people are not my comrades.
  12. Scientists could drastically increase the lifespan of bacteria by giving them a low-calorie diet. So yes, that's probably a given rule.

    I'd rather be fit though .


    Going to listen to the talk now.


    EDIT: Well, sounds interesting. Good luck to him.

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