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  1. Okay - so my boss read me the riot act today, accusing me of having a serious lack of long term memory. (He actually sounded worried, and suggested that I go see a doctor...) Honestly, my job performance is just fine...I always get top notch performance reviews, and take detailed notes on projects so nothing ever goes wrong. But after thinking about it calmly, I have to admit that maybe he's right and my memory isn't up to snuff these days. (BTW, turning 40 this year - have been vegan for 3 years, and work in a "stressful" finance environment.) If I *do* have a memory problem, I'm not sure if it corresponds with my conversion to veganism (gee...can't remember! ) But maybe it has something to do with a lack of Omega 3s? (I haven't supplemented with anything, just take a regular multivitamin.) Been doing some reading, and am thinking that perhaps flaxseed oil and a vegan DHA supplement might be the way to go. Anyone have any thoughts, or experiences with this? (I'd hate to have to go pescetarian and start supplementing with fish oil...) Thanks in advance for any posts, ideas...!!
  2. Hi Joe - Seeing that no-one's responded to the post yet (and speaking as someone who is *mostly vegan*, but doesn't avoid honey), I believe the issue is that domesticated bees are harmed by the honey harvesting process. For that reason, honey isn't acceptable. I guess you could argue the same thing re: crops pollinated by domesticated bees...which I'm sure die in transport. Anyone out there to confirm/refute?
  3. CollegeB - From my understanding of your definition, my position isn't welfarist. Just to clarify - it's strictly moral...working from a different assumption and starting point of what is moral, vs. what isn't. For me, if it can be argued that there is no sense of self, spark of life, awareness, etc in a thing (be it fleshy, mechanical, etc) then there is no moral issue. But I respect that you feel differently.
  4. College B - From what I understand of your definition of welfarist, I'm not - my position is strictly moral, working from a different starting point/assumption of what constitutes moral vs. immoral action. For me, if there's no sense of self (such as--probably--an oyster, then there's no life and no moral issue to contemplate.) Just to clarify. But I respect your opinion.
  5. Oh, man. A life without Pad Thai. That *is* extremely sad...!
  6. Hey Medman - Thanks for the nod...and you've definitely got a point about the collateral damage issue. (From what I understand, more and more shrimp are farmed...which raises it's own rather significant problems re: health. IE: lots of antibiotics thrown into the water, resulting in more resistant strains of bacteria, and very sick, crowded shrimp. So it doesn't solve the problem, but adds yet another layer of issues to the question.) Of course, I *do* know that I can't eat anything animal and call myself a pure vegan. But what definitely *does* bother me is the all-or-nothing vibe that I (personally) feel from some vegans. And I could see where it would be a major turn off for some people on the outside considering veganism. (Heck, it's a turn off for me, and I agree with the vast majority of vegan philosophy already.) I'm still working out exactly what my thoughts are on all the issues....but at least IMHO, the overall purpose of veganism is not "to be a pure vegan" for it's own sake. The reason why (at least why I) have turned to veganism is a desire to not kill/hurt other creatures, or economically promote/support the suffering of other species. For that reason, I *definitely* have turned away permanently from eating cows, pigs, chickens, fish....anything that I think is undeniably capable of experiencing pain. Also, the horrors of practices such as debeaking, and the dairy industry (for me) have turned me away from consuming eggs and dairy products. I just can't justify buying such products and thereby putting money in the hands of people who are responsible for such practices (in theory, I have *no* problem with the idea of eating eggs from a pet chicken...but that definitely isn't going to happen in NYC...and no, I personally wouldn't feel guilty under such circumstances for stealing eggs, as long as the chicken was cared for and well taken care of.) But there are a few tenets that I do question...for instance, I *really do* question whether such creatures as oysters/mussels have any sense of self at all. (Shrimp, that's more borderline of a case from what I can tell.) And honestly--for me--if an animal doesn't have any sense of self-awareness, I really can't see the reason to abstain. (Unless, as Medman and others have reasonably argued, the practice of cultivation does result in impact to other creatures that can feel and suffer.) Heck, Peter Singer himself said at least at one point that he questioned whether oysters and mussels counted as deserving of consideration. One of the other issues I do somewhat question is whether to avoid what I would consider negligible amounts of animal product in restaurant food. Honestly, I'm somewhat torn on that. To a certain extent, being vegan is a symbolic stance (ie: the animal industry isn't going to be impacted whether or not I abstain from eating animal products. I'm only one consumer.) So it's a symbolic stance on my part, and the possibility of influencing others indirectly by my example. So say there's a bit of milk in the restaurant bread. If I abstain, I do make a statement (and really limit what I can eat). That can be positive, if it brings awareness to others in the group about the issue. On the other hand, it makes me look like a "picky vegan" which could also be a negative, esp. if I'm viewed as someone who always ends up grilling the waitstaff about food additives. Honestly, I'm leaning towards letting things like that go. I know that makes me less than a vegan by definition. But I would HOPE that my other actions would be positives, not negated due to my not following the full "party line". (I would also hope that such an opinion wouldn't result in me being lumped in with people who just call themselves vegan and then occasionally eat beef, etc... Though I'm sure that's how some would view it.) I'm really, really not trying to be inflammatory. It's just that these are important issues and questions for me, and this forum seems the proper venue for that type of discussion. Again...as the sole vegan in my group (or quasi-vegan, if you prefer), it's definitely my best option for discussion.
  7. VJ: thanks...valid point! Zinzen: I'm sure you didn't mean that as a personal slam, but it definitely felt that way (distressing, when I feel I'm posting a legitimate question). Thanks for the input, regardless.
  8. Hi Medman - Valid point re: the collateral damage - and it's definitely something that's weighing into my considerations. (Then that little voice in my head wonders how much collateral damage is caused from harvesting plant crops...???) College B: ?!? Can you clarify? My personal stance is that's immoral (or simply wrong within my personal value system) to harm a creature that is capable of sensing it/being aware of the pain. Given that assumption (?), the sentience level of invertebrates would definitely be relevant.... Thx though...!
  9. Was wondering how strict other vegans get when eating out in restaurants? Not talking about cheating, of course....but more like checking up on ingredients in things like the table bread, etc? (I've never bothered to ask the waitperson whether there were eggs or milk in the bread, for instance...and maybe other vegans do.) Thanks - I'm pretty much the only vegan in my social circle, so I've got nothing to compare to...!
  10. Hi - Wanted to run this by the group - I've been a vegan for 3 years now, and don't really have anyone likeminded in my social circle (my husband, for instance, is totally omni...) My reasoning for being vegan is completely on moral grounds - ie: I don't want to kill or cause suffering to any creature that is sentient (capable of feeling pain, and is self-aware in some manner.) Have to admit, I'm not vegan in regards to honey for just that reason - I have serious doubts as to whether bees have any sense of self at all. But recently, I've been questioning the same thing re: some crustaceans - esp. oysters, scallops, mussels and shrimp. I've googled around to get some idea of what nervous system such animals have, and whether they could be argued to be self-aware at all. If it could be argued that these creatures aren't self-aware...well, then I really see no moral problem with eating them. (I know it wouldn't be vegan - but it would be within my personal definition of morally acceptable...) Would love to hear some input on this from other moral vegans on this issue...since the best I'd probably get from my husband is "eat them, they're tasty...)
  11. Joelk, Rainra - Thx... You know, I wonder if it's partially a gender thing? (I'm female, and my body just seems to react to carbs by automatically storing it as fat.) Re: raw options - a question for Rainra... What do you eat? I've tried raw (ish), with a focus on fruit and nuts, and not only did it not work, but I was ravenous constantly, and tended to binge on the nuts (not to mention that it was incredibly expensive...!)
  12. You know, I don't know - technically - if I'm allergic to wheat or gluten. (Would that keep someone from losing weight?) Among the things I've tried are: low carb with protein powder and meat substitutes (tofurky, tofu, seitan and tempeh), and on the other end, raw(ish) with lots of fruit. Neither did the trick. And raw--though I was enthusiatic about the concept--made me ravenously hungry all the time. I'll likely try it again at some point, but since low carb's worked really well for me in the past, it makes sense to try to veganize it and use it again.
  13. For the past 2(!) years, I've been trying to lose my last 10-15 lbs - lifting heavily regularly, doing regular (spin) cardio, and eating clean. It HASN'T gone away. This has been amazingly frustrating for me... Before I was vegan, I was on Atkins and the fat *melted* off my body, no problem. It seems that low carb just works for me, really well. I was in the best shape of my life. But now...it's an absolute struggle. I've tried focusing on tofu, tofurky, low carb vegan munchies, but not much luck. So I'd love to hear any suggestions for a low carb *vegan* diet. I just can't accept that I have to sacrifice my goals to stay veggie...! Thanks.
  14. For the longest time, I've had a HECK of a time getting cut (went low carb, tried counting calories, etc.) Have been around the weight lifting game for ages, but thought I'd try Brendan's diet...both for that, and just general health. Anyone have experience with it? Thanks!
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