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Posts posted by VeganDeVil

  1. Hmmm.... perhaps you're starting out with weights that are too heavy? You should be able to do three reps of 10-15, starting to really fatigue at the 12th rep. At least that is what I was taught, and has always worked for me. Pick three or four different exercises per session, and do them that way (3 sets of 12ish). (ie: squats, ballet squats, lunges, and something else you don't find torturous! maybe jumps landing in squats??)


    How heavy are the weights that you are using? If using dumbells, and just starting out, don't go higher than 5 or 6 pounds. Then push that weight up every week. I remember starting with 3 pounds, and eventually moved up to 15. My legs were hella toned. On machines, I obviously went much heavier.


    Here's a site I find helpful about the value of squats and proper squat form and such:



    Hope that helps, VegannNY! I'm routing for you!

  2. I do remember a time when I was an omni, and had a certain contempt for vegans. It doesn't make any sense now, looking back, but at the time I had pre-conceived notions of them as elitest, preachy, overly serious party poopers. I think ultimately, it was the selfish side of me acting out. Knowing there was a truth out there that would make me feel bad about the burgers I loved oh so dearly.

    Remembering that just put my original post in perspective for me. Hah!


    Silly brain.

  3. Greg,


    It's unfortunate, but it makes a certain amount of sense. I do remember a time when I was an omni, and had a certain contempt for vegans. It doesn't make any sense now, looking back, but at the time I had pre-conceived notions of them as elitest, preachy, overly serious party poopers. I think ultimately, it was the selfish side of me acting out. Knowing there was a truth out there that would make me feel bad about the burgers I loved oh so dearly.

    In the end, you are lucky these people aren't in your life. The word 'Vegan' filtered them out of your compassionate sphere. Don't know if you're still single or not, but when you find a vegan or vegan friendly lady, it will be worth waiting for!

  4. Well, definitely post when the meet-up is! I'll be in nyc for a week or two in mid/late october and would love to join y'all.


    *I'll definitely be there October 9 and 13/14/15. Outside of that I'll be upstate with the fams.


    *update - never mind those dates. The boyfriend can't travel with me then, so we're not sure of the week we'll be there. Well, hopefully it works out.

  5. WEEK 2! Heeeeeells yeah....


    Day 8: V, 1400 calories, 350 cals burned/Elliptical machine

    Day 9: V, 1400 calories, sculpt class, solo ab work, 400 cals burned/Elliptical trainer

    Day 10: V, 1600 calories, no exercise

    Day 11: V, 1400 calories, sculpt class, solo ab work/leg work, 370 cals burned/Elliptical trainer

    Day 12: V, 3600 calories, worked a double shift and walked quite a bit

    Day 13: V, 1350 calories, sculpt class, 200 cals burned/Elliptical machine

    Day 14: Veg., 2000-2500 calories, no exercise


    A few days there where I wish I'd restricted a bit, but overall a good week, methinks. Worked out like a mad woman and am starting to see results--- got on a scale two days ago and I weighed just a skosh under 130 pounds. A pretty healthy 4 pound loss in two weeks! Woo hoo!


    Also, my transition to a Vegan lifestyle is going quite well. It definitely took a period of adjustment and 're-training,' but now it's easy. What made my last day non-vegan this week was a night of drinking. Vegan booze isn't exactly readily available. But even then, I didn't have anything with a blatantly dairy base.


    *edit* - I take that back, Vegan booze IS readily available, I just hadn't found the proper resources online (yet. Still, the booze I had wasn't on the 'veg friendly' list.) NOW, I can trash my body compassionately!!! (I kid, I kid.... it's very rare that I drink).


    GOALS for this 3rd week: attempting to stay under 1400-1500 calories. Stay on track with the sculpting classes. I'm sure at some point I will want to transition into solo weight room work, but for now the classes are doing it for me.

  6. Oh man, this post inspired me to try and find a particular television commercial I remember from my childhood on youtube, and in the process was reminded of Teddy Ruxpin, Garbage Pail kids, the Campbells Soup SnowBoy... and came across these little videos.... (they're cheesy and HORRIBLY cut, but 80's-alicious and very nostalgic).


    Seriously, horribly horribly edited. But Alf, Duck Tales, Ninja Turtles, California Raisins, and jean jackets all make appearances! Woo hoo!


  7. Ugh. Really bad day today, caloricly speaking. Just a very stressful day that I decided to deal with via food, which is so lame. I haven't done that since college. I'd say I had about 3600 cals all together. I feel like I must have undone so much of my hard work this week. I know wallowing won't make things better, but I felt like I needed to recognize it and own up to it.


    The rest of my week has been great, though. I'm really proud of myself for all the gym time I have put in. Looking forward to posting my second week's log.



  8. It's interesting. In all my years of being a vegan in mainland China and Hong Kong, I can't remember once hearing about the protein question. People have asked about deliciousness and balance or calcium, but never really protein.


    I guess it just shows how a whole societies can get obsessed or culturally indoctinated in thinking in certain ways.

    Wow, that's fascinating. I've never thought about that before!

  9. The Ez. bread takes a little getting used to, honestly. The consistency is different, but knowing how natural and good for you it is helps that process along. But my boyfriend is a big omni, and he doesn't care for it. He'll opt for something loaded with high fructose corn syrup anytime!


    The atkins/low carb thing has definitely worked for a lot of people, but it's not due specifically to the absence of evil carbs, it's that dieters unknowingly cut out over 1000 calories a day by eliminating buns on their burgers and the empty calories of fries and the like. Not exactly a healthy diet.... but all that fat is filling and very satisying. And cutting out that many calories will cause anyone to lose weight!!. If that worked for you, then perhaps the key is making sure all your meals have enough yummy fats.... portion controlled nuts, nut butters, avocado, olive oil, whole grain breads, oatmeal, oatbran and even potatoes and knishes, as long as you add a 'fat' to these 'whiter' carbs so your insulin doesn't spike and you stay full longer.


    I've been interested in the 'raw' thing too.... I really wish I was someone who could keep it up. The weight loss and health benefits seem freaking amazing. But the recipes are so long and complicated! Some of them take DAYS to prepare with all the 'sprouting' and 'soaking' you have to do. And you need so many machines. (Dehydrators are like 200 bucks!)


    Don't know if this helps, but I keep little baggies of 100 and 200 calorie portions of things in my pantry. Almonds, cashews, and trail mix specifically. If I'm having something a little on the sugary (or empty calorie) side, I'll add a portion of almonds to my meal to balance it out. And I aim for about 250-400 calories a meal (depending on my last meal), eating 3-6 times a day. Makes me feel like I'm always munching! Sort of my own little '3 hour diet'.

  10. eventually they will see that the myth of Vegans that they had built up in there minds is completely false. And from there it could even lead to a curiosity of the lifestyle( From having witnessed first hand that being a Vegan doesn't change who you are. Just what you eat and support )

    That's a better way of looking at it. But I'm not sure I have the patience, you know? But I suppose that's the way to do it: don't get defensive, don't get preachy, just make it a non-issue.


    But I do feel like this issue seems to bring out some true colors.... and I'm done with crappy people. Life is too short.

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