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Posts posted by pumpkin

  1. Somewhere a long time ago I heard that Flaxseed/Linseed is very good for womens health but not mens.


    Ive long forgotten the reasoning but I didnt care, I ate it anyway.


    But for the past couple months since Ive started training im being much more weary about my diet. I often feel a lack of testosterone at times and presumed that flax seed must do something with hormones. (totally on founded guess)


    So ive been avoiding foods with flax seed which I actually like.


    I just looked it up and I can find any information relating to these effects. Mightve the 'thing' I heard long ago been a myth/nonsense?


    Would appreciate any info.



  2. Finally found my ideal physique:


    I dont know who the guy is, but he is a power lifter.


    I have decided to focus on powerlift type exercises like deadlifts, hopefully my physique will move in the right direction But I doubt I could ever get close to how awesome & powerful he is. Must take a lot of dedication even if you have the right genetics.



  3. The only sport/excercise I have consistently done is cycling which means I look like a much less exaggerated version of this guy:




    My upper body is the same as him (practically no muscle or strength) but quads & calves decent (similar to a soccer player)


    The guy in the pic is called Jason Kenny, a british 20yrold track racer. His physique is paying dividends for him and I was thinking, if I mainly want to be faster at bike racing (sprint/track) would it be such a bad idea to focus mostly on my legs?


    Id still be into developing core strength & stronger shoulders to improve stability & reduce injury. But I think im only motivated to try for huge gains in bulk & power on my legs. I am getting a little ahead of myself though, ive only just begun conditioning myself for training, probably be a couple months before deciding upon direction.


    Anybody else got freakishly big specific muscles for their sport?

  4. Hello,


    Just joined and finally started determined training after years of avoiding my problems. i thought my back story would be worth posting and I would of course appreciate tips & encouragement along the way.


    I spent most my life either being excluded or myself shunning sports/physical activity because of personal physical diffulties. I was always keen & joined in with football & athletics in school but when you ALWAYS come last despite always trying the hardest, it kind of kills the fun.


    So since school all I did was skateboarding, bumming about BMXing where it was chilled out no pressure fun. But still my lack of physical agility hugely restrained my ability.


    Im 24 now (male & 5'8"), for the past couple years my main physical activity has been road cycling (very amateur!) and outdoorsy stuff, walking etc.


    Ive only very recently got to grips with the details of most of my problems, and am now facing them trying to make the most of my "physical prowess" at this prime age! - Ive decided vanity is also a good a reason as physical fitness.


    Heres some of the relavent stuff (I have more!)


    1. Dyspraxia: co-ordination issues, learnt how to catch a ball when I was sixteen!


    2. 70% lung capacity + lung damage in fire + asthma (only just accepted problem and got inhaler to assist in training) Still can barely run 50metres.


    3. Very loose joints, especially shoulder & spine. Means I can get back ache & can dislocate shoulder by simply throwing a ball too fast. All my joints (except knees) make loud clicks under complicated stressed movements.


    4. Weird body somatype, extremely difficult to develop upper body muscle/strength but can put on fat very easily. This aggrevates number 3. Also my hips are much wider than my very unmuscular ribcage, which doesnt look great.


    5. Genetically pre-disposed to have a huge distended gut/belly. (My father & most men where he comes from have it too) I went from 185lb to 140lb but my legs/arms look exactly the same, all my fat collects only at my stomach. Which is still big even though I am thin and only 10% bodyfat now.


    My Aims & Goals:


    I would love to be able to sprint. Even though sprinting is technically an anaerobic excercise, despite my best efforts I can barely sprint 50metres.


    I would like to develop huge athletic legs with explosive (twitch?) muscle action, so I can try cycle track racing and also be able to jump higher on my skateboard & BMX.


    To have rock solid core muscles to hold my spine together, suck in my gut and help with bike racing. Also give me better posture I can maintain for life.


    To have much greater upper body strength, especially shoulders! So I am more robust, can take crashes and to assist in sports such as climbing and fighting (im a total pacafist btw)


    To be a competent swimmer, enough to be confident at sea (surfing etc)


    Have a much better, stronger shaped body for vanity reasons! Ive always been the awkward geek, would be a revalation to be looked at in 'that way'


    All that & more!


    Anyhow, I aim to stick about & show progress when I have some.

    Ive been training for just over 3 weeks now, planning to get a lot more intense now ive researched what I am doing somewhat.


    Week1: 2 x weights sessions, heavy & few reps. 1x spinning class.


    Week2: 2 x weights sessions, moderate weight, many reps. 1x spinning class.


    Week3: Begin with instense circuit training session with instructor, and another weights session.


    Gym closes for christmas.


    Since then (about week and a half) been working with pushups, crunches and core bodyweight excercises, especially useful as I am hugely defficent in that area, which makes weight lifting difficult & the circuit training painfully gruelling.


    To give you an idea of how weak my upper body strength is.. I can just about bench press and empty bar, but it wobbles all over the place.


    I started only managing 7 very wobbly push-ups, where my whole midsection would rattle the room!


    But my weeks training has paid dividends, and I can now do repeated sets of 10 smooth push-ups and a max of 15.


    I have also just started doing 'stomach vacums' in hope of pulling in my gut, awkward but I hope it works!


    Also been killing it on hand grippers, merely because they are there. Hopefully give me enough forearm strength to grip a chinning/ pull-up bar. (what happens after that I dont know!)


    I tried to go on a couple runs, but its just not agreeing with me. I need a lot of mental strength to get over how immensely difficult it is. Especially as the cold disagrees with my lungs.


    Ok, Ill conclude there for now. Bored you long enough I think, shall post pics of my lously physique if anyone wishes to see it.




    (ps. I wasnt sure where to post this, will be a mix of Body / strength building queries, other sports, training journal & before-after pics! -hopefully)

  5. Hello,


    Just joined and finally started determined training after years of avoiding my problems. i thought my back story would be worth posting and I would of course appreciate tips & encouragement along the way.


    Ive moved the details to the journal section


    Basically for many reasons have fitness problems including aerobic, one of my major ones being lack of upper body strength which gives me unstable shoulders & spine.


    Im looking to bulk up because of this, and develop power/strength all round for sports.


    Im also looking to improve my body shape for vanity reasons.


    I have a big distended gut that runs in the family, very wide hips but small shoulders & thins arms. Worst case scenario for the classic athletic/beefcake shape!


    So I have a lot of work to do, looking at some of the members progress on the forum is awe-inspiring! I had been very apathetic in the past. But ive now begun very determined training!

  6. I just found this animated demonstration of the leg press exrx.com (reference material for training professionals apparantly). Even to me a complete novice at training has to be the easiest machine to use.




    But my god, I could not imagine something so wrong looking.

    How high are his feet? That wont work hams & glutes like a squat will it?


    And have you ever seen someone lockout their legs so far that they bend backwards?

  7. I just went to my second spinning class yesterday.


    I meet up with bike friends every now and again and we have races/alleycats in the city. I tend to get smoked due to my lack of endurance once getting to high RPM's (I ride fixed wheel)


    So I decided to do some spinning as its free with the gym membership I just got.


    Im really keen on it, as it should techincally be the best thing for developing my speed & cardio.


    But my god, those saddles are evil!


    I was determined to keep my RPM's above 130 throughout so kept persisting despite totally crushing my balls. I tried to change saddle angle, change bikes but none was working and I ended up getting a pretty serious strain on my inner thigh!


    Was better with a week of recovery but went again with a wrench this time, still was painful. I just cant understand why no body else even noticed, I think I was the only cyclist there yet I was finding it the most difficult because of the discomfort!

  8. Thanks,


    yeah it was a silly question really.


    Ill try and put something together myself as I get more familiar with training, I found cycle training book in the library with some pretty good stuff.


    Ill make a regime out of that. And a chart for it.


    Ive also discovered the romanian deadlift, which seems perfect for working my lower back where I really need some strength.


    Im sorted for protein, beans & pulses have always been my favourite food.

  9. Hello people,


    this is my first post!


    I have always wanted to bulk up a little especially on top for a few years but never got round to it.

    The only sports I have ever consistently done is cycling, so I have a very weedy upper and well built legs.

    In fact my upper body is so weak, that if I try to pitch a ball fast I sprain my shoulder pretty much guaranteed.

    Also the muscles around my abdomen are so lacking, that I get back ache and a creaky spine which makes loud clicks when i stretch!


    Ive seen a physio who told me its all to do with lack of muscle.


    So all of those reasons, combined with wanting to get fitter for cycle racing and because getting regularly exerted during this cold wet winter would be satisfying.


    I might stick about here and ask for advice time to time.


    Well something I was wondering is, if anyone has a excel spreadsheet to chart training progress?


    Im really bad at spreadsheets, but it would be great to see progress clearly through some charts. Can anyone help me out with that?



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