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  1. What are the things in our lives that stress us out the most? What do we do to deal with those stressors? What are the ways you blow off steam, release stress and relax? I prefer to run.
  2. no... you can switch on and off after deloading, but I wouldnt switch like that. If you are seeing results with fullbody and are liking it, then stick with it.
  3. I'm 5'4" and 149 lbs. I want to lose 10-15 lbs in the next 3 months. My diet is good (no fast food, lots of water, etc.) But just for a guideline, about how many calories should I be getting per day to reach this goal? Exercise is the main part I need help with. I can't get a gym membership right now, or buy any expensive equipment, so that's not an option. So basically I have running, basketball, biking, jump roping, and other stuff like that available. How much of each of those specific activates should I do to burn a good amount of fat each day?
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