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Ellie Moondog

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Posts posted by Ellie Moondog

  1. Keeping any animal in captivity or domesticating..... your own rescued chickens is acceptable, it's not abuse or exploitation as far as I am concerned. Though it is not vegan. But that is irrelevant.

    That's what I said, and I dare you to prove me wrong.

    Yeah..but Richard just says it SO much better than you and without all those superior, know it all, holier than thou undertones



  2. On the original topic, Ethics & Smoking (also, apparently, civil rights):


    I have never smoked either cigarettes or weed.


    I don't care if you do, as long as it affects ONLY YOU.


    Unfortunately, most - not all, but most - smokers I have encountered have been rude a-holes.


    This problem could probably be solved if smokers were required to be enclosed in plastic bubbles while smoking.


    Personally, I have asthma because I grew up in a house where both my parents smoked. And yet, I've run 3 marathons. Not fast, but I have. I don't use my asthma as a crutch, obviously, but it is - when I let it - a source of resentment.


    My father has emphysema. I dread the day he begins to need an oxygen tank for the rest of his life.


    Despite their compromises (not smoking while I am in the house, etc) it has become clear that, due to the build-up of toxins in the house, I can no longer set foot in the home I grew up in - unless I want to have an asthma attack and subsequently come down with bronchitis. Literally - every time I visit = bronchitis & therefore expensive antibiotics.


    And yet, that's not even the worst part. The worst part is the rift in our relationships. My 2 younger brothers have both been on-and-off smokers as well, and talking to them as smokers and as non-smokers is like night and day. It is an addiction like any other, and the addiction takes over the addicted person's brain, and is concerned with only its own preservation. I cannot reason with them as smokers, or with my parents, on the subject of smoking and health, because the addiction will not allow them to confront reality.


    When they are smoking, they make all manner of justifications for their insensitive behavior, and accuse my asthma of being "in my head" (despite pulmonary function tests to the contrary).


    When they are smoking, I have no family.

  3. ...And don't fladder yourself thinking that I'm trying to prove anything to you. You probably wish I did (it's okay, most girls do ) but I just simply don't. I could not care less what you think of me. I've encountered enough people to know when a person is a bitch, and on those I don't waste more time than I already have here. Over and out.


    Wow, arrogant, AND name-calling. Projecting much?


    Go ahead, have the last word if you like. I'm happy to let the rest of the forum be a judge of my character.

  4. I haven't attacked anyone in this thread in any way. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge and def chill out a good bit. Cubby made a really fun statement which I recently placed as my signature because me and others thought it was really funny. I've been telling the quote to all of my real life friend and everyone is laughing about it, even crossfit people I know. You seem to be the only one who doesn't get the funny part. If you first read the thread where he made the quote, the reread this one you would probably see why you are overreacting.


    I'm sure I would have laughed at the original thread, considering Cubby has a more pleasant attitude.


    Trying to prove to me that you have a sense of humor is equivalent to trying to prove that you have style. You're no judge of your own.

  5. Keeping any animal in captivity or domesticating an animal is not natural. I'm not sure why nature is important, I think what is important is ethics. The word "vegan" does have clear definitions, though I think that it is possible to ethically obtain eggs. In a perfect world, there wouldn't be a need for the term "vegan", since everybody would treat animals with respect, and not harm or kill them etc. But since the world is so fucked up, and the treatment of animals is so unacceptable in the farm industries, that's why the word was invented.


    Keeping your own rescued chickens and eating their eggs is not vegan, but I don't see an ethical reason not to do it, so long as you're not breeding the chickens. The only problem that I can think of is the promotion of using animal products as being normal / acceptable. But, that's the beholder's problem, since the situation of having your own rescued chickens is acceptable, it's not abuse or exploitation as far as I am concerned. Though it is not vegan. But that is irrelevant.




  6. Geeze, I joined this forum because it was less hate-filled than other vegan groups/forums.


    I'm starting to reconsider that decision.


    Big decision to make, life-changing stuff, maybe you should have thought about it longer? I mean seriously, now you sit here with a username on a forum that is more hate-filled than other vegan groups/forum, big stuff.


    BTW, people throw around the word "hate" way too much. I see no hating anywhere in this thread. The functional movement thing is a joke on the cost of people like this


    ...and others who use the word way too much.

    It really has nothing to do with hate and how you confuse the two is beyond me.



    Once again, you are looking for something to attack instead of having a real conversation.


    I get that you have your little jokes, but you were attacking someone who was talking about a serious personal goal/endeavor, because, what, you feel entitled to determine what words other people are allowed to use in order to be valid as human beings?


    Your brand of "humor" has no place in my world.

  7. I'm not here to argue, just giving my rational as I see it.


    It's like a wannabe who doesn't really want to be.

    Please don't take this to heart,

    I still love you!

    We all have a right to an opinion.

    Just giving mine.

    Consciously eating eggs on a regular basis seems a little outside the box.



    Get over it.

    No one is condemning you.


    1st, I think you mean "rationale," not rational.


    2nd, you clearly ARE here to argue, because she already told you that she has put a lot of thought into this opinion and isn't about to change her mind.


    3rd, we've already said we don't personally advocate eggs, so the entire premise of your argument is a fallacy.

  8. Thanks Ellie...

    You don't award someone the title "vegan", that's just more of that "holier than thou" crap which some vegans like to spurt and which makes ALL carnivores HATE vegans and NEVER helped spread our message either!


    ...Some of you need to see the larger picture


    Exactly. I have had MANY conversations with vegans/vegetarians about the difference between POSITIVELY encouraging and motivating a person, and BULLYING them. No one ever changed because they were bullied.


    In fact, the way motivation and ambivalence works, it actually strengthens their resolve NOT to change.


    So yeah, big picture folks

  9. The only book I have is "1000 Vegan Recipes" - but I think I've only made one thing out of it, so far, because there are no pictures! I'm also thinking of getting "The Kind Diet."


    What I tend to do is buy a few ingredients, then use Google to find out if there are any recipes that use all of them It actually works pretty well!

  10. What would the chicken do with an unfertilized egg, anyhow? Are you taking something from them that they wouldn't choose on their own to let go of? No.


    Like eating an apple that's fallen off the tree.


    I'm not saying I personally eat eggs anymore, but I agree with Ruz that there is nothing unethical about it under certain circumstances.

  11. Hi Jason,


    I've run 3 marathons and used to be a personal trainer, so I think I can help


    I'm assuming this will be the first endurance run you've ever done.


    It IS possible to train for both, as long as you're okay with only really being good at one - and it sounds like your priority is rugby. And in fact, your plyo & interval runs WILL help you with running economy for the distance event.


    I would do ONE long run per week, and have the other running day be mid-length. I would also add a 3rd running day for a short run. Consistency is just as important as distance. For all 3 of those runs, go SLOWER than the pace you plan to run the actual event. You're already training for speed - these days are for building endurance. If you go too fast and your heart rate is too high, you will actually hurt your endurance training.


    I don't know how much time you have until the event, or how far your longest run has been up until now, so here's a general plan...


    - When both cardio & strength occur on the same day, do cardio FIRST)

    - Regarding runs, never do 2 hard days in a row. Hard = distance or speed. The plan below is hard-easy-hard-easy-hard-easy-off:



    SUNDAY - Short & Easy recovery run + Strength [or make-up long run if Sat weather is bad, etc. If today ends up being your long run, skip tomorrow's intervals and do a short run instead, then continue with the rest of the week as planned. NEVER try to "make up" missed workouts.]

    MONDAY - Intervals/plyo

    TUESDAY - Mid-length run + Strength

    WEDNESDAY - Intervals/plyo

    THURSDAY - Short run + Strength



    For the long runs, you'll want to increase the distance by approximately 10%/week. For example:

    Week 1 - 5 miles

    2 - 6 miles

    3 - 7 miles

    4 - 8 miles

    5 - 9 miles

    6 - 10miles

    7 - 6 miles

    8 - 12 miles

    9 - 10 miles

    10 - 14 miles

    11 - 10 miles

    12 - 16 miles

    13 - 10 miles

    14 - 18 miles

    15 - 10 miles

    16 - 20 miles

    17 - 10 miles

    18 - 20 miles

    19 - 10 miles

    20 - 22 miles

    21 - 10 miles

    22 - 22 miles

    23 - 10 miles

    24 - 8 miles

    25 - 6 miles

    26 - 6 miles


    This is the most conservative (read: injury-preventing) plan. If you have less time than that, it would look more like this:


    Week 1 - 5 miles

    2 - 6 miles

    3 - 7 miles

    4 - 8 miles

    5 - 9 miles

    6 - 10miles

    7 - 12 miles

    8 - 10 miles

    9 - 14 miles

    10 - 16 miles

    11 - 18 miles

    12 - 20 miles

    13 - 10 miles

    14 - 6 miles



    If you have even LESS time than that, do not alter the schedule, but stop building distance sooner so you max out at 18 or 16 instead. It is safer to do one very long run on less training, than it is to train at too high a level and then run a significant distance.


    In the last 2-4 weeks leading up to the event, drop back on distance, and cut out ALL strength and speed work. Preferably, the taper would be 4 weeks, but 2 weeks is the minimum. This is the time when your body not only heals from all the training, but actually continues to get stronger as it heals. DO NOT SKIP THE TAPER PERIOD. YOU RISK INJURY IF YOU DO!



    Good luck, and feel free to ask me more questions as you go!

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