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Posts posted by shine

  1. Something interesting I noticed today in the Max Interval Cardio today. I am suppose to do the fit test today, but I decided to do one of the more advanced videos just for a taste. I was fast forwarding through this video to see what it is like. I noticed that between two of the exercises that Shaun T went from sweaty and glossy, to dry. I am wondering if they didn't edit in a longer break? It could also just be a change in the lighting, but it does look a wee suspicious.



    perhaps they have to do several takes, or even splice different days. They probably have several breaks or even redo scenes. I noticed some editing spaces in p90x like that as well.

  2. I am new to working out and sometimes I am impatient with results and feel unmotivated. What tools do you use for motivation? I am dong p90x, and sometimes it helps to look at before and after pictures of other people who have done p90x. And I am looking for some tips/inspiration/ideas for when my mind is not in it.

  3. Thanks for sharing this. I just starting looking into the insanity workout. I am still in the middle of p90x, but already planning for the future. It is great to read your experience with the program, especially since you have done p90x. I was thinking about doing either the lean or doubles (depending on the shape I am in) and then trying out insanity, but I might just go into insanity. It does not seem too bad from what you have described.

  4. Hi Shine,


    Great blog - I'll be following your journey! I'm hoping to get back into P90X this week. I had a very successful 6 week stint last fall, but fell out of the routine when school started.


    This time around, I'll also be trying to stick to the diet a little more strictly. I'll be sure to share any great recipes I use and look forward to working through the program (a few weeks behind) with you.





    Hi Tia

    Good luck this time around! Please share any recipes or ideas with me. I am on day 31 and loving it. The diet is so much more easier on the second month. looking forward to hearing from you on your journey.

  5. Hi Shine,


    I am doing P90X as well, but I ignored the diet plan. I focus on a variety of nutrients over protein, but I do use some hemp and rice protein powder. I avoid the processed foods as much as possible because I never lost any weight, and they were bad for my energy. I stick to fresh fruits and veggies, and occasionally cook up some lentils, peas, or corn. I originally went from around 195 when I started, dropped down to 165, and I have bulked up to about 170 now.


    I think the exercise program is excellent. I just finally got to the point that I can go all the way through Plyo without hitting pause. Yoga still gives me a tough time because I have crappy balance. I spend more time falling over then in the poses.



    I completely agree with processed food being crap. I wish there were better vegan high protein options. I am giving it a shot. I do mix up some lentils or garbanzo beans in the menu. and lots of veggies. The protein is so high that I still get to eat tons of veggies and stay within the ratios. I still have lots of energy, but i can't wait until i get to cut out this protein. I aslo use rice and hemp along with soy to mix it up.

  6. yeah, I was wondering about what my workouts will be like: do yo just try to follow the best you can? Hit pause button and take a break or catch up?


    In the infomercial there's a big double-bacon looking dude who was saying he couldn't do it at first, but they still showed him after 30,60,90 days with amazing results.



    I just push through it.. I try to do the push-ups or weights well, and use good form rather than try to keep up with the people in the video. Just keep their motto in mind "do your best and forget the rest". I have been afraid of pausing because I don't want to get too cooled off.


    Yesterday I started the second week and it was so much easier than the first time around. I found that this time I found myself pushing myself to do more and do better rather than just get through it.

  7. How are your workouts going?

    I only could peek at your site.... it looks too good! I am trying to stick to the diet, but as soon as i can have carbs I will take a much closer look. thank you for sharing!


    My workouts are going good so far. I struggled the first week, and I am sure it will get easier over time. I am excited to start the second week!


    How are your workouts going?

  8. Hey nice site, you have some good recipes on there!


    Thanks so much! That was what I came up with the first week. I have some other great recipes to come, and I am sure I will come up with some new things during the rest of the program. I get bored easily with food so i have to mix it up. Thank you again for looking at the site. I am new to blogging.

  9. If you haven't started yet, you might want to consider just doing half a workout for the first week or two. When I started it the first time, I went through the whole Chest & Back the first day, and was pretty sore on the second day when I did Plyo. On the third day, I couldn't move. I was so sore that I didn't want to leave bed. LOL Of course, this really made me not want to work out for quite a while.




    Oh I started. I made it through the first week and now I am on to the second! I didn't have a pull-up bar so for the first week I switched the 1st day with the 3rd. I am so glad I did. That is a hard work out. So far I am loving it! and yes, I was very very sore. I am ready to be sore all over again. Thanks for the post.


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