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Posts posted by botherich

  1. Why the hell would I fast if I'm not even eating in the first place??


    ROTFL. The same kind of Fail happened on this board last week....


    A fail? A fail kind of like completely misreading a post?



    I never suggested a fast, and you both completely misunderstood what I was saying.


    I should have known better than to even mention fasting, I was under the assumption this was a vegan forum, and the members were a little more mature than to attack someone because they misread a post.

  2. I never suggested you fast. I was trying to explain part of why you probably don't feel like eating. Thank you for attacking me though..




    I read the entire question. I understood the question. You gave little info as to why you were feeling sick, etc, until after I posted.

  3. I think it's purely a liability thing. If an employee messes up and someone allergic tries to sue, the warning is always there. I don't think it's anything to worry about, it's to make sure there are no loose ends. My best guess.


    A trace of milk in a clif bar is totally different than a trace of meet or animal rennet or something, if that was the case I wouldn't touch them. I think vegans are all really different when it comes to their opinions on this.


    Clif is a company that is actually helping this whole "no animal product" movement along, along with all these new companies that choose to make animal free products, and for that reason also, I like supporting them. So I don't mind that there's a little risk there, because at least there's even the option of having it. You know what I mean?


    Haha, sorry for going on there, I just appreciate vegan friendly companies, it means a lot to me.


    Also, to put things into perspective, if you eat ANYTHING that says Natural Flavors, and you haven't confirmed they are not from animal sources you are taking a risk that you may end up regretting badly.

  4. "This study for the first time shows that fasted training is more potent than fed training to facilitate adaptations in muscle and to improve whole-body glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity during hyper-caloric fat-rich diet."


    I read a lot of stuff like this, but the way this article was worded, I could barely understand it haha. I get the idea though.


    How long should you be fasting? Or should you just be hungry o.O

  5. When the body needs to heal itself, the first thing to do is start fasting. So much energy is spent on digestion that if you are sick, your body needs to focus directly on what is wrong. In my opinion, regardless of what is making you sick, your body sees fit to stop consuming and work primarily on healing itself.


    What is causing your nausea? Two months sounds like a long time to have that kind of problem :\


    I haven't had to deal with what you're going through though, I'm sorry I can't be more help.

  6. I don't worry about it, especially when it comes to companies like Clif that work to provide vegan friendly foods. I think there is an amazingly small chance of getting an unnoticeable small amount of dairy in a bar, and the warning is there just in case. I risk far more food contamination by using the same kitchen as omnivore family members, haha.

  7. i feel embarrassed when people in shows like this start singing.even in cartoons when they start singing i have to turn away.been this way since i can remember.


    I'm like this also, haha. No clue why.

  8. Someone needs to make this into a shirt.





    there are shirts, patches and buttons of that...i have all 3.

    Where did you get the shirt?


    I second this, I would buy one asap


    Drive my friends crazy.

  9. Hey everyone,


    I received the 70/30 gemma / rice protein I ordered last week, and I have a question that I've had since I ordered it.


    I think several people on this site have ordered from the same site and even ordered the same mix. On the site it says a serving is 30grams. I don't have a scale and was wondering if anyone here has measured out how much of a scoop (the one included if you get a jug) is 30 grams worth. Just a close estimate is all I really need.


    Just assuming a scoop is a serving for the time being :S

    Thanks a lot.


    The tibialis anterior is NOT for supporting weight.


    Sorry to get a little off topic, but has anyone else here tried hanging from a bar by flexing your foot with that muscle? I can understand why it's not meant to hold weight, but I occasionally do vertical sit ups (if that's an ok name) like that, haha.

  11. "and was learning that eating meat is the real way to decrease one’s carbon footprint."


    wtf is this shit


    nothing worse than a person that becomes sick in the head and starts eating animals.i have never met someone like this before.i don't know what i would do about them.


    I'm so tired of animals being looked at as food.They have just as much right to live as any good person.I look at people that eat them as people that eat children.



    I agree. It's amazing the ethical side of veganism basically can't be used as a pro, because most people don't care.

  12. IMO if people can survive on the standard american diet, how could you ever say a vegan diet doesn't work, haha. Stuffing your body with junk hides problems, eating a cleaner diet reveals them. It's an opportunity to make yourself healthier, not a sign that you are getting worse.


    Also a vegan diet requires a level of intelligence, and attention paid to your food. Two things a majority of people in the modern world are lacking. People blame the diet, what they don't realize is they created their diet, they're the ones at fault, not the "diet".


    People are amazing.....

  13. If you're a true beginner, Convict Conditioning is a book that starts at the very basics and builds you up to some amazing moves, through steady progressions, allowing your joints and muscles to really learn to work together instead of being isolated like they usually are with weights.


    I have the book and I would say if your looking for a gentle introduction to calisthenics, progressing from beginner to expert moves, it should help you out.

  14. Hi Cube,


    I'd like to say first that the reasoning behind taking in quickly digested protein and simple carbohydrates after a workout is that... During a workout, as you probably know, you cause tears in your muscle fibers. Also you have depleted your muscle glycogen stores. How intense these two things are depends on how hard you've trained. When you take in simple carbohydrates, it spikes your insulin. When you take a quickly digestible protein like vega or pea protein isolate, etc. The insulin from the carbohydrate drives both the aminos from the protein source, and the glucose from the carb into your muscle cells, putting them int an anabolic (building) state, instead of a catabolic state (breaking down). Articles and parts of books have been written on this, so there is hard science behind it. My father, who is a nutritionist stands behind it. That being said, I don't think it's necessary by any means, but results can change dramatically.


    What you eat before your workout, in my opinion should be something that will give you some fuel to run on while you're working out. I guess you could say the closer you're eating to the time you're working out, the faster the food should digest. If you're only waiting a couple hours, I wouldn't eat a really complex high fat meal. That is just my opinion, from my experience.


    I workout after breakfast and before lunch (around 10:30) and I usually have oatmeal or fruit for breakfast.


    As for post workout, when I first started working out I used Nutritional yeast (Yeah I know, haha) which is something like 50% protein, so it wasn't horrible. Eventually I switched to Soy isolate. And as a carb, organic can sugar. A pretty simple, ghetto type of combo, but it works pretty well, for me at least.


    I would suggest for post workout, using dextrose instead of maltodextrin, dextrose is assimilated much faster than maltodextrin. I don't think it's deal breaking to use maltodextrin, it's just not as fast. And for protein, use whatever protein powder you like. The important things about the post workout drink are that it.. 1. Causes an insulin spike. 2. It is liquid. 3. It contains roughly twice as much carbohydrate than protein.


    Here is my normal diet "around the workout" (I don't work with weights and I do two muscle groups so my post workout drink isn't huge...)


    Breakfast - Oatmeal


    -about an hour and a half later-


    Workout, followed by 2-3 cups of waters mixed with 12-15 grams of protein, and 24-30 grams of sucrose (table sugar). I would use dextrose but I haven't been able to find it locally.


    -an hour later or so-


    Lunch, usually legumes of some sort, something high protein



    That's about it. I think what you're doing is great, and my only suggestion is to use a simpler sugar (dextrose), even if you stick with malto though, taking in those two things after you workout makes a big difference. Keep it simple too!

  15. I am 5'5.5 (66 inches) and 133lbs at 8% or 9% body fat, I have a petite bone structure, small joint spacing, etc.


    I think people blow things way out of proportion in regards to how many calories they think they need to build muscle. At the rate I seem to accrue mass I require barely any spare calories per day to see consistent strength gains. Even if I am adding a generous 1lb a month that's only 3,500 spare calories I need a month or about 100 kcal a day extra I need. Calculators give me a number of around 2,500 kcal and I am eating around 2,400 and kinda-sorta adding steadily. What I think I am going to do in the coming months is experiment with a 10% decrease in recommended calories and see how I function. Calorie restriction is just something I believe in.


    We seem to have a pretty similar approach, not to mention a similar calorie intake, haha. I agree with what you've said about gaining a pound a month, it is a relatively low amount of energy to set aside for building some extra muscle. I hope you succeed with further caloric restriction, I'd like to know how far you go and still see gains

  16. Is there really any basis to calorie restrictive dieting? I am not talking about hardcore skeleton mode because I think living as a skeleton outweighs an extra few years on life, but slight 5-10% drops in calories to lengthen your healthy years and beyond. Right now I am eating around 2,500 kcal steadily but I am not comfortable here and would feel more comfortable at around 2,250, a 10% decrease. I am just worried about reducing calories down that low because of the demand I put on my body at the gym. I don't really want to get any lighter than I am and something has to give I think, either weightlifting or diet.


    Also, if calorie reduction works to increase your life, does increasing calories while staying lean reduce your lifespan? I guess I would be fine if I knew that eating 2,500 kcal wasn't going to make me die an extra 5 years earlier...


    Resistance training increases life span I believe. I pretty much swear by calorie restriction. And based on my experience you don't have to chose between light calorie restriction and gaining muscle.


    I weighed 128 (at 5'8) before I started weight training this summer, and I was eating very little, but when you're that light you don't need much to move around, haha. Anyway I increased my calorie intake from probably 1800 - 2000, to about ~2300? (I rarely ever exceed that unless I for some reason eat too much oil or something) over a couple of months, and I've been steadily gaining weight since (about 4.5 months now) and I weigh 139 or so now. You could say this is partly due to going from no training to full on heavy weight training, but regardless of that, I wasn't meeting my suggested calorie needs, much less suggested needs for gaining muscle. Also my protein intake averaged around 50- 60 grams until the past couple weeks.


    So I'm trying to say two things: Firstly everyone is different. My suggested mass gaining calorie intake on the calcs I've checked is something like 2600, I eat 200 or so short of that easily, at best. Secondly, because everyone is different, I say you experiment with it. There's a lot of reason for your body to build muscle, and if you're constantly giving it reason to build more, it will, with mild calorie restriction. Obviously if you starve yourself that isn't the case. You can gain weight faster by eating a lot more, but it's not necessary to gain weight at a steady rate. In my opinion, for me to eat 3000 calories a day and 130 grams of protein is blowing things way out proportion.


    This is just my experience and opinion.


    How tall are you / how much do you weigh?

  17. ^^ That seems like a good idea to read.


    A lot of your protein is going to come from legumes and grains. The main ones I eat are Dark Red Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Lentils, Brown Rice, White Rice, Tempeh, Garbanzo Beans, "Meat Substitutes" (Can be very Protein dense). Except for Tempeh (Unless you make it yourself), and the Meat substitutes (I hate that phrase), these foods can be bought for very cheap in bulk, and are always easy to find. The legumes are very high in protein, albeit not complete protein, how you deal with that is sort of a personal choice I guess.


    As for supplements, the only one I currently take is a B-Complex vitamin, and in a couple of days I'll start taking a One a day, and a Calcium / vitamin D. The last two are from the company Deva, and they are pretty cheap. Finding vegan versions of all supplements can be as easy as googling it, if you want some help with any of this feel free to ask me.


    If you are looking for protein powders, I recommend creating one on Trueprotein.com. You can find info on the best combinations in another thread in the health and nutrition forum? on this site.


    It's hard to really give an idea of a diet since everyone eats so differently at different times, etc. I say you take those "important", nutrient dense foods I listed, combined with a variety of raw fruits and vegetables, and you'll end up with a pretty balanced diet. Beyond that it's just a matter of eating an amount that meets your needs.


    Hope this was helpful. Good luck with your transition.

  18. As far as preventing an insulin spike, which is mainly what you are worried about I think, from what I've been told if you consume high glycemic foods with foods high in fiber, fats, food that general digest slowly and have mass, it prevents those carbs from getting into your blood stream as quickly, and the glycemic index becomes much lower. This approach makes sense if you think about what makes a refined carb a higher GI than a non-refined carb, the fact that what has been stripped from the refined carb makes it digest so much quicker.


    In my opinion it is ok to eat high glycemic foods WITH high fiber foods, and / or fats. Also remember the glycemic load of your meal is important too.


    I'm not suggesting cookies are great as long as you eat them with a salad. I'm just saying if you have some pasta or potatoes, or something, you should be able to make it a little easier on your body by eating it with other foods.



    This is informative if you're interested in info from a legit guy,

  19. Sorry I don't have a solution for you, I have quite a bit of joint popping too, not painful though. And props to you for eating so well.


    Did you start exercising around the time you switched to a vegan diet, or up the intensity / variety, or start working out differently? I ask because it might be because of that. My joint popping started when I switched from weight training to bodyweight training, a lot of new things got worked in new ways. Just an idea.

  20. The major exporter of lentils is Canada...strange that they don't can them in the USA.


    How do you guys/gals prepare and cook lentils. Can you be specific..recipes...I'm interested in hearing.


    I cook them in a pot with a little baking soda (been told it helps remove the phytates? if that is the right term.


    I love lentils. They are seriously all around a great food. That being said, they give me gas beyond anything I've ever eaten, including before I stopped eating animal products (Vegetarian for over 2 years, vegan for nearly 1). For that reason I haven't been eating them. Aside from the gas they make me feel great.


    Do any of you have this problem? Or did you, and found a way to solve it? Would really appreciate the help.


    And to answer your question OP; If the canned lentils are quality and and don't have junk additives, I'd say it's preference. Nothing wrong with good canned food imo.

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