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Posts posted by Eason

  1. What do you guys think of it? It looks good, all raw all organic with some great superfoods. The only problem is the price for how much protein and calories are in in. The whole can has only like 946 calories in it and like 175 grams of protein. That wouldn't be a big deal if it was like 20 dollars. But after the tax they charge and shiping it over 40. I need a ton of colries because i exercise like 4 hours a day. I'm 185 pounds right now and i'd like to gain lean muscle up to 200.

  2. What is the best way to add weights to pull ups to go real heavy. I was thinking about getting a 100 pound weight vest but then i thought what about when i want more than 100 extra. I remember seeing Johny Jackson using some thing that was attached to neck (if i remember corectly) that he had like 2 or 3 plates attached to. only help would be great.

  3. I started taking creatine and my strength went up a lot and my stamina doubled, but i noticed that i started to fell really bad. I went to my natural healer that i go to and he said that it was affecting my adrenals and thyroid glans and it put some metals in my body. This is all within 2 weeks of use. before this point i had no heavy metals in my body and all my organs and glans were working perfectly. Do you guys know of any natural creatine products?

  4. the 2 things i worring about is first protein. I can't eat seeds and nuts because it causes digestive problems to me. even if i soak them over night and let them dry. the other thing is i heard that people that eat too much fruit have teeth and gum problems

  5. I've been on a raw vegan diet for a while and i find this the best for my cardio conditioning. I've been reling on hemp seeds for most of my calories and protein, but i notice it causes digestion problems to me. Even if i eat a little it causes problems. So what raw food can i eat to get like 100 grams of protein and alot of calories? Another problem i have is if i get alot of protein for seeds and nuts i get to much fat. Give me a list of foods with alot of protein in them

  6. Tito will destroy Forrest because Randy is the only guy with the cardio of Tito, so Forrest's only chance is a KO or TKO, but that isn't going to happen.


    I don't think anyone in the UFC is going to be able beat Arlovski maybe some of the Pride guys but probaly not

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