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  1. thankiie all actually im from toronto
  2. guez its not my site or article im just pointing out what i see and hear and why they might not like peta dont attack me i am vegan i started a site endcruelty.com so dont think im promoting that anti-peta site. if you guys dont wanna know both sides of the story then w/e, but i like to know what everybody is saying so i know where everybody is coming from
  3. well i didnt wanna post anything incorrectly so i went to one of my favorite health books and heres what it said: "Only 3-4 mcg. are needed at minimum, ..." my multivitamins have 20mcg and my greens+multi has 200mcg so i think im doing ok with b12 "Cobalamin is absorbed primarily from the last part of the small intestine, the ileum. In the blood, it is bound to a protein globulin to be carried to the various tissues. The body actually stores vitamin b12, so any deficiencies may take several years to develop..." it is true also supplements are way too hyped up these days. its called profits and companies are driven by $$$ not by peoples health these days. there are great companies but most i believe are concerned about the dollar.
  4. thats awsome dude sucks to know animals are treated that badly i mean COM ON how'd you find that poor soul???
  5. ya i feel the same way they like promoting all that crap on tv to get us all fat so we gatta visit the dr take some nice drugs and make everyone rich without us getting any better... I LOVE IT
  6. heres are some details why people are against peta: http://www.peta-sucks.com/thehiddenagenda.htm
  7. ya i know it can take years to actually run low on b12 and have a deficiency but once it happens and causes problems apparently they're irreversible (so ive read) so im still taking some just on the safe side
  8. true true ..... i've found that out its really remarkable how good i feel even thought im not eating alot of crappy food i ate before eating vegan ..... still have a lot of learning to do considering i just start in december ..... all im really concerned about is my b12 but i hoping my greens+ multi will help me with that
  9. quick poll just curious me personally im about 80% welfare 20% rights because i know people will continue to eat meat and nowhere in the near future do i see us totally banning everything related to animal use. therefore i've come to my conclusion to support improving how these animals are raised, treated and slaughtered. i do hate myself for saying i am not 100% against meat eating, animal testing, etc... but i'm also realistic and i know helping to improve these poor souls' living environment is a good step towards the positive.
  10. tnx guys .... and ya that article would be awsome when i was lifting i was eating tons and tons of milk, eggs and meat.... now its somewhat hard to get the same amount ..... i love the hemp & quinoa but to receive the same amount of protein costs so much more (i assume).... eating pasta and beans gets boring lol .... i know i know experiment with recipes lol but still
  11. blazin6543


    hey im 23 from canada...... dont weight lift anymore but hopefully 1day get back into it..... i used to weight lift b4 eating vegan but now i just try to stay healthy i actually have a question....how much $$$ do you guys put into vegan nutrition for bodybuilding??? because im having a hard enough time to afford just normal eating not including tons more i would need if i went back to weight lifting
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