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Posts posted by carreannjoe

  1. I am currently trying to shed a good 30 lbs. I weight train and do cardio, typically, 5x per week. Although, at this very moment in time, I'm recovering from an elbow fracture and have been stalled out, unable to lift for my upper body..I've been doing my cardio (20, sometimes 30, minutes on the revolving stairs, or, I'll do uphill, brisk, walking on a steep incline.) I'd like to loose this fat and redefine my muscles, once again.


    I've been successful on a S.A.D. and achieved some awesome results, however, for health reasons, I am going back to staying with a vegan diet. I haven't been doing it too long so here is what I've been typically eating:


    Coffee - 2 large bowls (basically) The only thing I'm still doing, that I know I need to omit, is adding creamer to my coffee. It's not vegan either..


    M1 - Green juice and 1 or 2 slices of vegan, sprouted bread, with earth balance butter or coconut spread




    M2 - Post workout - Plant Fusion protein shake with 1 cup almond milk or flax milk, 1 banana, 1 tablespoon of hemp hearts, stevia to taste, and either quick oats (can't digest steel cut oats very well) or 1 or 2 slices of the vegan sprouted bread with earth balance butter or coconut spread again, or a small baked potato w/ earth balance.


    M3 - sauteed some tempeh in coconut oil or coconut spread, with asparagus or other colored peppers, celery, some sort of veggie


    M4 - Usually the same as 3, or maybe tempeh on vegan sprouted bread, tomato slices, lettuce and supremely spicy hummus (store bought)


    M5 - Another Protein shake like the one post workout. Nothing else.


    I drink Xtend watermelon BCAA drink throughout the day because it's delicious!





  2. There are lots in the journals section, try using key word search in the upper right hand corner for words like cut, cutting, etc.


    Yes, and I've spent some time trying this in the past. Unless I'm doing something wrong, it seems to just be so sporadic..for example, it'll take me to people's workout journals that may touch on a sentence referring to 'cutting' but I'm was sort of hoping for some past experience from people who've been there and done that in the figure competition realm. Someone who can say, typically a cutting diet 12 weeks out from a competition will consists of this, this and this... now, of course, I know everyone is different etc. but usually you start to see somewhat of a pattern develop among those that do these shows, and you'll see almost the same sort of foods incorporated in those last couple months during cutting. I was looking for a quick list of what foods are best during that cutting phase. Some are good, buy may need to be weaned out towards the end due to high sodium or whatever. I know I'll need to figure out how much of what I should eat to meet my intake needs, but those STAPLE foods is what I was looking for...




    Thanks again!! Carre

  3. Hi all~


    I have been back and forth, back and forth. Currently, I'm back, and ready to loose about 30 (eek) pounds of unnecessary weight I've put on through beer and chocolate...I WAS in the best shape of my, almost, 38 years, not too long ago, but I accomplished that on your standard bodybuilding 'cutting' diet guidelines


    chicken, marinated in chicken, with a side of chicken....no really, it was chicken, asparagus, protein shakes, oatmeal .. that's basically it. It sure worked but I was constantly bloated, so I started re-researching a vegan diet and I'm sold, I just don't know what an vegan, bodybuilding, diet plan might look like - similar to what worked for me before, but replaced with vegan choices. Would eating too much tempeh (not digging tofu?) be too high in sodium or anything like that?


    If a figure competitor was going to start her cutting diet (vegan, obviously) what foods would she include. I know you have to watch for certain things and wondered if anyone could tell me those few staple foods that you'd have to sort of stick to in order to get that competition ready body. I know there are many wonderful vegan food options and all, but you know when you're about to hit the stage you sort of do the boring foods that work for those last 12 weeks (or whatever) in order to really shed the fat? Does anyone know what that usually would consist of?!


    Sorry to ramble. I want to prove to myself and my family that I can get back to looking just as good (hopefully better) on a vegan diet and dispel to them the ridiculous protein myth!


    Thanks in advance! help!



  4. Just to add to this post, I say I don't want to spend my life farting over here because I have had bad results eating beans as an alternative protein source to tofu. I WANT to eat beans, but I can't deal with walking around farting or holding it in all day and night! I just want to be freeeeeee! lol. So..tofu isn't too bad so far as the farting thing goes, but it's so boring to eat and plain and so not my favorite food. I've tried tempeh and did not like that at all. I just need suggestions or other options or something!! thanks

    Where are your vegetables?


    Boil/steam a mix of vegetables.

    Where are your vegetables?


    Boil/steam a mix of vegetables.


    Well, I eat my asparagus..with meals 3 and 4 and sometimes 5 if I'm doing a big salad, I put green peppers, carrots, spinach, mixed lettuce, cucumber...is that too little?



  5. I am so confused about what the hell to eat! I started trying a vegan diet for the health benefits and I think I feel less weighted down after eating vegan than with the SAD. I am getting sort of discouraged though because I really need to loose about 20lbs of pure FAT and I've done it on a SAD with fantastic results. I'm tempted to just go back to that, loose the weight, then approach a vegan diet again. Just to get rid of the weight without so much effort on what the hell to eat. I do not want to spend my days farting! sorry, but really..that's embarrassing, I'm a chic, I have a husband..yeah, not too cute hanging out farting or trying NOT to. I eat tofu. I drink protein shakes consisting of pea protein and brown rice protein mixed up. I eat about 2 bananas a day with that and some healthy nut butters for my healthy fats. I have been eating 2 slices of ezekial bread with my morning protein shake and I do put eb soy free butter on top. I can't do it DRY. I drink lots of coffee..tiny bit of creamer (that's not vegan..working on going totally black but for some reason I enjoy my first cup black and my second cup with creamer..?) I eat asparagus with my tofu..I do salads..I've tried to eat like chickpea patties (homemade) or black bean burgers for change but I have issues, umm, digesting them..I've read tips on soaking beans etc. I'm soaking lentils as we speak to try, try again. I just want to eat healthy vegan (I prefer it) but damn I can't spend my life farting over here. ALSO..BIG THING...what the heck do you season your tofu with? I've tried marinade's but most call for soy or tamari and it's soooooo salty, even with must a tiny bit (to me)...what can I marinate or season with that makes it tasty but still conducive to trying to cut the fat? I usually freeze my tofu..defrost, press and 'dry fry' it (without oils or anything..just press on a hot pan until moisture runs out) and the consistency is sort of tough but that gets old. I just can't figure out how to make it taste like I look forward to eating it. I have a few tofu books and I'm preparing it like they suggest. I've tried some of the marinades and they are either not really good for cutting or they are too salty. I know, complainer! I just want to like what I eat!! this is my current daily diet for the most part.


    M1 - 2 slices ezekial with about 1 tblspoon earth balance

    protein shake (2 cups water, ice, 2 teaspoons stevia, 1/2 banana, 10g all natural peanut butter, mixture of pea and brown rice protein - approx 21 g. protein )


    M2 - usually post workout - Same shake as above and 1/2 cup oats or I'll do ezekial bread again cause I love it.


    M3 - about 1/2 tub of tofu (seasoned with anything (but I've not found anything I like yet) and asparagus spears briefly sauteed with 1 tblspoon of organic coconut oil, seasonings (no salt) and maybe some lemon


    M4 - Same as M3 usually


    M5 - Protein shake like earlier or a big salad with light dressing.


    I take flax seed oil, multi, vit e, b12, vit c, probiotic


    I don't drink anything but water, coffee and xtend ( a bcaa supplement drink - delicious)


    I probably don't drink enough water and too much coffee. I'm working on that.


    Lately I haven't been 100% true to the above diet though.. frustration and starvation took over several times.



  6. Hey guys, I feel like I've seen on here somewhere (couldn't find it) about a site that allows you to customize your protein powders...such as adding brown, pea, hemp etc.


    What is the cheapest way to get a mixture of proteins? I have pea right now, and I'd like to get some brown rice to mix with it. Is it cheaper, from anyone's experience, to buy the customized kind or to buy them seperatley? If seperate, who offers the best deal..anyone know?



  7. Hey guys, I"m sorry if this has been asked and answered a bunch of times. I tried scouring the forums but I'm not finding my answer!


    So, what is THE BEST recovery protein a bodybuilding chic can take after her intense workouts?! I've heard about Vega, but honestly, I can't afford that right now. Is there something better or comparable that's not so expensive?


    Also, this is what I've been eating and I don't know if it's good for cutting while maintaining and building lean muscle. I'm winging it..


    meal 1 - 1 scoop 28g. pea protein, w/ water, ice, stevia for sweetness, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries and 10g plain, unsalted, almond butter.


    meal 2 - post workout - same shake as above w/ 1/2 cup 5 minute oats in water.


    meal 3 - usually either a black bean burger w/ veggies (17 gram protein) it's a frozen kind from costco..i'm guessing it's not conducive to shedding fat? but it's convenient and quick and gives me protein. OR may sautee some cubed up tofu in about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and eat that with some green veggies of some sort


    meal 4 - Another meal like meal 3


    meal 5 - Another pea protein drink w/ water, ice, stevia, 10g almond butter and NO BLUEBERRIES with this one -- this is usually my last meal of the day,

    although I'd like to get another in, it usually dosen't happen that


    now, I seem to feel hungry quickly after my protein drinks..?


    I know I need to figure my calories, haven't yet. I work out 6 days per week .. HARD. I've been throwing in HIIT several times a week, right now too. I have a layer of FAT on my stomach and it's not cute..


    Anyone help me? I have robert cheeke's book but his meal plans are so high in calories (because that is what his needs are) but mine are certainly not in the 3500 calorie range..


    I'm sort of discouraged because I really would like to enter a figure show in March 2012 but I know how to loose this fat with the basic bodybuilding diet (done it before with GREAT results) but I do not want to break my vegan diet. but I really want to do a show, at least once, in my life too..ugh.


    thanks all..

  8. Can anyone tell me why when I'm typing, it seems if it's somewhat lengthy, I can no longer see what I'm typing..like the screen won't go down that far as I type and I start to not be able to see what I'm typing, yet it allows me to keep typing and to see what I've typed I need to use my scroll bar to move down the page to viiew it but the second I start to type again, it kind of flickers while I type and doesn't let me see what I've typed ...


    does that make ANY SENSe? It's sooooo annoying.

  9. Just recieved Robert's book and will be devouring all it's contents asap so I can get my eating on track.


    Took Tuesday off,, felt like a neglectful self centered mommy so I hung with my sweet little kiddies and put them first.


    I did do about 25 min of running while jumping rope in the evening to make up for my lack of excersise yesterday and the fact that i scarfed down the rest of the choclate covered pomegrantes ..


    I just got back from the gym and today is Wednesday ~


    Triceps and shoulders


    Did military presses with 17.5lb weighs each arm 4 sets till failure (about 8-10)

    supersetted with 10lb each arm lateral raises till failurre (about 10)

    supersetted that with 10lb each arm front dumbell raises (what is the technical term here?) until failure

    Low pulley cable with straight bar, close grip upright rows 4 sets tll failure with 40lbs

    supersetted that with one arm leaning side lateral raises with low cable pulley 10lbs till failure each arm


    cable pull downs 4sets till failure 20-30lbs

    supersetted that with one arm behid the neck revers bicep curls 10lbs each arm till failure

    skull crushers with 20lbs 4 sets of about 10-12

    supersetted with close grip pushes from the waist with that 20lb bar til failure

    35 min speed walk up hill.

  10. Ok, lets see where we are..


    I took Monday off and did only cardio - my usual 35 uphill speed walk while watchign the casey anthony trial!


    Tuesday I did biceps and back:


    Started with biceps today so I could back with husband when he showed up ~


    seated incline dumbbell curls 12.5 lbs each arm 4 sets each arm until failure


    supersetted with standing dumbbell curls with the same weight until failure - one arm at a time


    cable pulley's bicep curls - 27.5 each arm - did 4 sets till failure


    low cable straight bar bicep curls 40lbs, 4 sets till failure


    1 arm isolated high cable bicep curls (arm sraight outt in front holding pulley, curling arm/weight towards ear) 20lbs 4 setss each arm till failure




    seated behing the neck cable pull downs 40lbs, then increased to 60lbs for last 3 sets till failure on all


    super setted with straight arm pull down 60lbs till failure


    close grip seated cable pull downs 4 sets till failure


    seated close grip rows 60lbs 4 sets till failure


    35min uphill speed walking/plus that evening a second set of cardio same as earlier


    that be all folks, for now!

  11. Evening all,


    Today's efforts:


    30 min 8incline 3.5 speed treadmill walk




    seated leg extensions 4 sets till failure while increasing weights each set 45,60, 67.5, 75


    lying leg press machine 4 sets till failure, first set 90lbs(1 45lb plate each side) last 3 sets 2 45lb weights each side ttl of 180 + weight of machine


    smith machine squats 4 sets 90lb till failure


    inner and outer thigh seated machine 4 sets till failure (inner 80lbs) (outer 80lbs)


    donkey kick backs with ankle weights of 5lbs 4 sets till failure


    lying down bridge for hams and glutes 2 sets till failure


    Additional 35min slight incline @ 3.5 speed walk on teadmill



    protein shake (1c water, 1c almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1 tbspn stevia, 10g almond butter, ice) 15g. hemp protein


    large spinach salad w/ strawberries, beans, sunflower seeds and about 2 tablespoons of ff italian dressing


    protein shake (same as above) plus about 1/2 cup basmati rice w/ 1tsp teryaki sauce, and chopped veggies sauteed with coconut oil


    another protein shake from above..not very well prepared and gone from the house a lot today..


    I know my diet isn't what it should be..help!!!


    Ok, until next time!

  12. No action in the gym since Wednesday, too sore! I have been keeping up with the 35 min incline cardio @ 3.5 the past couple of days. Today is Saturday and, although still a bit sore in the calves and hammies, I plan to get to the local track for some bleacher sprints and abs. Something, as opposed to nothing right?!


    I did HIIT and that left me sore in the calves from Wednesday (I think that's when I did those) so I've been taking it easy. I did just resume working out after a 2 month break so I have to remind myself to ease back into things.


    I am still hoping for some diet suggestions from someone, anyone..!


    I ordered Robert Cheeke's book, hope that helps some


    I know how to workout, just need to fuel myself right.


    Until next time..


  13. Ok, an update from memory:


    Tuesday ~


    Back day (just had augmentation done so can't do chest and found that I need to keep things a bit 'chill' on certain back exercises still)


    One are dumbbell rows 20lbs 4 sets of 12


    high cable straight arm pull down 40lbs 3 sets of 12-10


    seated cable row 45lbs 3 sets of 12-10


    seated high cable pull down 52.5lbs 3 sets of 12


    reverse pec dec 10lbs 4 sets of 12-10


    back extensions w/ 10lb plate held 4 sets of 10


    35 min cardio @ 5 incline speed 3.7




    didn't get in enough food today.


    Did like two shakes and a quinoua, mixed beans, peas, homemade tomato sauce mixture




    Wednesday =


    Off from gym


    Did HIIT on home treadmill for 30 minutes




    still didn't get in enough food today


    meal 1 - protein shake


    meal 2 - quinoa, mixed beans, peas, tomato sauce mixture


    meal 3- protein shake


    nibbled on some crusted tofu I made for the family in between meal 2 and 3


    I just ordered Robert Cheeke's book so I'm hoping that will help me get some food ideas so that I'm better prepared and I can get back to eating 6 small meals a day.


    C'ya peeps!

  14. Ok, today I did shoulders, biceps and triceps..



    17.5 lb dumbbells each hand shoulder press 4 sets of 12-10 reps


    supersetted with 90 degree bent over lateral raise w/ 10lb dumbells in each hand 4 sets of 10-8


    front dumbbell raise w/ 10lb weights each hand, 4 sets of 12


    supersetted w/ one arm shoulder press w/ that same 10lb weight until fatigued.


    cable upright rows w/ 40lbs, 3 sets of 12-10 reps


    supersetted with cable side lateral raise w/ 10lb. weights until fatigued.



    cable curls w/ 40lbs 3 sets of 12


    supersetted w/ 12.5 lb dumbell curls 3 sets until fatigued


    dual high cable curls w/ 20lb weights 3 sets of 10



    cable pull downs 40lbs. 3 sets of 12


    supersetted w/ reverse cable curls behind the head 10lbs. 3 sets until fatigued


    dumbell kickbacks on the bench w/ 10lb. dumbbells 3 sets of 12


    35 min cardio on treadmill @ 5 incline, speed 3.5





    meal 1 - Protein shake consisting of 1/2 banana, 1 cup water, 1 cup almond milk -plain, 1 tablespoon stevia, 10g. almond butter, 28g. hemp protein


    meal 2 - after workout -

    Same shake as above, w/ 1/2 cup of oats w/ water


    meal 3 - 1/2 cup of sugar snap peas raw w/ 1 veggie burger patty, few sliced baked potatoes - seasoned and salted


    meal 4 - big green salad w/ an orange in it, 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon udo's oil, 1 tablespoon low fat organic salad dressing




    two entries made! Ok, I can stick with this!!


    C'ya peeps

  15. Ok, today I did shoulders, biceps and triceps..



    17.5 lb dumbbells each hand shoulder press 4 sets of 12-10 reps


    supersetted with 90 degree bent over lateral raise w/ 10lb dumbells in each hand 4 sets of 10-8


    front dumbbell raise w/ 10lb weights each hand, 4 sets of 12


    supersetted w/ one arm shoulder press w/ that same 10lb weight until fatigued.


    cable upright rows w/ 40lbs, 3 sets of 12-10 reps


    supersetted with cable side lateral raise w/ 10lb. weights until fatigued.



    cable curls w/ 40lbs 3 sets of 12


    supersetted w/ 12.5 lb dumbell curls 3 sets until fatigued


    dual high cable curls w/ 20lb weights 3 sets of 10



    cable pull downs 40lbs. 3 sets of 12


    supersetted w/ reverse cable curls behind the head 10lbs. 3 sets until fatigued


    dumbell kickbacks on the bench w/ 10lb. dumbbells 3 sets of 12


    35 min cardio on treadmill @ 5 incline, speed 3.5





    meal 1 - Protein shake consisting of 1/2 banana, 1 cup water, 1 cup almond milk -plain, 1 tablespoon stevia, 10g. almond butter, 28g. hemp protein


    meal 2 - after workout -

    Same shake as above, w/ 1/2 cup of oats w/ water


    meal 3 - 1/2 cup of sugar snap peas raw w/ 1 veggie burger patty, few sliced baked potatoes - seasoned and salted


    meal 4 - big green salad w/ an orange in it, 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon udo's oil, 1 tablespoon low fat organic salad dressing




    two entries made! Ok, I can stick with this!!


    C'ya peeps

  16. Hi guys,


    I am going to start a journal and do my best to keep it going! I want to do a figure competition in March of 2012 and from now until then I need help! I know how to eat the standard bodybuilding meat eating diet, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to vegan pre-contest diet training. I hope to post my exercise and diet with you all here and get some critiquing advice from all of you!


    I started back at the gym after a 2 month break on Saturday. this is what I did (going from memory, as I forgot to write it down during my training)


    12.5lb dumbell in each hand - stationary front step lunges (12) split lunges (10) stationary step back lunges (6) --- did these back to back as one set. Did 4 sets of this.


    smith machine squats (only lifted 50lbs since I've been away from the gym for so long.) 4 sets of 12...


    SUPER SET W/ stiff legged deadlifts with bar plus 20lbs 4 sets of 12


    isolated leg extensions 30lbs each leg until it burned, then dropped down to 10lbs to make sure I was finishing a full set of 10-12 reps. Did 3 sets of these


    lying hamstring curl 40lbs 3 sets of 12,10,10


    glute kickback machine 40lbs 3 sets of 12 on each side of the bum


    inner things machine 80lbs 3 sets of 10-12


    outter thigh/glutes machine 70lbs 3 sets of 10-12


    35 min cardio @ 3.4 @ 4.o incline



    meal 1 - shake consisting of 28grams of hemp protein, 2 cups water, 1 banana, 1 tablespoon stevia powder, about 10g of almond butter, ice


    meal 2 - shake consisting of 28 grams of hemp protein, 1 cup water 1 cup plain flavored almond milk, 1 tablespoon stevia, 10g pb, 1/2 banana

    1/2 cup oats


    meal 3 - went a little crazy on some flax crackers from costco and flavored hummus


    meal 4 - big green salad


    meal 5 - that same shake again as earlier


    I know I need to figure out my protein, fats and carbs but how do you do that without it being this tedious job of looking everything up? I need help putting together my diet!!


    These are current pictures of me now. I have put on weight in the last two months and I want it gone! I haven't been doing much though so I'm back but I have always eaten the standard meat eating diet which I know how to do. A vegan diet for lean muscle mass, I need HELP!








  17. Sorry if this seems like a silly question but.. Every time a recipe calls for dates to be blended until smooth, I never get smooth dates. I've tried soaking them. (how long are you suppose to soak them?) and even that didn't break them up into a smooth consistency. So i made a preworkout sports drink from Thrive and it called for blended dates in there. I did this, and blended for a very long time, and there are always still chunks of dates swimming at the bottom of my drink..yuk. Is there a secret to this??





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