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Everything posted by Linanil

  1. Someone recently asked a quasi-similar question and there are a lot of good resources out there. Eat to Live was my first real intro to vegan diets but you need to educate yourself. Should you be taking vitamins? Yes, specifically b-12 and D but I'd also recommend a general multivitamin. I've never been a fan of soy protein powder and think hemp or a hemp/pea/rice mixture is a better choice. I generally don't do protein powders though but my goals are probably not your goals. I don't worry about soy intake but I also don't eat a lot of soy. There are various takes on vegan diets but I like a generic diet including legumes, grains, fruits, veggies and nuts/seeds. The good thing is that very natural food has some protein in it as far as I can tell so a varied diet is my personal approach. A good general resource is VRG http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/vegan.htm And this one: http://veganhealth.org/ I've also heard Becoming Vegan is a good book but I've never read it: http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Vegan-Co ... 570671036/
  2. I'm all jello after today's workout BUY-IN: Front Squat 5×5 ( I'm working on form, so went with 73 lbs. I have done heavier but last time, I found myself leaning forward too much at the bottom) WOD: (time: 12:53 I think) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Squat Jumps (12″ Jump) Plyo Pushups Ring Rows CASH-OUT: 50 Situps Food: L: enchiladas, black beans, green beans, 2 pears S: pear, pumpernickel with hummus, tea with unsweetened soy milk D: upside-down lentil shepherd's pie with millet/cauliflower mash
  3. If you make something a day ahead, it should be fine. Just shake it/stir it before you drink it and there you go.
  4. why not make a smoothie some other time and store it in the fridge? It'd probably be fresher than a naked juice. And it looks like some of their juices are vegan but some aren't. For their protein ones, they use whey (dairy) protein.
  5. Yep, the two takeaways I got were regarding fatty livers and feeding precancerous cells.See, I didn't get that far
  6. I have a short attention span, I need the cliff notes version. As much as I read, it was interesting but I gave up. Although obesity has many factors. I think inactivity seems to be a larger factor in the US but processed/refined foods have a part as well.
  7. Workout today was a TRX workout Food: L: enchiladas, black beans, green beans, 2 pears D: Caldo verde with tempeh, soyrizo cornbread S: tea with unsweetened soy milk, pear, pumpernickel with hummus
  8. I love deadlifts sooo much I'm not able to go to my gym today but they have a workout with deadlifts and running and the RX for women is 253 (!!). Good job on the workout.
  9. Remember to be kind to yourself. You are doing positive things for yourself. I get into funks as well.
  10. Today I had a good CF workout, it is always good when you are exhausted and can't wait to hit the floor when the timer beeps. I bruised my tailbone a few weeks ago and squats are a bit annoying so I had to ignore it today. My shoulder has been bothering me as well so I went a little light at 43 lbs on the barbell. WOD (my rep count was 311) Tabata Squats AMRAP in 2 min: Push Press (75/53) Tabata Pushups AMRAP in 2 min: Front Squats (75/53) Tabata Abmat Situps AMRAP in 2 min: Thrusters (75/53) Food: L: enchiladas, black beans, green beans, pear, apple D: leftover Chinese(brown rice, 'pork' with bean curd, spicy tofu with gluten, pea shoots), steamed purple kale, orange S: tbd - possibly pumpernickel with hummus
  11. Oh and I forgot this link as well: http://veganhealth.org/ You'll read it on various sites, but I'd recommend supplementing with vitamin B-12 and vitamin D. I'd also make sure you get a regular checkup with your doc every year. My doc checks for B-12 and vitamin D. Although I'm a bad vegan and don't supplement with vitamin B-12 specifically and infrequently take a multivitamin, my B-12 levels are optimal. Vitamin D though was a bit low, which is actually true of most Americans these days.
  12. So I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, other than you are looking for some info on vegan nutrition? There are various takes on vegan diets but I like a generic diet including legumes, grains, fruits, veggies and nuts/seeds. A good general resource is VRG http://www.vrg.org/nutshell/vegan.htm I've also heard Becoming Vegan is a good book but I've never read it: http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Vegan-Complete-Adopting-Plant-Based/dp/1570671036/ When you are first vegan, men especially, may take some time adjusting to satisfaction levels with vegan foods. I personally like lunches that mimic dinners so that I just have to make large batches of various foods and they work for lunch and dinner. Staples that are always in my fridge include cooked grains (rice, millet, quinoa, etc) and legumes (lentils, black beans, black eyed peas). I also keep various sauces and salsas to help flavor those things. I may also have cooked veggies and/or quick cooked veggies and frozen veggies. This weekend, I made 2 dishes which will serve as lunches/dinners for a couple days. I also have a plan to make something midweek to last the rest of the week.
  13. I read over leangains.com this weekend and I did find it useful, especially the post where he breaks down the various IF plans. I'm thinking this is something that would work for me.
  14. My gym did that workout (OHS, burpees, pull ups) the other day too! I wasn't there that day though.
  15. Sure! I also haven't been checking the main CF to see other WODs to do. I'll admit that some of it is just pure laziness. Today my workout was Elliptical with kettle bell intervals I decided to make Veganomicom potato/kale enchiladas although I used sweet potatoes instead of Yukon gold and I added black beans. I also used a lot less oil than the recipe calls for. L: pear, orange, enchiladas, black beans and green beans S: pumpernickel bread with hummus and tabouleh. Pear and apple. D: most likely Caldo verde with tempeh.
  16. I like reading logs of other people and I really need some accountability right now. With school and work, my workouts have been less frequent than I would like. At the end of last year, I was going to Crossfit 4 or 5 times per week. Now I'm at about 2x week. I supplement with home workouts but again not as frequently as I'd like. In terms of diet, it hasn't been great lately but I'm working on it. I think just writing it down is a good step. So today: Workout was a TRX strength workout Food: L: Chinese restaurant (vegan) - hot and sour soup, 'pork' with bean curd, spicy tofu and gluten, pea shoots and brown rice. S: couple apples, pumpernickel bread with hummus and tabouleh D: Caldo verde with crumbled tempeh and soyrizo cornbread
  17. So what time is your last meal? I might start switching to lunch time workouts although currently, I workout in the evening. My biggest issue is I haven't been able to lose weight and even though i'm about 60 lbs overweight, I decided to try to stop stressing about weight loss. Then my appetite took off and my normal portioned meals weren't cutting it. I figure if I eat 2 larger meals, it might be better for me.
  18. I am new and just wanted to say good luck as well! I'm glad to see there is someone here who does CF as well! I've been doing CF for nearly a year.
  19. Linanil


    I've lurked off and on here for a few years but I figured maybe I should post I've been vegan for 3.5 years, live in Maryland with my 2 dogs, 2 cats and husband. I work full time as well as being a part time student. I currently go to a Crossfit facility and have been doing that for about a year. I think that is all for now. Eta: I didn't add my goals but they are fat loss and increased strength
  20. I hope it is ok to resurrect this thread. Is anyone doing this currently? I was reading a blog I found somewhere in my search on this forum and it explained how fasting works scientifically. Although that blog hadn't been updated in a while so I was looking for more information. Are there any books that you guys would recommend? The ones on Amazon seem to promote a high meat diet.
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