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Posts posted by Sean

  1. hmm, interesing, I'll give it a shot. Do you get typicall good results? guess that I'm not realy in a total slump, I mean I'm making smalle gains, like an extra rep here and there until I go up in weights, I'm just not adding an extra 5lbs per exercise per workout like I was before. So I guess I just hit a slow spot, inevitable, or else I'd be frickin huge.

  2. Hmmm...well, wheat gluten is what seitan (aka vegan "wheat meat") is made from. You can make vegan "meats" out of it. It is also used in small amounts of bread baking to enhance texture.


    Not sure if that's what you were wanting to hear It's not something to be added to smoothies and such. It has to be cooked


    If you need seitan recipes I have some. Lemme know.

    yeah, I found a few recipes finally but found alot talking about the need to fortify it to maximize the protein but could find nothing about how to.

  3. According to this high tech test I am:


    Overall: 45% Conservative, 55% Liberal

    Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

    Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

    Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

    Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

    Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal


    I really don't like either definition but I am what I am.

  4. I personally laugh at all of those pudgy douche bag commercials like that, truck commercials, and anything else that tries to exploit my masculinity to purchase crap because I think it will make me more manly. But to the 90% of this country(and others) who are nothing more than sheep, it subconsciously does the trick.

  5. I have a question in regards to this. It's not related to the cardio zone or anything, my question is when is it the best to do cardio? If you do cardio prior to lifting, you'd be burning your stored sugars from what you ate prior to working out right so then you wouldn't be burning as much fat. But if you do cardio after lifting weight you'd already have lactic build up in your muscles which from my understanding would present you from burning fat too. Any opinions or knowledge on this?

  6. Periodization means starting with a lighter weight for more reps and building up, over a period, to a higher weight for fewer reps.

    It gives the body a new stimulus, teaches it to lift heavier, and adds muscle mass.



    So for example, do 3 sets, one set of 20 reps to failure, then more weight 12 reps to failure, then more weight, 5 reps to failure? Or is it over a several workout span?

  7. I'm not following the periodization. How does that work? What I've been doing is throwing in a different exercise here and there, that seems to be working a bit better, and gets me out of the rut. Like today I did incline bench, then flat bench narrow grip, then regular flys. I was at vitamin world today and started looking at some things, does anyone use any products prior to working out? I used creatine years ago and I think that it did help me out but I seemed to lose it after the cycle. Anyone use anything else, there's a ton out there. In the last few weeks I had a cup of caffinated green tea before the gym(liftng, not before cardio) and it gave me a little boost.

  8. I'm getting really burnt, not making the gains I was, and it's so frustrating. I have changed my lifting program at the advice of many, and my gains have slowed down and pretty much halted. But I honestly don't know if it's because I changed my workout or because I kind of hit a plateau. I tend to get stuck around this strength point, I did years ago as well. I'm open to recommendations. Here's my workout:

    3 sets of each exercise, 10 reps each, every other day workout.

    Day 1


    leg curls

    back pull downs


    barbell curls


    Day 2


    incline fly

    shoulder press

    db french press

    side raises


    Thoughts, tips, any ideas on how to really build up a bit more?

  9. I agree with all the above. It looks like you're relying a little too much on soy, also you're getting alot of protein with 2+ shakes. Definitely eat more fruits and veggies. I'm sure there isn't a great variety of produce in Fqargo, so maybe you can buy frozen, I know everyone will bash me for saying that(particularly the raw people here but it's better than none.


    Also, consider a relocation to a more exciting place.

  10. Oh No! Why not just use the greens whole?!? You will get much more nutrition that way. (except for wheatgrass; it needs to be juiced)


    Read this page,HERE (click and read the links), then scroll down a few posts to my description, pics, and suggestions. Green Smoothies Rule!


    Otherwise, use pulp in baking, add to cereals, bean-or-other burgers or patties, dry and grind for a seasoning.


    I eat tons of veggies whole and raw. I love making fruit smoothies in the morning and decided that it would be cool to throw some fresh veggie juice in too. I have tried to throw raw broccoli into the blender but it's a bit much to go down. And I bought it primarily for wheat grass as I started growing it. I'll look into a vitamix. I've heard the name but didn't realize that it took everything down to liquid.

  11. Eating fish is so bad for you anyway(unless it's wild salmon). It would definitely be in your benefit to stop. You can relatively easily get all you'll need, even soy free, without fish. Soy is kind of a staple for too many vegans(I know that I've been taking in too much as of recently). Every type of food should be in moderation and variety.

  12. I like em, they help me stay vegan because they're so gross. Unfortunately it's the opposite for non vegans. I used to hate Mike's HArd Lemonade commercial where they go to a group of hick cowboys and say "I'm here for the vegan convention". If I was lame enough to drink that isht anyway, I would've stopped then.

  13. Me too, before veganism I used to love KFC coleslaw. I took some of the coleslaw I made this time and threw it in a food processor. It chopped it way down to about that size, sooo good. If you wanted to throw a sweetener in it would almost be the same as KFC coleslaw(close enough from memory).

  14. So tis isn't really a recipe but a question. I recently bought a juicer(finally) for wheatgrass as well as other things. I like to juice excess carrots,broccoli,spinach and throw it into a smoothie. I see that so little juice comes out of all of these items, so I'm wondering what to do with the leftover "pulp". I mean, it seems like a waste to have all of this excess and just throw it out, there have to be good nutrients in that waste.


    Anyone else juice and have any ideas.


    Sometimes I just juice because I have waaaaay too many veggies that are almost bad and I want to at least squeeze some stuff out because I know I can't eat 2 lbs of broccoli in 2 days, but I can almost drink enough juice out of the 2lbs in a couple days.

  15. I hope my kid still enjoys it when he turns 10, he's 3 1/2 now and has been veggie for over a year. From when he started he would say "I don't eat animals". He understands why he doesn't eat them and why it's wrong to hurt them. He also has a lunchbox with tons of animal rights stickers, my favorite is the PETA chick "Jesus loves me too" because he goes to a Christian pre school. They tried to feed him meat by accident and he refused to eat it. He's awesome. Kids get it.

  16. I too am guilty of supporting Payless on several occasions although I know it's wrong. I know that it's wrong, but sometimes I want shoes and can't afford the $100 for vegan shoes online when they may not even fit right. I sport mostly vans, old cons(I wouldn't buy new ones, I'd support No Sweats now), new balances(vegan ones).


    In regards to free trade zones where many of our "3rd world" sweatshop items come from, they are awful facilities. They are called free trade zones because essentially they have no labor laws governing them. They use violence, fear, and exploitation of adults and children. A great book on the subject is "Disposable People". Slavery is still alive today more than ever.


    On a lighter note, anyone know about Asics "Onitsukas"? Supposedly they're vegan. I want to check em out, wondered if anyone had a pair or tried some on.

  17. So alot of exercise movements have the option. Preferences? Opinions on one better than the other? I know that I like dumbells alot more, I find that I cheat less and that I also can do more without worrying about a spot, so there's no hesitation. An example is bench or shoulder press, curls, etc. Anyone else?

  18. 1/2 head of cabbage cut to size preference( I dice it 1/4 inch pieces)

    1 whole jicima(approx 1lb)(same size as cabbage)

    1-2 carrots

    2-3 tbsp of vinegar(I used ricewine vinegar)

    1/4 cup of oj

    lemon juice(1 lemon squeezed)

    1 cup of vegenaise

    fresh ground black pepper to taste

    any other seasonings to taste

    just mix it all together and serve chilled, just made it, it's really good.

  19. I have a bad habit of this. I try to not eat after 7:30 or 8pm. I use an herbal supplement at times that helps me rest before bed, and well, it gives me the "munchies". I firmly believe that this will hinder weight loss/maintenance. The whole body needs a rest at night. Eating too late will force everything to keep moving. At least thats what I've read and I believe it. I know if I eat before bed I don't sleep as well as if I didn't. I'm stuck in REM sleep.

    EDIT: To add, I guess it also depends on one's metabolism.

  20. Here's what I had today:

    9 am

    Homemade smoothie:

    1/3 cup frozen berries(blueberries/rasberries)

    1 bananna

    1 cup blended veggie juice(wheatgrass, carrots, broccoli)

    1/2 cup strawberries


    tofurkey sandwich

    Salad w/homemade dressing(rasberry vineg/flax oil)




    1/4 cup mixed raw cashews/almonds



    5pm(almost here)

    pasta puntanesca


    mixed steamed veggies


    I try, I don't always get the perfect amount of fats/carbs/protein. I also try to stick to 1800-2000 calories.

  21. I'm not one to repost other articles because I think it's super annoying. But I read this article and am kind of upset about it so I thought I'd pass it along. It was a response Dr. Weil gave to a reader online(drweil.com). I like Dr. Weil although he's not vegan. He does have some great health related articles and info.


    "Unfortunately, it appears to be true. I've been doing some research lately on the untold olive oil story, which is a scandal in need of widespread exposure and corrective measures. I'll be reporting on what I've learned this week in response to questions that I've been asked on the subject.


    As you know, I recommend olive oil as the best all-purpose oil, not only for salads but for most cooking needs as well. The monounsaturated fat in olive oil appears to be protective against heart disease, some cancers, and other chronic diseases while saturated fats such as butter and other animal fats and polyunsaturated vegetable oils are associated with increased health risks. (Omega-3 fatty acids from wild salmon and other types of cold water fish also are beneficial to health.)


    The highest quality olive oil (the extra-virgin form extracted from fresh olives with gentle pressing) also has a high fraction of antioxidant polyphenols that are very good for you. To qualify as extra-virgin, olive oil must have an acidity of less than one percent. (A few good brands state their acidity on the labels.) In Europe, olive oil must pass rigid taste and chemical tests to be ranked as extra-virgin and advertisement


    must be less than two years old. The age of extra-virgin olive oil is rarely stated on the labels of olive oil sold in the United States.


    Most of the olive oil sold in the United States is imported from Italy or Spain. While some Italian and Spanish olive oils are of very high quality, many products sold in the United States as "extra-virgin" may be a lesser grade of olive oil and some may be primarily canola or hazelnut oil to which a small amount of olive oil has been added for color and taste. Some olive oil we get here may come from pomace, the olive pulp left after pressing out the oil. Additional oil can be extracted from pomace by treating it with hexane, a chemical solvent - not a good practice. Even when the bottle contains genuine olive oil, it may not be from Italy or Spain as the labels suggest - both countries import huge quantities of cheaper olive oils from Tunisia, Turkey, Morocco or Libya, bottle them and label them "imported from" Italy or Spain. This is deceptive marketing.


    Tomorrow, I'll discuss the loopholes in U.S. laws that allow the sale of substandard olive oils here.


    Andrew Weil, M.D."

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