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Everything posted by Azhrarn

  1. I do 3 times per week gym (1h) + bike (40min)+ 3 times MA (1h and half). I run maybe 1 or 2 times per week (20-30mins). I take before every gym 4 pills of "Mega Plus RAM". Then after W.O. I run @ home by bike (it takes 20mins) and take 8gr of BCAA and 20 gr of soya-protein. A friend of mine tell me that I should take 30gr of soya and 8 of BCAA post W.O. and then 6 of BCAA everyday. Maybe I could also take 20gr of soya-protein everyday (they give me a lot of energy). Am I doing something wrong? I fell more power and sharp, but no real bulking. I went in India and after my weight was increased by 3kg, now I lost them. I'm training in gym since September (I quitted in december, january and march).
  2. tuesday, wednesday, thursday 27km total, splitted in 2 party, (4,5km to get the gym and 4,5km to come back) and then 9km to get to the MA's gym and 9 come back. 18min to get to the first gym, 20-22min then. In the evening I'm very tired and from the MA's gym to my home it usually takes 25-30min, due to the uphill road.
  3. I don't like cars because they're pollutant, so I use bike to reach the gym and to come back. So is it bad after lifiting? =( dammit If I work more I balance this "deficit"?
  4. I do 45min-1hr (tuesday and thursday 1h and half) of bike every day. Is it bad for my muscle growth?
  5. almond/rice milk, seitan (I love it!!!), some fake soy meat and reduce soy eating. For me, it's basically for every food: eating it every day will make me hate it . Mix up your diet and gl I wanna know the high protein pea recipe too!
  6. ty for advices! I'll try doing quality exs. @VeganEssentials = I'm ectomorph and I usually do a 45-1hr of bike riding per day. I'm quite sure I have no fat. But for exemple, I've friends that are very skinny with defined abs and they don't don anything sportlike @ Simi = I'll try supersets. So is better doing 4 ex, 10 reps with a heavier lift than 30 reps without? I was so wrong. I knew that Bruce Lee did 300reps per day 4 his Abs...
  7. Ok I'll try next week to do a split program. How?? Thx!
  8. neither I and my gym have that roller :/ other ab works? I do 30 hanging leg raises (x2) . Maybe too fast? 30 crunches on reclined bench. (x2) 30 twist crunches. (x1) 15 left side crunches and 15 & right. Sometimes 30 legs tuck (x1). Before I was doing orizontal legs raise but after I felt pain in my back. When I start training I usually crunches and twist crunches, then I do other body areas' works. After 30min I to legs raise, side crunches and legs tuck. Each one after another different exercise.
  9. Hi, I reached the goal I was talking int my first topic. The feeling of being tired and weak from summer passed away. Now I'm training my entier body 3 (next week 4) times per week. I train my body for 1h 15min. Is it suggest to increase that time and decrease the total training per week? I've started working last month so I don't expect visibile progress. I feel stronger and I see tiny growth of muscles. My final goal is obv bulking and have a good body definy, but I'm kinda obsessed with Abs. Three years ago I've trained them hard for 5 months, 2 years ago for 3 and since now I've come back in gym I've trained them 1-2 times per week. I don't see any progress. I do a lot of different works. 2 years ago I usually do 200 - 260 total reps and no results!!!! Am I doing something wrong? I've read on the site a split body work and abs are trained only 1 per week, so I'm doubting of my workout. Ty
  10. ty in advance. I think I'm eating right things but maybe I need more. Any food tabs? I'll try drinking magnesium in the morning from next week...
  11. Hello, I'm Elia, I'm 24 and I've been vegetarian since birth, so isn't big deal to avoid eating meat like a lot of "new vegs" who practise sport/martial arts that I know, that had a lot of problems with their diets. From january I've become vegan and was all ok. I do 3 martial arts and 1 year ago I've been in gym. This summer I've stopped practising and sports in general and now I'm completely crap! I've a lot of difficulty in doing muscle exs, also these that I do regolary. But the real problem is that I think I had a bad diet, because I feel always sleepy or without energy. I sleep 10hrs per day and when I wake up I'm still without force, I do simple exs and I feel like I'm truly done. Can you give me some advices? Or maybe a good vegan diet list? In september I start a new evening martial art practise and bodybuilding in afteroon @ gym, I def need to be in good shape!! Thank you Elia
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