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Everything posted by RileyG

  1. Is it a good thing to be sore the day or two after a workout?
  2. Keep in mind I work out at home because I can't really afford a gym membership. I'm a kennel attendant at a veterinary clinc, and it's 20 hrs/week, minimum wage. But, I do have a bench, curl bar, 2 dumbells and olympic size weights. Could you give me some ideas to make a better routine? I would be willing to work out a day or two more, but I don't want to over train. I go jogging/walking with my girlfriend about once a week. I have a goal of 8 weeks to get bigger, and lose excess body fat.
  3. Hey there. I just started seriously training about 2 weeks ago. 24 y/o 6' 1" 162 or so lbs approx 20% body fat (I think) according to Composition Tracker My goals are to get bigger by about 20lbs. Then to lower my BF%. It would be nice to feel more confident this summer. I try to eat about 2500 calories and 160g of protein. Right now I work out on Mon, Wed, Fri. I have completed 1 full week so far. I do 3 sets of each. 12, 10, then 8 reps. Mon: Bench Bicep curl w/bar bell Shrugs Wed: Bent over row Seated Military press Seated French press Fri: Lunges 3x12 each leg Crunches 3x20 Any tips, advice for me?
  4. Currently eating two burritos filled with Zatarains Red beans and rice. Threw in about 2/3 cup of fake hamburger too. hand full of baby carrots water
  5. I use Genisoy soy protein powder. 25g per serving. I am thinking of getting some L-Glutamine powder. Good idea?
  6. Hi-Lo cereal w/ plain soy milk. Clif Builder - Cookies n Cream! Lots of water. Just finished lifting. Time for lunch!
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