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Posts posted by kareno

  1. Hey girl, I hear ya. I've worked harder than I've ever worked the past month, and my scale hasn't budged either. But, I am noticing some subtle changes in my clothes, and several friends have made comments that I'm looking better. So, maybe the scale isn't the end-all-be-all that we often think it is. They didn't build the pyramids in a day (or a month), so be patient and kind with yourself and by all means, keep at it!

  2. OH! Also... As you may or may not have realized, I am one of the VB&F team members, and we received your email request to have your journal considered for the prize package eligibility for the New You for the New Year Challenge. OF COURSE you are eligible! You've done such an outstanding job through the January challenge, and hope you'll stick around the forum as previously mentioned. Robert and I will be assembling and shipping prize packages beginning next week, so be on the lookout for yours to arrive mid-month. Yay!!



  3. Thanks for the info on the Heart Cakes. I'll check 'em out!


    Yay, glad you're planning to stick around the forum and keep journaling! I'm looking forward to keeping up with your progress and cheering you on! With regards to your workout on Saturday.... I dream of the day I can run 3 miles in 30 minutes! I'm doing the Couch-to-5K program right now and still have 5 or 6 more weeks till I'm supposed to be able to do that. Right now the 10 minutes I'm running is so challenging, so it's hard to imagine that I'll ever be able to easily run 30 minutes! Haha! But, I did sign up for my first 5K, so that's great motivation having that date set already.


    Anyway, YES, I'll still be here journaling, so yes, please stop by and see what I'm up to. Knowing people read it makes me feel more accountable.


    Hope your run today goes smoothly! And have fun at the SuperBowl party today!



  4. I enjoyed my time at the gym this evening. I did my scheduled Couch-to-5K run, which was the final run of week 3. It's so suprising to me how each of the 3 runs each week get easier. The first run of each week, I think I'm going to die and can't imagine how I'm going to get through it. Then the second run feels a little easier, and easier still the third run. I was able to do the runs faster and more consistently tonight than the other day, which felt great. So, between the walks and the runs, it was 2 miles in 30 minutes. Slow, I know, but there's still lots of walking in there. Overall, it felt great. Next run on Tuesday involves considerably more run time than the previous three weeks, so it will definitely be a challenge that I'm already looking forward to. I'll be on the road next week, so gotta make sure the gym is a priority, especially on C25K days! I could always run outside, but I don't know why I'm scared to run outside. I just feel more comfortable and consistent on the treadmill.


    After 30 minutes on the treadmill, I did 20 minutes on the stair-climber. I did have to take 3x20-30 second breaks. Then steam room, pool, and hot tub. That felt a.w.e.s.o.m.e.


    Much more to do tonight to get ready to leave for my trip early in the morning. Flying to Vegas to meet Robert and make the trip to Austin, where we will be assembling and shipping all the awesome prize packages to the VB&F challenge finishers! Yay! Looking forward to it!

  5. Hey Haylee! I also deal with compulsive overeating, so I totally hear you on that one. It's ridiculous and feels like an illness sometimes. Ugh. I keep track of my food intake with myfitnesspal.com and their app. It doesn't always stop me from overeating, but definitely helps more often than not, when I know I have to track it. Also, this forum has helped a lot too, especially during the January challenge, knowing I "had to" post it here. What system do you use to track your food intake?


    I wish you the very best!!!



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