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Posts posted by kareno



    Just got back a couple days ago from cruising the Caribbean, but I've missed checking out your journal! Glad you got the prize package and that it arrived safe and sound. I threw in some extra goodies for you since you're so awesome.


    I see you had a rough week last week. Bummer. I hope things are getting better for you. Know that you have a supportive community here who cares about you!

  2. Hi Sherrie! I was cruising the Caribbean last week, with no internet access, so I've missed checking out your journal. Nice to see you're still posting a bit and doing well, despite your hectic schedule. Also glad to know you're enjoying the HealthForce products(vitamineral green and Earth) from your prize package. Nice! Interesting that you put it in your broth. Hmm.


    How are things going as grad school winds down? Congratulations on being almost done! That's fantastic!


    Take care,


  3. Hey Adam! I was cruising the Caribbean last week, with no internet access, so haven't checked in on your journal for a while. Looks like you're doing great with consistency, and that's awesome! I need to get back on track, so it's inspiring to see you're still on!


    Keep at it, my friend!


    All the best,


  4. Hi there! It is always fun to read your posts. Personally, I rarely eat lentils. Not because I don't like them, but they're just not generally on my "radar", so to speak. I actually like them a lot, but I need to find a simple and tasty way to make them. What's your secret?


    Have you been doing the Bill Phillips challenge? How is that going for you?


    Hope all is well!!


    Take care,


  5. Hey Sam! Looks like you're doing great! Good job keeping up with your fitness. Seems like there are a bunch of us (myself included) who have been struggling to keep it regular lately, so kudos to you!


    Sorry to hear you didn't like some of the protein powder in the prize package. I haven't tried that Garden of Life one yet. As for the Vega Pre-Workout Energizer, I often use it and think it's great. Sometimes I don't feel much of an effect either, but then other times it makes a huge difference. I know it works, though, because this past summer I made a lot of long roadtrips, and drinking that stuff woke me up even better than coffee when I felt myself drifting. BUT, glad you love the ProBar. I LOVE them, too! I love the acai one and the berry one, if you haven't tried those, I'd recommend them!


    Happy to read about your progress!


    All the best,


  6. Hey Zach! Hope you're doing well and hanging in there! I know how frustrating the scale can be. Mine hasn't budged one bit in the 2.5 months I've been at it, but I am consistently getting compliments from people, so I guess things are changing, even if the scale isn't. Hopefully, you're experiencing something similar! Have a great day, Zach!

  7. Hey you! I'm going through a similar situation, so I can totally relate. Fortunately, I have my first 5K run coming up this weekend, so it's helping me try to get my focus back. Maybe it might help you to do something like that (signing up for a race/event), so that you have a specific goal to work towards. I don't know, just an idea.


    I hope things are going well otherwise, though! Have you stopped work yet, or still finishing up?


    Hang in there!

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