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Posts posted by klouisjean

  1. So lucky me, by the end of the day yesterday I was feeling horrible to the point that I left work early (which I never do) so my workout from yesterday never happened. Today I still feel like crap but if I am still ok by the time I get home I am going to attempt the KB WOD from yesterday and do it today.






    Chocolate Green smoothie

    soy latte (one of my comfort "foods" when I don't feel well)







    Salad (lettuce, mushrooms, cucumber, carrot, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast, nori, lemon, vinegar, celery, pepper)





    apple w/ almond butter




    Brown and wild rice

    Lentils with cayenne pepper


  2. Kettlebell workout tonight to hopefully jump start my week after being sick over the weekend. I am still not a 100% but I am going to try and ease into things and see how I feel.


    Kettlebell WOD:

    Non-stop repeat twice, 10 lb KB


    25 swings

    20 alternating swings

    25 swings

    25 swings right arm

    25 swings left arm

    15 halos to right

    20 alternating swings

    15 halos to left

    20 sumo squats

    25 swings

    20 windmills right arm

    20 windmills left arm

    25 swings (see below)

    (make it 50 your second round)







    Chocolate Green smoothie


    apple and almond butter







    Salad (lettuce, mushrooms, cucumber, carrot, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast, nori, lemon, vinegar, celery, pepper)









    Brown and wild rice

    Lentils with cayenne pepper


  3. Well yesterday I just sort of spent the day in bed sick consuming soups, teas and shamelessly consuming apples with homemade almond butter(which is quite fantastic I must say). Today o am going to make an effort to do some yoga to get my body moving and hope I'm up for a leg workout Monday morning.






    Chocolate green smoothie



    Apple with almond butter




    Veggie stir fry (fried with water I don't use oil)








  4. Ah, this is such a work in progress. I saw that someone else posted their measurements and other info plus a "before" pic. I think that this is a great idea and I think I will incorporate this as a way to see my progress and to be more conscious of what I am doing.



    so from last time I was weighed and measured (about a month and a half ago):


    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 150 lbs

    Body Fat: 28 %



    Weight: 138 lbs

    Body Fat: at least 20 % if not a little lower



    I will post a picture at a later date, perhaps this weekend.

  5. Ugh still sick, and getting worse by the day. At least it's Friday and I have the weekend to recuperate and hopefully I will feel better come Monday!!







    Chocolate Green smoothie (almond milk, frozen banana, cocoa powder, almond butter, spinach, frozen blueberries)










    Salad(lettuce, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, sunflower seeds, celery, carrot, cucumber, lemon juice, vinegar)


    green tea






    mushroom soup






  6. Ugh, so I am still sick and feeling horrible. I did sleep in a bit this morning to try and let my body recuperate.


    So not sure if there will be exercise today, perhaps some yoga.





    Chocolate Green smoothie (almond milk, frozen banana, cocoa powder, almond butter, spinach, frozen blueberries)










    Salad(lettuce, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, cooked lentils)


    green tea






    Stuffed Green Pepper (Green pepper, lentils, brown and wild rice, yellow squash, mushrooms)







  7. I think any sort of vegan protein might be okay. Beans, tempeh, nutritional yeast, seeds, chia seeds, protein shakes. I am no expert though. I found recipes for vegan protein bars, vegan meatloaf muffins, baked oatmeal and a few others that I include in my diet for protein. Have you heard of Claudia Lailhacar? She is a vegan Figure competitor, she has a facebook page and she offers training via her website as well. Something to look into at least Hope I helped a wee bit anyways. Good luck!! I hope someday I can compete too!!



    Claudia's website is : http://www.claudialailhacar.ca/


    I believe she is also featured on veganbodybuilding.com

  8. Well today's training will consist of an hour of yoga after work. I woke up with a really bad sore throat this morning so I decided I needed rest instead of going to the gym. I am hoping I can beat this and not get completely sick.





    1 Hour of yoga


    Today's Food:


    Early Breakfast (yea ate it at 3 because I couldn't sleep and my stomach was killing me, apparently theraflu is not good with nothing in your stomach):

    steel cut oats

    almond milk


    chia seeds

    cocoa powder

    agave nectar

    cup of theraflu


    Normal Breakfast:

    2 pumpkin protein bars

    cup of theraflu







    Sweet potato and cauliflower soup

    Salad (lettuce, cucumber, mushroom, sunflower seeds, carrot, nori, celery, lemon juice, vinegar, nutritional yeast)








    sweet potato and cauliflower soup

    green tea



    Hot chocolate

  9. I think I should start including my nutrition as well. I use the Lose It! iphone app to keep track of what I eat and make sure I get enough calories, but I think it would be good to have it listed out so I can easily see it and figure out where I can make adjustments. I am usually pretty consistent in what I eat daily, when I find something that works and that I like I stick with it, every day. Usually my breakfasts, snacks and lunch are the same everyday and my dinner sometimes changes to add variety.


    Today's food:


    Pre-workout breakfast:

    Chocolate green smoothie (almond milk, frozen banana, cocoa, frozen blueberries, spinach)


    Pose-workout breakfast:

    Homemade GF pumpkin protein bar

    glass of water with ACV

    cup of green tea



    orange, green tea



    cut up bag of carrots

    Salad (lettuce, cucumber, mushroom, sunflower seeds, nori, carrot, lemon juice, celery, vinegar)


    green tea



    Cut up bag of cucumber



    Spaghetti squash with cooked lentils




    Note: I want to add chia seeds back into my diet, I used to eat them everyday then I stopped for some reason. I either will add them to my smoothie or add them to a bowl of oats for a post-workout meal. I might try both and see which works best for my stomach and training.

  10. Today's WOD:


    Wide-Grip Barbell Bench Press - 5 sets of 8 reps


    Pushups (Close and Wide Hand Positions) - 3 sets of 15 reps


    Cable Crossover - 3 sets of 10 reps


    Smith Machine Incline Bench Press - 3 sets of 10 reps


    Side-to-Side Pushups - 3 sets of 10 reps



    Toe Touchers - 3 sets of 20 reps


    Crunches - 3 sets of 20 reps


    End of Superset


    Knee Raise On Parallel Bars - 3 sets of 10 reps


    Cable Crunch - 3 sets of 10 reps


    30 minute run

  11. Today's WOD: LEGS!!!


    Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 10 reps

    Wide Stance Barbell Squat - 3 sets of 10 reps

    Walking Barbell Lunge - 3 sets of 10 reps

    Single-Leg Barbell Deadlift - 3 sets of 10 reps

    Lying Leg Curls - 3 sets of 10 reps

    Seated Calf Raise - 3 sets of 10 reps

    Standing Calf Raises - 3 sets of 10 reps

  12. LEG DAY!!! I kind of love leg days...because I beast it up in the gym. Nothing says AWESOME like putting several big 45lb plates on the leg press machine and put the boys to shame





    Leg Press - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Wide Stance Barbell Squat - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Seated Leg Curl - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Standing Calf Raises - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Seated Calf Raise - 3 sets of 12 reps


    30 burpees

    200 crunches

  13. Thanks everyone!!! I am hoping that by keeping up with this forum I will stick to my plan and kick some serious ass!


    Rolf I believe you are right. Whether you are off season or in season you should be working out and eating right. I believe I remember one of my teachers saying that to maintain your weight you should be getting in at least an hour's worth of exercise and to lose weight you should be closer to two hours a day. But there have been several studies and research done since then, so it could have been refuted.


    I have personally found that I have lost weight with all the running I do, but the best results I've seen is when I added in a good amount of weight training, now I am looking more toned and all my close fit better than when I just ran.

  14. Seems like it is always awkward when you have to talk about yourself. I'm Kim and I have been vegetarian for 5 years and going on 5 years vegan come March. I decided to go vegan after spending a semester doing a research paper for a class on the subject. Once I read the China Study and several other articles and books on the subject I knew that being vegan was the only way.


    I grew up playing sports, running and boxing but have always been on the chubbier side. I would lose weight during the seasons and during the off season I would always gain weight. Once I got into college and I stopped playing sports I started going to the gym. Since then it's been on again off again. But this past year I have come the furthest I have in my life in terms of health and fitness and in 2012 I want to push it even further. I ran my first half marathon in October along with a Spartan race and several other smaller races. I lost about 20 pounds so far and am looking to lose at least 12 more pounds and gain some muscle.


    2012 will be seeing me run a full marathon, a Spartan Beast and dammit I want to do 10 pull-ups. I managed to do my first pull-up a month or so ago. I also want to out push-up anyone...


    For the first time I feel like I am really making positive changes to my body and in my life in general. I am happier than I have been and I finally am starting to feel proud of my body. I want to lead by example, I want to show people what's possible and push them to do it too.


    Slàinte my friends!

  15. Super Excited for the New Year! Just started putting my training schedule together. I am training for a marathon next year so I am trying to work that in while not giving up weight training. There may be a few days a week where I have two-a-day workouts so that I can focus on each training purposefully.


    Today's WOD:


    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown -3 sets of 12 reps


    One-Arm Dumbbell Row - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Seated Cable Rows - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Underhand Cable Pulldowns - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl - 3 sets of 12 reps


    One Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 3 sets of 12 reps


    Standing Biceps Cable Curl -3 sets of 12 reps


    200 crunches

    28 burpees

  16. Tried Zumba...loved it!! Pretty much just dancing for an hour.




    Barbell Curl (EZ curl bar)-20 reps


    Lying Triceps Press-20 reps


    Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl-20 reps


    Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension-20 reps


    Bench Dips-20 reps


    Jackknife Sit-Up-20 reps


    Crunches-20 reps



    30 minute cardio



    Today's Challenges:

    100 crunches

    23 burpees

    50 push-ups

    and this beauty right here: http://jaggedswords.wordpress.com/2011/12/20/wod-torbine-cls-a4/

  17. This is my first entry in my Beast log, I have a full schedule of events for 2012 and many goals I would like to see checked off the list. "Beast" you say? Well one of the events is a Spartan Beast: a 10+ mile obstacle race in Vermont USA. A lot of my training will be geared towards this. I also have several other races signed up including a marathon. I also want to reduce my BF to 20% or lower by the end of next year. Right now, I am currently finishing up Jamie Eason's LiveFit program and have managed to reduce my bf from 31.3% to 28% in a month (not sure what it was at the beginning of the program, but that isn't bad for just a month of training).



    Todays Training:


    Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip -20 reps

    Incline Dumbbell Press -20 reps

    Dumbbell Flyes -20 reps

    Dips - Chest Version -20 reps

    Pushups -20 reps

    Standing Calf Raises -20 reps

    Seated Calf Raise -20 reps


    Tonight: Attempt a Zumba class.

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