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Posts posted by adoralove

  1. Are you holding in your BREATH/ TUMMY in the last NEW pic by any chance? As compared to the OLD before pic where you let it go ?

    I asked myself the same question. I know in the first pick I was relaxed. I was not pushing my belly out but, I was relaxed. In the second picture I was not holding my breath but now-a-days I do stand taller and with better posture so I think I might draw my muscles in more or not be so slouchy - like in the first pic. I have lost 10 pounds and am continuing to focus on building muscle.

  2. Wow! Awesome progress in under 2 months!!! Keep up the great work. : )


    I'm a huge fan of progress photos; they can give so much info than the scale alone.

    Thanks Michelle!

    I am loving the changes that are happening! You are an inspiration to us all here, thanks for taking the time!

  3. Today I taught Body Pump and Zumba.

    I am working on eating basically the same things everyday.

    My plan is -


    morning: to have bananas and maybe a pear or an apple.


    Snack: 4-5 frozen bananas blended with a bit of almond milk and vanilla.


    Lunch: Salad or raw tacos or wrap with avocado and nuts


    Dinner: More salad or zucchini pasta


    Snack: Melons, pears or dates- whatever I feel like having.

  4. Thanks Fallen Horse!

    Thanks for asking, Jungleinthefrunk! During the past few months it has been pretty varied because of the holiday's and other things that came up. What is pretty consistent though is that I have been doing 2-3 hours of cardio per week usually teaching Zumba and riding my bike and I teach 2 Body pump classes per week. In case you are not familiar with Body Pump, it is basically a strength training class that goes after the 8 major muscle groups- 1 song per group. Because I teach that class it makes it kind of hard to train heavy in the way that I would like (two muscle groups per day) because I need the recovery time. So what I have been doing is something like this-




    Tuesday Body Pump @ noon

    Zumba @ 6:30




    Thursday Ride bike for 1 hour total to the gym and back

    Full Body heavy lifting in the GYM


    Friday Train Abs/ Zumba


    Saturday Body Pump at 10 am


    I am planning on finding ways and times to train heavy more often and will for sure start training my abs more often.

  5. Although I've been going to the gym for 6 years I've never had any goals but I

    decided 6 weeks ago to attempt to gain weight and put on muscle. Inspired by Robert's book.


    6 years ago I was 115 lbs (5 ft 7 tall) I went up to 130ish quickly when I started working out but then when I became vegan 3 years ago I lost it all again and have struggled to gain any weight. Currently 127lbs (up 6 pounds in 6 weeks)

    These are today's pictures. I guess they are my before pics since I didn't take any in the past, which I regret. I still look like a disney princess...but dream of looking (and then I have an excuse to act) like a WWF girl.


    I'm fairly satisfied with my upper body...but my lower half is still under a layer of fat...how do I gain size on my upper half meanwhile target fat loss on the lower half? Gaining diet or cutting diet? Currently on a gaining diet. 17 hrs a week at the gym but only 1.5hrs of that is cardio and the rest is heavy weights. Should I make changes?


    No doubt people will comment...yes my hair is actually down to my knees...too lazy to cut it in a long time.


    Beautiful BACK!!!

  6. Day 6 of my detox. About to make a juice feast. I teach a Zumba class tonight so that will be full blown cardio and will have family over today so the rest of the day will be focused with them.

    Yesterday, I almost went off of my cleanse (not really but the urges were intense, especially when my roomie served up a big sit- down Christmas dinner with all of the fixings) and then I saw Oprah's premier of Crazy, Sexy, Cancer and she also featured a Vegan author. That gave me the boost that I needed mentally.

  7. If you lost 15 pounds of fat you would have a body fat percentage of 0%. 12% is already low for a female! I would say 5 pounds of pure body fat and you would be incredibly shredded.


    Thanks for the advice! That goal came from looking at the height and weight of another fitness model who is my height and looks great. I am not positive that my body fat percentage is 12.6% I am using the Jackson Pollock method and using calipers to measure 4 sites but when I take my measurements I am not so sure the body fat percentages are correct however, 5- 7 pounds of fat loss would probably leave me exactly where I desire to be. Did I tell you that I LOVE this website? It is really helping to keep me focused and inspired.


    I really want to create phenomenal results, so that I can be a living testament to all of my meat eating body builder friends!

    Merry Christmas and thanks for taking the time to read and reply!

  8. Christmas eve. I am chillin in my jammies and hanging out with my family. It is day 4 of my detox and I am feeling better. My husband is getting inspired to eat in a more natural way. He has been affected by the American Diet. He has 6 pack abs but his blood pressure went up from the sodium in the processed foods.

    Yesterday I did a full body training but with lighter weights than normal. Today I plan on training abs.

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