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Posts posted by freeheeler

  1. I've just turned 55. 4 years ago I made the transition from 2 times a day meat eater, binge chocolate eater and dairy drinker weighing 168 pounds and with a cholesterol count of 235 to completely plant strong. I was cycling 2/3 times a week, competing in duathlons, rock climbing indoors 2/3 times a week and feeling great. My cholesterol went down to 134, weight went down to 153lbs (I was always skiing as a kid and into any form of exercise possible but felt the years were catching up on me).


    Then, a little over 2.5 years ago I had a difficult time at work, My wife was pregnant and and after the birth of our little son my wife and I had an exhausting time looking after our new arrival with us both working and neither of us with any family here in the states made things very hard for us.


    Needless to say, my diet went from great to terrible, I managed to stay away from meat for the most part but I was back at Starbucks for my vente dairy drinks with chocolate brownies, veggie burgers with french fries from burger king and absolutely no exercise. NOTHING, NADA ZERO. I think I went out on my bike once in the past two years which for me is embarrassing.


    Now, i am determined to get back on the diet again and start exercising on a regular basis. My main problem is that i have told that I have no cartilage left in my right knee and will probably need a new right knee sometime in the future. My father had this problem, my sister has had both her knees replaced so it may be hereditary. My doctor told me to try and build my strength up as much as possible before he does anything else. It is very painful and running more than 10ft is out of the question, it is literally bone on bone.


    My bike has been serviced and is ready to go. I plan to hit the gym at least 3 days a week for maybe some elliptical work and hit the weights.


    I need some help with a good starting program. I know all my upper body strength has vanished. I noticed that when I went climbing one day and i tried to pull myself over a lip, there was nothing there. So I need upper body work and also for my knee or at least the areas around my knee. My weight is back up to 172lbs and i want to lose at least 10l - 15lbs


    My diet consists of






    quinoa/brown rice with beans

    green juices/smoothies

    large salads


    Any help on a good starting program would be very much appreciated


    Thank you



  2. Well, it has now been 7 months since my "Plant Strong" diet commenced


    I had my cholesterol tested again this past week and it has now dropped to 132. My craving for sweet and sugary items is slowly disappearing.


    Both my wife and I got to meet Rip when he showed up at the local Wholefoods store for breakfast which was great.


    One other benefit from this has been my wife slowly changing as well. I did not involve her at the start or ask her if she wanted to turn vegan as well. This had been my choice and was done mainly for my health reasons.


    However, she was always sampling my food and slowly but surely she ended up seeing the small difference it made to her body and fitness and now is probably 90% Plant strong" Now she enjoys her smoothies for breakfast and tofu scramble for dinner.


    Again, thanks to everyone for the help in starting this process..

  3. What an awesome journey! Congratulations freeheeler on changing your life for the better.

    Can I ask how your friends and family reacted to such a sudden and dramatic change?


    Well, there is only my wife and I here in California.


    My wife is a Filipina who grew up on meat and fish, especially Lechon (Pork) loving the skin with the fat attached. She has never been overweight being only around 102lbs. I was not going to force her to change her eating habits although I have always tried to get her to eat organically and swap the white rice for brown rice. Getting her to eat brown rice was a major deal. She also loved her fast food, McDonalds, Wendy's burgers and fries.


    She sat and watched all the movies with me


    Forks over knives,


    Fat sick and nearly dead


    food Inc


    Etc etc and it did get her thinking about the food she was eating. She did start to eat a lot more veggies, mainly because i was doing all the cooking and preparing. Then one day I got her to watch "Earthlings" and this really shook her (and me). Since then she has cut way down on her meat consumption and cutting our dairy slowly. As a newly qualified Pilates teacher he is concerned about her fitness levels and energy levels and after seeing how much better I feel and perform she is now enjoying the benefits also. She will have a lot of difficulty sticking to this when she goes back home to the very rural area she is from in the Philippines due to a lack of supermarkets and stores but hopefully she will be careful.


    Some friends have been supportive and talked about trying it, specially those that are cholesterol meds, others say it's too much hassle.

  4. Martin, WOW! CONGRATULATIONS! That's so impressive what you've done, and how you were able to change your diet and lifestyle so completely overnight, and with such enormous success! Indeed, you have much to be proud of! I know we don't know one another, but I'm proud of you nonetheless!


    Much respect,



    Thanks. I'm suprised I was able to do it so easily. Having been a big meat eater for over 50 years, including a birhtday treat at the House of Prime Rib in San Francisco last December where I demolished the King Henry VIII cut, which was the thickest cut they had, at least an inch thick. I don't miss it at all now.

  5. Hiya, freeheeler, welcome!


    Just so you know, there is nothing inherently bad about chocolate. In raw form it actually has a higher amount of antioxidants than red wine. It's the way it usually gets processed--cooked to death and then drowned in chemicals, processed sugar, and fats--that makes it tough on the system in any substantial quantity. Raw cocoa is amazing and I have made the most decadent dark chocolate vegan cupcakes and brownies with it for special occasions. http://www.amazon.com/Vegan-Cupcakes-Take-Over-World/dp/1569242739 It makes great mocha and hot cocoa, too. I get Holy Kakow locally but it is available online as well. http://www.holykakow.com/products-raw-organic-cocoa-powder.php When you are dying for a chocolate fix, mash a heaping tablespoon of raw cocoa powder together with a teaspoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of coconut milk and eat it like fudge. Or make like an ancient Mayan and mix raw cocoa powder in hot water with a pinch of cayenne pepper and a pinch of cinnamon.


    If unsweetened chocolate like that doesn't do it for you, then it's not the chocolate you were craving, it was the sugar.


    Baby Herc


    I have no doubt that it was probably just the sugar. I always loved milk chocolate back in Britain, never liked dark, along with other candies. sugar on my cereal, sugar in my tea, you name it, I even dipped my apples in sugar!!!


    I'll definately give some of those treats you mentioned a try

  6. So, here we are 4 months down the line


    Still going strong, chocolate cravings are not as strong as they used to be


    Weight has leveled out at 148lbs from 160lbs+


    Still eat till i am full but i am eating clean all the time


    Had a blood check done after 3 months and cholesterol went from


    220 to 144


    B12 went from 862 to 1712


    Running under a 7 minute mile for the first time in 15 years


    Climbing has gotten better, due to increase in strength and recovery (and lighter weight).


    No complaints here, life is good





    I'm 50 years old, meat and chocolate lover and feel like it's time to change.


    I've noticed, as I've gotten older that exercise is becoming harder and harder, firstly to get motivated to do it, then recovering afterwards. Stamina has gone downhill very quickly and i want to start getting back some of my old fitness and enthusiasm and i feel that a good, healthy diet will help me


    A bit about me


    I'm originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Everything I ate was fried, meat, fish, eggs, even our baked beans would get fired. Then of course there was the "Fish and chips for which we are famous for, great tasting but 'deadly' for the arteries. When i took my wife back to Belfast last September, she also fell in love with fish n' chips and we had it 3 nights in a row, NEVER AGAIN, i blame her!! Breakfast was cereal, full cream milk and of course sugar


    I'm a compulsive snacker, especially chocolate, I love Cadbury's. I do try to avoid fizzy soda's.


    Thankfully, growing up i was very active or I might be either dead or at the very least, obese.


    I played competitive badminton, soccer and squash and would play 7 days a week


    I skied non stop for 7 years in France and New Zealand


    Now, both my wife and I are into climbing, cardio and some weights. She is also in the process of trying to become a Pilate’s teacher.


    We climb mostly indoors, 3-4 days a week with the occasional road trip. Our climbing sessions last for about 2-3 hours and can be quite brutal I need food before I start and I need food soon after we finish. This is my main concern, what can I snack on after my gym sessions instead of chocolate brownies. i used to be able to climb and then do 20 - 30 minutes of cardio afterwards, now i have difficulty finding the energy, enthusiasm to do anything afterwards


    My supplementation is as follows


    Multi vitamin (AOR ortho core)


    ZMK (millennium sports)


    Fish Oil


    COQ10 (All from life extension)


    Drink while training - ICE from XF sports

    Protein Powder XF sports


    Methyl B12 from Jarrow


    Vitamin D from Now sports


    It's going to be a major life change to give up meat and dairy and not easy, we both love meat but i try to avoid red meat when possible and my wife love Pork, (she is Filipina). But this is something I really want to try and do


    What books, videos are there out there that are worth buying, looking at that will help explain the changeover and also give lots of advice on recipes. I'm especially concerned about Breakfast as I always go to the gym around 9am


    I do currently have a drink which i 'juice' 3 times a week. It contains the following (all organic when possible)









    And then blend this three times a week (fruit is mostly organic and frozen from trader Joes)


    Pomegranate juice





    1 scoop of Vanilla protein


    Looking for (Lots) help and advice on how best to get started on this new way of life, books, online reading materials. i have just got hold of forks over knives (DVD) which i will be watching tonight.


    Thanking you in advance




    As a footnote, I should add that gaining weight is not a priority, I am 5' 9" and weight 162lbs and if anything would like to lose maybe 5lbs and some bodyfat but gain some muscle

  7. Well, it has been 4 weeks now since I started


    I went all the way right from the start. No meat, fish, milk, eggs, chocolate and anything else I should avoid.


    After 50 years of being a meat eater, everything from steaks, chicken, pork, lamb, sausages all types of fish etc etc I stopped overnight.


    And believe it or not, I don't miss it at all.


    Now, what I do miss is chocolate, anything sweet I crave.


    I had watched the following movies before I started all this


    Forks over knives


    Food inc


    Fat sick and nearly dead.


    I had read


    Engine 2 diet


    And all of Brendan Brazier's books


    I wanted to find out new recipes and new ingredients so I would be prepared for the big change


    I was not doing this to lose weight. I had been feeling lethargic and lazy over the past 8 months, mostly due to a move to a more stressful job. I was snacking on rubbish and fast foods, my weight had gone up to 162lbs, not a lot but I always use to weigh around 154lbs but I could feel the difference when i was training or climbing or just getting up in the morning.


    Now, 4 weeks later I am down to 150lbs. I still eat a lot but just make it the right stuff My time for running the mile on a machine has gone from 9.10 and getting slower, to 7.35 and getting faster. Both Rip's and Brendans recipes have been great, especially the energy stuff in Brendan's book. My strength hhas not gone down but if anything my climbing has gotten better.


    So, hopefully the craving for chocolate will soon vanish and everything will be good


    Thanks for all the help in this thread



  8. So, last sunday I went cold turkey and turned vegan. After being a meat/dairy eater for 50 years I went on a vegan diet and so far there has not been too many problems.


    One thing I do miss is a tasty protein powder. My last flavor was lemon cream pie which I could have drank all day long. I purchased a Hemp powder the other day from whole foods and to be honest, it was nightmare to drink, certainly on its own it was impossible.


    Are there any reputable companies out there that make good flavored hemp protein powders are similar items?


    Thanks for any assistance



  9. @ Incinerate and space tycoon


    Excellent advice. That was my main concern, going "Cold turkey"


    I have pretty much given up red meat and eat a lot of chicken and fish. I now want to try and limit that to maybe once a week and then once a month and take it from there.


    I really want to get a better knowledge of plants and other essential foods that I can swap them with. I've never had tofu before apart from Korean restuarants and want to learn how to cook these new foodstuffs. My main concern is food to "snack" on, after my workout, at work etc etc. anything so I can stop eating chocolate


    Thanks again for all the helpful ideas and encouragement

  10. Hello


    I'm 50 years old, meat and chocolate lover and feel like it's time to change.


    I've noticed, as I've gotten older that exercise is becoming harder and harder, firstly to get motivated to do it, then recovering afterwards. Stamina has gone downhill very quickly and i want to start getting back some of my old fitness and enthusiasm and i feel that a good, healthy diet will help me


    A bit about me


    I'm originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Everything I ate was fried, meat, fish, eggs, even our baked beans would get fired. Then of course there was the "Fish and chips for which we are famous for, great tasting but 'deadly' for the arteries. When i took my wife back to Belfast last September, she also fell in love with fish n' chips and we had it 3 nights in a row, NEVER AGAIN, i blame her!! Breakfast was cereal, full cream milk and of course sugar


    I'm a compulsive snacker, especially chocolate, I love Cadbury's. I do try to avoid fizzy soda's.


    Thankfully, growing up i was very active or I might be either dead or at the very least, obese.


    I played competitive badminton, soccer and squash and would play 7 days a week


    I skied non stop for 7 years in France and New Zealand


    Now, both my wife and I are into climbing, cardio and some weights. She is also in the process of trying to become a Pilate’s teacher.


    We climb mostly indoors, 3-4 days a week with the occasional road trip. Our climbing sessions last for about 2-3 hours and can be quite brutal I need food before I start and I need food soon after we finish. This is my main concern, what can I snack on after my gym sessions instead of chocolate brownies. i used to be able to climb and then do 20 - 30 minutes of cardio afterwards, now i have difficulty finding the energy, enthusiasm to do anything afterwards


    My supplementation is as follows


    Multi vitamin (AOR ortho core)


    ZMK (millennium sports)


    Fish Oil


    COQ10 (All from life extension)


    Drink while training - ICE from XF sports

    Protein Powder XF sports


    Methyl B12 from Jarrow


    Vitamin D from Now sports


    It's going to be a major life change to give up meat and dairy and not easy, we both love meat but i try to avoid red meat when possible and my wife love Pork, (she is Filipina). But this is something I really want to try and do


    What books, videos are there out there that are worth buying, looking at that will help explain the changeover and also give lots of advice on recipes. I'm especially concerned about Breakfast as I always go to the gym around 9am


    I do currently have a drink which i 'juice' 3 times a week. It contains the following (all organic when possible)









    And then blend this three times a week (fruit is mostly organic and frozen from trader Joes)


    Pomegranate juice





    1 scoop of Vanilla protein


    Looking for (Lots) help and advice on how best to get started on this new way of life, books, online reading materials. i have just got hold of forks over knives (DVD) which i will be watching tonight.


    Thanking you in advance




    As a footnote, I should add that gaining weight is not a priority, I am 5' 9" and weight 162lbs and if anything would like to lose maybe 5lbs and some bodyfat but gain some muscle

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