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Posts posted by WonderWoman

  1. whats enlightening is that you're being yourself.

    Yeah... sometimes I'm trying to be more like a normal human (just like Clark Kent in Daily Planet). But it's even more strange than when I am a Super Hero. Being yourself is most important thing, if you are pretending somebody else you can't demand respect from others. (this is my small opinion)


    My brain is free and well developed, but I still don't know where is the end of the darkness when I close my eyes. I actually have small teory about that, but I guess that I shouldn't move this topic on this forum, it hasn't got conection with nutrition or body building.

  2. Yes... I'm going to be a super hero. I like to believe that one day I will find out what are my super powers! So I could protect our planet from cruelty and violence.


    To be honest I discovered one special skill in myself. It's ability for make people laugh and a little bit more happier for a moment... but you know, it's not enough

    I know that somewhere deep inside me something special is waiting for it's best moment to come out!

  3. So I invested in Fucus. I'm safe now.... ufff

    Now B12 and I will be most healthy girl in the city! yeah!


    I'm not sure if Cronometer is right, but it shows that in mashrooms is small amount of B12. If it's true my organism is really smart machine! Before I became a vegan I was eating mushrooms few times per a year, now I eat mushrooms almost everyday (I didn't understand why)! This is so amazing that my body knows what it needs without help from knowledge side

    yhyhy... I'm so excited!

  4. I guess I should stop counting everything what goes through my throat. It's making a big mess in my head. My nutrition habits are very good (except single attacks of eating everything on my way). I eat about 5-6 meals per a day (3 big, 3 small). When I can I buy bio food and I try to avoid processed food. In the mornings I eat oats with banana, in the evenings quinoa/lentils/chickpea/rice with lots of vegetables and as a supper salad. Between my main meals I eat fruits and sometimes nuts drin water or water with fresh lemon juice. Everything is perfect and my belly is happy, I just need more Iodine and B12 and calm down with counting Usually I eat less calories per day than I should, but I'm not starving... I just don't feel that I need (or can) eat more.


    I think that if I will follow this rules (listen to my body needs) and train like I'm training now.... soon I will be real WonderWoman!!

  5. .

    You might want to be careful you don't get a multivitamin supplement that also contains Vitamin B6 in the form of Pyridoxine because Pyridoxine causes vivid nightmares. Unless you want nightmares.


    I was in pharmacy last friday, they have only multivitamin suplement! I didn't take it (smart girl!). Tomorrow I will try other pharmacies and shops with healthy food. If there won't be anything good for me I will buy it in internet shop.


    I have nightmares without taking Pyridoxine, so I don't want to make my "night life" worst.


    If you can find an Iodine only supplement, its best to go with that. I'm sure if you ask the pharmacist for Iodine, they will be able to help you out with what type of Iodine is best to use however don't let them give you hormones.

    Ok, thanks, I will be careful.


    Fat is important however when it is between 5-10% of the total calories.


    Perfect, I didn't eat a lot of fat before. I started to do it last weeks, because I read a lot of informations on bodybuilders forums (not that one) that I need more fat and protein to be super strong


    Most of my meals are raw, boild or cooked on vapour, so I use oil only for salads... I guess I can finally come back to my favourite low fat diet!


    For example: 39g is my 10% of total daily calories from fat and 89g is my 10% of total daily calories from protein. As you can see, I'm getting more than enough fats and protein. I'm 178cm in height and 70kg in weight.


    Our numbers are quite similar

    Do you know how many kalories as a vegan girl who lead active life should I eat per a day? I am 180cm, 70kg.... and trying to have 65kg?

    As no vegan I think I should eat around 2000kcal... is it the same for vegans? If I stop eat fats my daily amout of kcal will be around 1500kcal? Isn't it too less?? I don't want my metabolism to slow down


    The fructose they are talking about is called high fructose corn syrup(HFCS), it is not found in fruits and vegetables. You can eat all the fruit and vegetabbles you want when keeping the fats at 5-10% of your total daily calories. When the fats are kept within required limits, you can eat all the fruits and vegetables you care for, all the bananas you care for and will never get a heart attack.


    Oh yeah! Good to know. I'm fruit lover! I read an article about amount of fructose in fruits and how important is to don't eat too much of it. It was in Polish, so I think there is no reason to add a link. Anyway, in my free time I will read about it more... from different sources and try to find the truth


    Thanks for article about salt. I'm going to read it during eatting my dinner and let you know what I think about it later

    Very low fat and low kcal dinner!

    Because of You my diet will be much more smarter!

    Greetings from full of vitamine D Spain!





    PS. Now I use iodized salt, but I guess it's not good, I have to buy sea salt soon.

  6. veghead25, I think you're right about Iodine. I realised that since month or two I add to my dinners a lot of salt. I was trying to fight with it, but each day I'm adding more and more. Last night I had an salt attack, I ate a loooot of salty peanutt butter, this morning 225g of nuts in salt!!! I think my organism is searching for Iodine so badly, that is why I'm eating that much!! It's a disaster for me. I was reducing kalories for 2 weeks, and now... in short period I ate something like 3000kcal!!! I have no idea how I will burn it!!! NOooooo....and it's just the beginning of a day so I will eat probably much more. MASSACRE!!

  7. Thanks! So..I will find suplement with Iodine I hope it will help.


    Oh... I thought that the best balance is 30% fats, 30% proteins and 60% carbs!


    Actually I eat nuts for fat not proteins, I thought that fat is imortant, so I was even drinking oil of olives. So I'm very gald that I don't need to drink it that much. Most of my proteins are form legumes. I love fruits, I could eat 1 kg apples per a day, but what about level of fructosa? I read that to high level of fructosa is unhealthy and causes obesity and kidneys diseases

  8. Hi,

    I'm vegan since 4 months. Lately I'm trying to loose some fat and build muscles. Aerobic 3 times per a week, jogging, exercising. Yesterday I bought dumbbells, 2kg per one (I'm a beginner).

    After yesterday jogging and exercises I was dying from exhaustion. Today after morning jogging I was't that exhausted but very sleepy. Now I feel dizzy, weak, I have tinnitus, can't learn. I can't move a lot now, because I could faint. What is wrong with me!! I don't take any suplements, but I'm going to buy B12 on monday. I eat well, broccoli (every day), nuts, legumes, cereals etc. I'm 180cm tall...hm it's 5'9 ft and 70kg weight. I usually don't eat a lot of calories, but beacause of I started to train more, I also started to eat more.


    And my nutrition on last days:


    1714kcal, 67g proteins, 57g fats, 238g carbons


    1741kcal, 58g proteins, 61g fats, 242g carbons


    2230kcal, 77g proteins, 92g fats, 285g carbons

    24.03 (I ate today more, because I thought that maybe amount of calories is a problem)

    2630kcal, 98g proteins, 97g fats, 351g carbons


    Do you have any ideas what should help me? Sorry if there are mistakes in my text, english is my second language.



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