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health freak

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Posts posted by health freak

  1. I'm at the same stage of transition too. I make raw efforts for some days (10 being the longest in a raw), then go back to some cooked, then again raw. I definately find it more expensive to constantly buy fruits, but if the fruits are in season and not from far away they're quite cheap. I like shopping small quantities every day or every other day so that i don't have to spend alot of money and then, at the end of the week, have some fruits or vegetables uneaten...


    I think small quantities is the key, for me at least...

  2. First of all...give up the dairy. It does nothing but leach you of nutrients and energy. This is very important...especially if you don't wanna just get fit but also healthy...dairy is more unhealthy than any meat you could put in your body,





    The milk of every species (including humans) is for its babies. Humans are the only species which consume the milk of another.





  3. Yes, but then, if you are already a VEGAN, it means that it's not only about food. Lots of stuff that we buy arent vegan. We don't know always. If you are a true, absolute VEGAN, good for you. I'm gonna have you as a role model (concerning vegan lifestyle), and strive to be like you one day when i work with myself a bit more to build a stronger character. This is not a purity contest. Veganism is my ideal. I'll always strive to be there. But so far i should better say that i just don't eat meat and dairy.



    I don't drink milk, only soymilk. Can you recommend a good brand of vegan cheese? Now that you've described eggs to me like that, I don't think I can ever look at them the same again!


    That along with David's video of the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary has given me enough feul to take that final leap! Thanks, I needed that!


    I don't know what soy cheese brands exist in the States but i would listen to veganpotter suggestions


    I'm glad that you can see eggs as what they really are and that you've decided to try a vegan diet

  5. yeah, i think too that some dairy could cause worse reaction than just cooked vegan. But on the other hand, when you're used to eating raw, the body adopts and even healthy cooked food feels "heavy" in the stomach.



    My calories mainly come from raw nuts. Raw almonds, peanuts, Cashews (i LLOVE them), avocados. and some chickpeas and lentils too.

  6. What do you think about this?


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    I agree with this Robert

  7. Sadly, I am still vegetarian and have not yet made that full leap to vegan. I became a vegetarian almost 5 years ago and I can say that I've never knowingly cheated. My husband got me started on vegetarianism however he had a very poor diet so I do have to say that I have focused more on the health aspect of it rather than the A/R. That's shameful to admit because I do feel very strongly about A/R but I do eat the occasional organic free range egg or organic cheese and yogurt. These three things have been very hard for me to break away from.


    If anyone can recommend good replacements for these items I would greatly appreciate it!


    I understand. Dairy is addictive as it contains casein. There is always soy milk, almond milk (you can make it so easy by yourself), rice milk etc etc.


    There is also soy cheese and tofu and you can have vegan pizzas with soy cheese


    Concerning eggs, i never liked eating them even when i was an omni. Eggs are the chicken's menstruation. If the egg is inseminated then we eat a potential embryo. If it's not, then it's period.


    IMO, animal milk isn't made for human consumption. only to think of it it's so unatural. we're supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies just like every other mammal.

  8. yeah, the motive for avoiding meat and dairy is of great significance. If it's just health, you sometimes allow to yourself to be harmed. But if it's A/R then you couldn't compromise.


    Personally i've become a vegan (or, i-just-avoid-eating-meat-and-dairy, if you want) for health reasons as i was really sick. After i bounced back with the vegan diet, i realized the implications of meat-dairy eating to the environment, nature and yes, to animals too. My primary concern isn't animals, but i do understand that meat and dairy is not food for human consumption. I try to eat raw vegan as much as i can, to get those 2-3 times of cheating/year out of my system for good. And yes, when i do cheat, i feel terribly in my stomach too (but i don't know if that's just "power of suggestion" or something....)

  9. I agree Trev, but the word vegan... i dunno. Everybody does what they can. Noone is a saint and everybody can find theirselves in difficult situations. A vegan friend of mine ate dairy once, as he had depression. He told me that he felt like doing something wrong or forbidden. I've found myself in such situations too and afterwards i felt so guilty about me cheating. i'm not trying to excuse cheating because of depression or whatever. I just wish sometimes i was stronger in character..


    but if we take the word vegan literally, very few people are true vegans. It's not only the food, but the leather belts, shoes and jackets that many have in their closets. Even car tires have animal substances...


    I think we're on a journey towards veganism... with its ups and its downs

  10. yeah... sticking to your diet is the best for your body and your conciousness. I remember that each time i cheated with dairy, afterwards i felt terribly guilty even though my initial motives for veganism had nothing to do with A/R

  11. cool.


    Sometimes i get such cravings too (for dairy not meat) but i know it's all in my mind 'cause it happens when i'm somehow frustrated with something. I think the more we train ourselves to our natural diet (vegan) the less we get these fake cravings. i'm pretty sure it's the mind that plays games to us. Not the body. Raw vegans that i talk to, tell me that there comes a day when your body just craves for what is really natural to it and that is not meat and dairy...

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