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John V

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Posts posted by John V

  1. It's 5 weeks since I jumped back in and established a routine, which was good, but I was no longer showing constant increase of weight or reps, so, I'm switching it up a bit.



    HS plate machines*

    *bench 60/60x9 (where I've been stuck over a week)

    *incline bench 60/60x11

    *front pull down 90/90x8

    *seated press 70/70x7

    *low row 80/80x12

    db hammer curls 35x10

    bb clean & press 50x12,60x12,70x12,80x12,90x12 (good form)

    HS crunch machine 50x15, 50x13


    137 hr target eliptical 40 min, recumbent bike 20 min


    stretch/cool down


    Went to a vegan meetup with a special Indian buffet tonight with 30 people. I overate. I didn't meet some of the folks this time because I sat and talked with Zinzen for more than 2 hours.

  2. HS

    bench 60/60x9 ( 3rd time @ this weight/rep)

    incline bench skipped (machine w/belts)

    incline bench 60/60x11 62.5/62.5x7 (plate loaded)

    decline bench (belt/pins machine) 50/50x8 (2 less )

    front pulldown 90/90x9

    shoulder press 70/70x5 (backslide )

    low row 80/80x9

    high row 70/70x11

    alt dumbbell hammer curls 35x9

    HS crunch 50x15 (w/good form)


    Lifecycle eliptical 40 mins.

    Lifecycle recumbent bike 18 mins




    Snow shoveling is spoiling my recovery days!

  3. HS

    bench 60/60x9

    incline bench 60/60x10 (machine w/belts)

    incline bench 60/60x10 (plate loaded)

    decline bench 50/50x10

    front pulldown 90/90x8

    shoulder press 80/80x2, 70/70x6 (hard to believe I really did 8x80 last time, might have been a notation error)

    high row 80/80x7

    low row 70x10 (switched order of h/l rows)

    alt dumbbell hammer curls 35x9

    HS crunch 50x15 (w/good form)


    Lifecycle eliptical 25 mins.

    Lifecycle recumbent bike 10 mins




    My daughter did all the same HS (usually with 5-20 lbs of plates) plus she likes to do some Lifecycle machine pull downs, then eliptical, treadmill and stretching.

  4. Thanks! I agree with meditation. I do not sit still well, lol But I do get down 2-3 times a week and am quiet. I was told to lay down on a floor or bed, but I found time in a tanning bed.... between the warm lights and buzzing sound, I almost fall asleep!


    There are relaxation techniques for laying down, as well. I was referring to sitting postures, which allows the mind to be highly alert, while the body is profoundly rested. You'd be better able to "sit still well" also. I recommend mantra meditation for all humans. Please don't mind my unsolicited suggestion.

  5. more sleep - last year I continuously got about 5-6 hours sleep and not on the same schedule. So this year in order to repair and grow I would like to be resting 8-9 hours per day on a reg schedule.


    You rock Sea Siren!


    While meditation is not a replacement for sleep, it induces a deeper level of rest and relieves more stress. Have you ever cultivated a sitting meditation practice in your daily discipline?

  6. Massage hasn't been in the budget, especially since I spent some $ on chiropractic in 08. But, I promised my self I'd get one in the coming week. I'd enjoy having my new muscles kneaded, and I also still hope for some help with my current orthopedic situation. At least, I'd like to sit cross legged comfortably, and the limp is getting real old.

  7. Thanks Viva, a little encouragement works wonders for me. Following your thread, I've been impressed by your tenacity, too. I'm feeling strong, having just past 4 weeks at the new gym. The new lifting routine seems to be shaping me differently from my last one. The ample cardio has got to be doing something, at least my face is changing shape. The downside is my knee and elbow are still stiff and my calf is still sore from sympathetic assistance of the knee (read limp). Mostly I drag my butt after a work out, and one day seems like a short rest, but I go every other day. I'd been eating a bit of pea protein and now switched to hemp, which I love, and I got back on multi-vitamins and probiotics. I like feeding my sore muscles, and don't miss an opportunity! In 9 months of on again, injured again training, I've lost less than 10 pounds. Nightime grazing is the reason why. I need to lose at least 25# of mostly visceral fat. (gut)

  8. Hammer Strength today:

    bench 60/60x9

    incline bench 60/60x9 (machine w/belts)

    incline bench 60/60x9 (plate loaded)

    decline bench 50/50x9

    front pulldown 80/80x12

    shoulder press 80/80x8 (mistakenly added 20 extra lbs to each side, yet did it)

    low row 70/70x10

    high row 80/80x7

    alt dumbbell hammer curls 35x8

    HS crunch 50x17


    Lifecycle eliptical 30 mins.

    Lifecycle recumbent bike 30 mins



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