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John V

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Posts posted by John V

  1. flat bench 115x12x2

    incline bench 97.5x11, 9

    flat db flyes 41x12x2

    1 arm bent over db rows 50x12x2

    seated alternating curls 31x9, 12

    false grip reverse curls 60x12x2

    standing press 60x15, 12

    lateral raises 11x12x2


    Joined Fitness19 today. It doesn't open for 6 weeks, so I was able to lock in my rate at $12 per month. Also the membership fee before they open the location is $12 rather than $199.

  2. Thank you Jessifly. Another 24hr just opened nearby here. (The muscle head that answered the phone there gets low grades for sales/customer relations) The older 24 is near the new 19. The price is higher, and there's a contract to sign there. I continued until now to grow my home gym equipment collection instead. I'll let y'all know how 19 looks after my tour.

  3. Fitness 19 is opening a location not far from me. Does anyone have any experience with the company? The deal before they open is pretty incredible. $12 membership, $12 per month, $49 to guarantee the price will always be $12! No showers save $ they say. I'm going for a tour Sunday. They have hammer strength, free weights, a lot of cardio, as well as circuit training machines.

  4. flat bench 115x12, 11

    incline bench 95x11, 10

    flat db flyes 41x10, 11

    1 arm dumbbell row 50x12x2

    seated curl 31x10x2

    false grip reverse curls 55x12x2

    standing press 57.5x12x2

    lateral raises 11x11x2


    Been doing crunches most days.


    Yesterday I Ioaded and unloaded then stacked or shelved 5300# of cased foods. That work exercises my grip and back especially.


    Right knee is still not well and calf is still strained from favoring it.

  5. Thanks for reading and for your suggestions.


    Swimming would be great, but I can't afford to join any place with a pool soon.


    Delivering the 41,000 lbs my small program moved in the past year would have been a challenge on a bike. The other program I work for has received around six tons of food in the last week alone.

  6. I'm on my like 5th or 6th orthopedic injury since April! I started back too early a few times and lost ground. I can't wait to run again. (some day) I'm very glad I started lifting weights rather then wait around, as I've made good progress with my upper body in the last 11 weeks. Now I need to incorporate cardio some how.

  7. Finally lifted again. My nephew gave me two 50 lb hex dumbbells as motivation. Skipped the kickbacks as my elbow doesn't seem to like them.


    flat bench 115x11, 9

    incline bench 95x10, 8

    flat db flyes 41x9, 11

    1 arm db rows 45x12x2

    seated curls 31x8x2

    false grip reverse curl 52.5x12x2

    press 57.5x15, 11

  8. Tried the mini-trampoline. Not good. My right knee is still easily pained and the calf is strained from favoring the knee. It's been a long time since I ran. The problem has been working on it, including a lot of lifting and carrying cases of food, most of which are 25 to 45 pounds. I wish I could take the time off to let it heal properly.

    Trying to start an abs campaign, something I need most and conveniently forget. My nephew showed me crunches with feet up on a chair, which I'm trying to make a habit.

  9. flat bench press 111#x12x2

    incline bench press 100#x9, 8

    flat db flyes 38.5#x12x2

    1 arm db rows 45#x12x2

    seated alternating curls 31#x11, 8

    false grip reverse curls 50#x12x2

    donkey kickback 15#x8x2

    standing press 52.5#x15x2


    I also unloaded, hand trucked and shelved a van full of food today, as I often do.

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