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Posts posted by hsorlando

  1. Super workout today! Staying downtown, and walked to gym (3blocks). Step was very challenging, and had to put a lot of effort, concentration, and of course sweat, into the 1 hour class.

    Body Pump was an hour after that, so I had a nice rest period. I used a 50lb barbell for the squat track which was practically nonstop for 5.5 minutes. I went a bit lighter on back because my back was still a tiny bit sore.After the class I walked back with my mom, and we ate some Amy's indian meals, which are vegan. Then I did something really awesome, and tripped down some steps going into the garage! " title="Applause" /> Anyway I can walk, and even though something cracked it doesn't hurt. I may not go running though tomorrow morning like I had planned.

  2. If you're not used to sprinting I would not go into it full force at the beginning. I am not a regular sprinter, and one time I was running sprints in a cardio circuit training class. Well my effort was all out, and for an entire week I had some serious leg issues with my hamstrings, and right behind the knees. I like to sprint but I keep the distances extremely short because I don't want sprinting to take me away from all my other workouts. I find sprinting at the end of my run to be a good way to finish my runs feeling that I gave it my all, and have nothing left in the tank.

  3. Tonight I was thinking where the heck did the week, and my workouts go, so I ended up going for a night time run, and lifted weights at the gym for a bit. This next week I am dog/house sitting very close to the gym. So I went for a nice run, and then got to the gym about 7ish. My back was sore this morning from the bed, and big dog sleeping right next to me, but was fine during the run. I didn't want to aggravate the area with lifting anything heavy, like weights, so I ended up training chest, and biceps. he workout looked like this.

    Run- 3 miles?

    3 sets/8reps chest press- 20lb db

    3sets/8reps bicep curls 12lb db

    3sets 8 reps pec flys- 12lb db

    3/8 seated bicep hammer curls

    3/8 incline chest 30lb barbell- still too easy

    3/8 variety of bicep curls, wide/narrow

    some abs/ some stretching- walk back to house

  4. Tonight I am back at it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am very excited about my workout tonight, and will be pushing myself hard!


    Really enjoyed the second half of my workout tonight. There was a sub for Step, and when you have a sub in a Step class you have no idea what you are doing. So thast was the first hour. Then thankfully the main instructor, who is also a friend did show up to teach Body Pump. So that forced me to stay. After not doing Body Pump for close to 2 weeks, it definitely showed. Not to mention my two knees are still mending from my fall last Saturday when I went running. So pretty much everything that had me bending my knees or kneeling on them hurt me. So lets see, squats, lunges, reverse flys, and stretching were the worst.

  5. I finally found the vegan hotdog stand the last day I was there. he is only open four hours every day. The guys name is Jim, he is very pleasant, but he was out of philly steaks, so I ended up getting a hot dog, and italian sausage, they were pretty good, and not a lot of money. He only takes cash, and his stand is right near the Muvico theater at the baywalk shopping area which is pretty much non existent, except for the movie theater.

  6. Busy week but not at the gym.

    Here's the break down of the week.

    Monday I had no time to get to the gym, because of a meeting.

    Tuesday I did take a Step class, but had to leave before Body Pump because I had not even started packing yet.

    Wed- Taxi to the Grey Hound bus station, switched buses in tampa, arrived in St. Pete around 1130am.

    25 cent trolley to a vegan friendly place 2 blocks from hotel- ate a great wrap w/ hummus, lots of organic veggies, and a very tasty organic salad. I have pics but need to get them off phone.

    the rest of the day was very relaxing.

    Thursday- walked 4 blocks to theater where the Florida Orchestra was performing, a friend was conducting.

    walked around quite a bit on Thursday and Friday, and then ate at a nice veg friendly place called Evos that had some really good vegan burgers, and air baked fries.

    Friday night I went to a hymn sing at my church that my friend was also conducting. Then we drove back to Orlando, Fl.

    Saturday- went for a run, and a fall! The run felt good, but the falling part I would have liked to skip.

  7. Two very hard intense workouts today! Felt pumped after Body Pump, and I know I sweated a lot of calories today in Step, and BP.

    Still trying to come to terms with why I didn't lose anything on the low carb diet that I did for 10-12 days. With all the effort, shopping, and low energy I feel like I was cheated. These are all learning experiences though. Maybe what I learned is that I wasn't as far gone as I thought. Tomorrow I have a church meeting in the afternoon. So no spin class for me. I will go run in the morning, just have to figure out how far!

    Today I had multiple cups of coffee, toast w/jam,1 1/2 lara bars, banana, and a bowl of cereal w/ 3/4 banana.

  8. Didn't plan it but ended up taking three days off from the gym. I have been super busy, but very excited about going to the gym tomorrow! I should get to the gym the next three days, then I will be visitng St. Petersburg, FL for 3 days. The hotel I am staying at does not have a gym, but I may possibly go for a run around the baywalk area.


    One good sign of my progress at the gym, and my diet is that I am starting to really see definition in my arms, and they are definitely toning up. I am hopiung to get my body fat percentage done, maybe on Monday morning.

  9. There's a Loving Hut here in Orlando, FL. I can't say its my absolute favorite vegan place to eat, but it is vegan, and it can be cheaper than some of the other vegan restaurants in my area. I do like the quinoa dishes, and some of their fake chicken dishes. I also got one of their desserts once and that wasn't bad either.

  10. Thanks lng! I'm always pleasantly surprised when I see a post in my blog that's not my own. LOL.

    I think what happened with the 2 week low carb diet is that maybe I wasn't as far gone as I thought I was. Before when I did the low carb thing last year I had been eating REALLY badly, but this time only a little more than I should have. So perhaps taking out all the carbs was a bit extreme. So now I am easing back into adding carbs to my diet, besides carbs are my friends, they help me to kick butt at the gym and help dispel the myth that vegans have no energy. Tomorrow I am taking my rest day, and also might be taking my placement test at a community college.

  11. The practically no carb diet has finally bitten the dust. My mom and I weighed ourselves yesterday, and it was not a good omen. Anyway we decided to not use a scale in the future because it is too damn depressing. But rather go by what our bodies look like, our activity at the gym, and how we feel overall.

    I skipped Body Pump last night because I was literally about to fall over. So I ended up at Ethos Vegan Kitchen and shared a big mock chicken salad with my mom.


    Today I ran maybe about 2 miles or so, ate, then tackled the weights. I did 3 mini circuits, 3 sets each.

    Bicep curls 30lb barbell 10 reps

    tricep skull crushers- 30 lb barbell 10 reps

    shouder press 10 lb dumbbells 8 reps


    bicep concentration curls- 10lb free weights 10 reps

    tricep kickbacks- 10lb free weights

    front raises (shoulders)- 10lb db


    bicep hammer curls on stability ball- 10lb db

    tricep press on stability ball- 10lb db

    lateral raises- 10lb db

  12. I just wanted to mention that I am visiting St. Petersburg, Florida next week, and I found out they have a couple of good vegan places to eat near the Bay area. They are both literally within blocks of the boutique hotel I am staying at. The first place is an organics restaurant moderately priced, Central Avenue Organics. The other vegan option is a new vegan hotdog cart that is right near their movie theater, and they have vegan philly cheese steaks, hotdogs, etc.

    Last time I visited in October 0f 2010 I was unable to find any vegan options, so this time I am pretty happy that I will be able to eat.

  13. Spin class was great, and I didn't fall off my bike! But the bike wasn't set up right by me, and the knobs wouldn't tighten completely so the handle bars were a bit further away than I wanted.


    Tonight is Step, and Body Pump. I am a bit upset about what the stupid scale says I weigh. It has me up almost ten pounds from 2 months ago. I feel lighter though, more toned, and my clothes fit better, and I'm stronger.People also say that I'm losing. I know I can't possibly have gained that amount of muscle just doing Body Pump, and a few free weight workouts. I have been averaging 6-8 workouts a week, mostly cardio, and I've limited the processed stuff so I'm a little confused. I think I will get my body fat done, and just stay away from the scale.

  14. Saturday- Zumba dance class


    Sunday- Step, and Body Pump. After Step I was practically falling asleep waiting for Body Pump to start. It was my 7th day on a relatively low carb diet, and apparently it was showing. The instructor/friend wasn't too thrilled to hear about my diet being low carbs, but that didn't stop me from taking 2 classes in one day.

    Monday- I am going to a spinning class, and hope I don't fall off my bike! I feel like I'm eating a lot, but not having the carbs is making me have less energy too. Can't wait for this week to be over! Then I can eat carbs again, yeah!

  15. 3rd day of a relatively low carb diet for the next 2 weeks. This is what I've been eating/drinking.


    Day 1 Monday- 1 1/2 raspberry bars- before I went shopping, Yves burger, hummus, celery, water, 1 1/2 vegan hotdogs, black beans

    Day 2 Tuesday- soy yogurt- vanilla, almond milk- unsweet, coffee/ w soy creamer, vegan bacon, celery, hummus, vegan chicken patties, yogurt- vanilla, Gardein chicken meal, herbal tea

    Day 3 Wednesday- tofu scrambles w/ vegan cheese and curry powder, coffee, almond milk chocolate, celery, hummus, vegan bacon, water, Gardein chicken cutlets, italian beans, tomato, herbal tea



    Forgot to post workout! Went for a very short run, not quite 2 miles, but did try to run faster for parts of it.

  16. OMG!!!! I am so sore today. Went to the gym this morning with my mom and was seriously thinking of just skipping my workout, but did not! After I had a vegan raspberry bar, and some free coffee w/ my soy creamer I went for a run. It was very short, and my abs were very sore while running. It was probably around 2 miles, maybe a bit less. My upper legs, inner thighs are not happy when I walk, I think it was all the lunges that did it.

    Later today I am going to Whole Foods, and I am going on a strict diet for the next 2 weeks, I will basically be low carb just to get all the excess sugar out of my system. This should be very interesting because I never have time to make salads, and don't like the kitchen. The only problem I can see is that my energy level will be down because I won't be fueling myself with carbs except for vegetables, it will mostly be protein. I am so happy to be at the gym again, and to be back on track with my workouts. I don't want to have to make them less intense.

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