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Everything posted by raij2891

  1. I eat more on active days vs. rest days (guessing at least 750 more calories). Supplements I'm currently taking: Multi Flax Oil Creatine Vega Protein (shake right after lifting - making 1000 calorie shakes are fun when I'm trying to gain)
  2. Thanks Dylan. Looks like there's plenty of great people and reading material in our community. I'm here in Los Angeles. I'll check out a few of the training journals and will look into starting one as well.
  3. While food, protein powder, multi, and creatine would be better investments...if you want to take NO, then...below are how I'd rank them (the ones I've used) based on price and effectiveness: 1. Universal Shock Therapy - this provided the biggest boost (energy and focus) 2. Jack3d - steady energy increase throughout workouts (didn't have the kick-in-the-butt start that #1 had) 3. Controlled Labs White Flood - tingly 4. BSN NO-Xplode
  4. Hi all, My name's Roy and I've been vegan since July 2012. Unfortunately, I've slacked off...no training and little physical activity besides softball...since the start of November 2012. I'm back on it now and here's some of my goals for 2013: 1) Drop at least 6lbs. by early April (start of softball season) 2) 170-175lbs. 10-12% BF by June 3) Complete the Supreme 90 Day Workout (just finished my 2nd day today) 4) Do at least 4 5Ks 5) Do at least 1 half-marathon 6) Do the Spartan Run 7) Do at least 1 10K I don't really do long distance cardio mostly because I found it boring, but really want it to be a bigger part of my life now. I've always done sprints (HIIT) because it's quick and always provided me great results. Well...see y'all around.
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