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Everything posted by Scooterpie

  1. No, alternate between sumo and conventional, it just depends on how my back feels, and that particular day my back was giving me some grief from squatting and so I decided to go with a wider more hip dominate stance. Awesome lifts by the way
  2. Great progress! I'd say keep at it with those KB classes, weight training/being strong is the best way to keep your bodyfat low and really see solid results.
  3. Oh cool! I'm looking forward to someone beating me! and boy I need to get that bench press up lol
  4. Thanks man, well I'm pretty sure your numbers will put you up in first place once the table is updated with your lifts Awesome! and thank you, I have done some competitions in the past, but i need to gain some weight before i venture into that again. You should do it though! Its a great learning experience, heck it is what led me to being vegan and choosing to major in nutritional science.
  5. thanks mini. Not too shabby yourself. The being vegan thing is totally new to me, but so far so good. Don't think ill ever go back, i just feel too good. How was prepping for a bodybuilding competition? Do you count macronutrients? portion sizes? im curious how people get there conditioning down while having a (by natural bodybuilding standards) a lower protein/higher carb diet.
  6. BW 154-70kg currently but i weighed 146-66kg when i completed these lifts Squat-290lb 136kg Bench 200lb 92kg Deadlift 470lb 213kg Im ten up from the bottom http://www.apa-wpa.com/2013MeetResults/2013CaliforniaRawChampionshipsResults.htm
  7. Hello everyone! I am very new to being vegan, spent my whole life as a dogmatic meat/milk/whey protein warrior. Recently I have been finding that despite working out 3-5 days a week and eating a so called "balanced" diet(high in protein and animal products) I have been feeling lethargic and out of shape. Now I have slowly begun to eliminate meat from my diet and am switching from consuming dairy milk/cheese to soy and have really upped my bean/legume intake. I will say though that my main driving force to switch to being a vegan is me wanting to feel better. I'm sick of feeling weak,unable and bloated. I have always been very active and have competed in natural bodybuilding and raw powerlifting and despite doing ok in these two things I feel like my spirit is missing something. Over he last six months I have watched a few documentaries about being vegan and I have recently started to read the China Study and it is all so fascinating to me. The only thing that has been holding me back is the fear of eliminating animal products making me feel worse. That's all for now, I hope someone responds, I could use all the help and support available.
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