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  1. In the past month, I've been committed to my weight/cardio/diet, and it has totally paid off. I went from 27% BF to 25% BF! (I'm 5'3" and I also went from 128lbs to 125lbs- not that that I'm really using the scale as a measurement of success) I know I can't expect that sort of change every four weeks, but I am really thrilled and just wanted to share. yay! Jenn
  2. I am actually spending New Years in Edinburgh. Yay for Hogmanay! Jenn
  3. I don't know where to post this topic, so I'll just put it here. I am wondering what everyone's strategies are for staying vegan and also maintaining some level or workout while you are traveling. I will be in the UK for 20 days over the Christmas holidays, and as an independent traveler, I'll be staying with various friends along the way, as well as a few hostels here and there. I've been thinking about bringing my protein powder along so I can at least have a good breakfast and snack if I need to. I will look into gym day passes, but any other thoughts? Thanks! Jenn
  4. From one teacher to another potential teacher: we need you! There aren't enough of us to begin with, and certainly not enough of us who are good at we we do and still enjoy the job and the students. Joooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn Usssssssssssssssssssss!!! Jenn P.S. I also run a petsitting business part time. Not the same as running a rescue, but most of my clients are rescue pups who have very happy and loving homes.
  5. Let me preface this by saying that I like my sleep. I have always liked my sleep. After teaching all week and going to class at night, I can't wait for my sleep in on Saturday mornings. But something happened this week: for the first time in my life, as in the first time ever, I got out of bed, and went to the gym. At 6:30 in the morning, which is when I am normally curled up in a blanket, blearily reading the morning news, clutching my cup of coffee. And not only did I do this once, but twice. Yesterday AND today. For many people this is something you just do, especially you morning people out there. I am not one of you and yet I now think I will be joining your morning workout ranks. Jenn
  6. "compound exercises of 1 to 2 sets each" I think that is what I'm doing- working my way up to 3x a week soon, but not so soon my ligaments won't be ready. My question is- what are compound exercises? Is that like all of them in one session versus spreading them out by muscle group over a period of days? Thanks for everyone's feedback. I should add I'm not in any insane hurry to lose weight or anything, and I am happy with how I look so this isn't based on some weird insecurity, and I do see this as the first month towards what will be a 9 month routine here before I have to move for PhD school. WIth the long range view, I still want to have an idea of what I am working toward. So after this month with its not yet perfected regimen, what kind of loss might I be looking at? 1% reduction? Thanks everyone!! Jenn
  7. So far the weights and cardio are one different days, and we are working towards another day of weights, so when that happens then I'll lose a day of cardio, I think. This isn't the first time I've trained with weights and about two years ago I was doing sprint triathlons (not fast or well, but completing them) and I know I weighed about 10 pounds less, but I have no idea what my BF was because I never tested it. I haven't trained with weights seriously in terms of doing it several times a week for years. I think my trainer's idea is to lose fat via cardio and then build up the muscle once there has been a bit of fat loss? I'm not sure. But I see what you are saying. I was honestly a bit surprised at the 27%BF because I'm not big- I'm not cut either, but I wear a size 4. But I guess that's a common misconception. Also, if it matters, I'm 28. I don't know if age has much to do with it. Thanks, Jenn
  8. Hi All, I posted a brief intro about myself in the intro section, but I have some beginner questions that I am hoping some of you might be able to answer. I suppose my biggest question is what sor of body fat percentage decrease can I expect to see over one month? I know that there are so many variables that it is not possible to give a precise preditction, but here is where I am at: I am 5'3" and weigh 127 pounds. I had my BF% tested and it was 27%. My new and improved training schedule (being directed by a trainer) is: 40 minutes of cardio in a target heart rate zone of 143, 4 times a week. 60 minute sessions of weight training (upper and lower body) currently at 2 times a week, but moving to 3 times a week soon. Calorie intake of about 1500 calories with a target protein intake of 80-100 grams/day. I am one week into this schedule and we are going to do another BF% test at the end of the month. I have no idea what to expect, what would be reasonable, etc. Any thoughts? Thanks!! Jenn
  9. Veganmadre- I lived in Santa Cruz on and off for 6 years. First, during high school, up in Felton (I swear Jerry Garcia lives in Lompico), then during college on both the East and Westsides, and then my first year teaching I worked in Watsonville. I think in another post you mentioned wanting to work out w/out going to the gym- SC is the best place to live for doing outdoorsy things! Especially when it is so nice like today!!! We should go for a hike- you with your baby and me with my "baby". Cheers, Jenn
  10. I actually have a list of what is on my gym Mp3 player: Fountains of Wayne The Arcade Fire Bright Eyes Clem Snide The Avalanches DJ Shadow Broken Social Scene Elliot Smith Mogwai Godspeed You Black Emporer The Postal Service The Weakerthans Death Cab for Cutie The Flaming Lips Mylo Coldplay Nick Drake Pedro The Lion Sigur Ros The Sugarcubes Ben Folds Weezer
  11. Roller derby is making a comeback! You could, er, train by rolling around your neighborhood. You would have to get wheels that are for pavement, not the rink. I wouldn't advise knocking unsuspecting people over though-
  12. 1. What were you born into? My parents are both very intellectual and liberal, so the climate in our house was very much about learning, questioning, and taking social responsibility. They are both Christians, but we were never forced to do anything or believe anything. We were encouraged to explore religion on our own if and when we wanted to. 2. What are you now? I attend an Episcopal church. 3. What made you change? (if you did) Choosing to believe was both an intellectual and experiential journey. I ended up going to the Episcopal church that I go to because I really like the main dude- and the church itself is aesthetically amazing. Also, as an organization, the Episcopal church is socially progressive. 4. What are your ideas on religions in general? Their major problem is they involve this thing called "humanity." If it weren't for people, they'd be a lot better off.
  13. Thanks! That's Ellie, my very-athletic 8lb. dog. <--------------------------------- Are there any pirates in here? I like pirates as well as ninjas. Jenn
  14. Hi! I'm Jennifer from San Francisco; I've been reading the articles and board for awhile, but had some downtime at work so I figured I might as well take the 5 minutes and officially join the community. I've been a vegetarian since 14, and tried to be vegan while I was a starving student (literally) in college. But I didn't do a very healthful job, so I went back to being veg. for years. Now I am a teacher and am vegan again, and love living in the SF Bay Area because we have a lot of locally grown organic produce at our fingertips. I've been training with weights for a year, on and off, and recently just got very focused about reducing my body fat %. I'm petite but have 27%BF! Eegads! So, I'll probably keep you all posted on my journey to toned muscles and lower BF%, and in the meantime, I'll look forward to all the advice, opinions and information that are offered on this site.
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