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LOL my boyfriend is so cute.

Doesn't want me spending my money but doesn't mind spending his on me. The other day we went shopping for shoes cuz mine are worn out and he ended up paying for most of it. Then we started walking through the mall and saw the body jewelry booth and he went off to look at something else and I picked out something and was about to pay for it when he showed up and covered the cost. I chipped in for both the shoes and body jewelry but he still paid the majority. He also took me out for lunch and bought drinks later that night.

I feel a little guilty after he does that though, because I can't afford to spoil him all the time like that.

I sang him a song and he thought that was nice.

Today he made me supper and it was really good. Some sweet potatoes, nugget potatoes, beets, and carrots all roasted in the oven with olive oil. I've been eating more cooked food than I like but he loves cooking so it's not so bad ^^ High protein meals at least. Very tasty too. I like to make smoothies for us at lunchtime.

We went to the health market down the road and stocked up on hemp and almond milks. He loves them. He's still addicted to cheese though. The stores are always out or just don't stock vegan cheese. Not that he likes it anyway.. But I do haha

No meat in the fridge. I like that.

Eating lots of salads too.

Life is good.


Did a leg workout yesterday after work. Did 4 sets of each:


Hamstring curls with Keiser - approx. 50-60 psi (I think, still not sure how to measure weight on the keiser machines.. I just pump it up until it feels right)

Leg presses - 180 lbs

Leg extensions on Keiser - maybe 80-90 psi? I dunno how to measure air pressure

Plie Squats

Hip abducter on Keiser.


Keiser machines are powered by air and are very smooth and controlled. They are mostly meant for injured people who want to get stronger without bulking up. I crank up the air pressure but don't get a very good bodybuilding type workout from them. Stupid girly gym and wussy machines..

I wanted a change-up from my free-weight routine which is getting pretty old.

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It's been a pretty busy week at work. Very stressful at times but sticking to the good old routine.

Yesterday I switched it up and went to the gym with my bf to the REAL gym where they have leg presses where you can add more than 210 pounds... O.o

Anyways I did shoulders, triceps and chest. We kinda helped each other out and I didn't write down everything I did but I think I did about 2-3 sets per different exercise. I did some incline bench presses, pec flies, arnold presses, lateral raises, and strengthened my rotator cuffs with resistant bands. I'm pretty sore today.


DUDE the funniest thing happened today. I had to open at work today so I set my alarm for 5 am, since I usually open at 6 am. Forgetting it's a weekend and that I don't have to be at work until 8.. I didn't realize until it was about 5:30. I was wondering why it was so dark haha

I'm such a retard.


Had my oatmeal and bananas and went back to sleep.


For snacks, I took a banana and some carrots to work. I'm so spoiled that I couldn't eat the non-organic carrots. I spit em back out and had some soy milk instead. For lunch I had a fruit salad, and for dinner I had vegan pizza. My boyfriend took me and his friend out to an Italian place to eat. For dessert I had some Nibs haha.

I know I didn't eat nearly enough today and it's probably why I'm so tired. Trying to lose that 5 pounds still. Super stubborn. Need to add more cardio. Gonna go into work tomorrow since they have nice cardio machines with TVs.

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The best vegan candy EVAR! Lol

They're like little licorice pieces.

I went to PETA's "I Can't Believe it's Vegan!" website and they were listed on there and was so happy cuz I loved em as a kid.


Today I'm super exhausted. Trying too hard to achieve my fitness goals and forgetting that I need to rest every once in awhile. The not eating or sleeping enough caught up to me this weekend. Been really tired, oversleeping, and getting grumpy. Today I'm going to focus on eating lots of healthy, raw foods.

This morning I had a Vega shake for breakfast.. And I'm having some Bio-K too cuz my system is all messed up. Probably from the gluten in the pizza crust. Does it to me every time. WHEN WILL I LEARN!?!?

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For my afternoon snack I ate the rest of the strawberries in the fridge and some almonds. Then I went to the store to buy some food. I got some yummy treats for me and the boy -- Sweet potato chips. They were on sale, and they're low in fat. I've been craving chips lately. I also got some other things.

I went home from my shopping trip and made some sandwiches with the vegan cheese I bought the other week. (Don't worry, this stuff stays good until August.) It was so awesome. I made it on flax bread with tomato and put it under the broiler.

I wrote a blog all about my love affair with Earth Island gourmet vegan cheese. It's on Facebook if ya'll wanna check it out.

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i've got an issue with Facebook groups.

90% of the time, nobody is moderating them. I've joined a few groups on there and there's the odd meat eating redneck who'll come in, and in broken english and bad spelling, will say something along the lines of




Ok maybe not that bad, but they still call us stupid hippes and go with the food chain explanation and then leave the group and never look at a single reply from all the angry vegans telling him to STFU.


A friend of mine recently joined a group called PETA2. I thought it was interesting, since it was targeted at younger people so I took a look. I saw this post by some kid who was upset because he and his vegan friend went to a restaurant and the poor girl got a big chunk of pork in her sandwich. She was upset and took it back and the cooks just brushed her off, never apologized or anything.. and basically treated her like dirt.

I replied, saying I sympathized.. and that I would be upset if it had happened to me.


Then out of NOWHERE some douchebag starts talking. "Why are you making such a big deal out of it? It's not like you're allergic to meat" and just going on and on.


I stepped in and said "Well, because vegans are conscious eaters and feel upset when a living thing, in this case a pig, is slaughtered for human consumption."


Then Senior Douche started saying "I'm sorry, that is ridiculous." and started calling us fussy eaters. I then got REALLY pissed and told him he was being ignorant and it kinda escalated from there. The last post he sent me was totally insane. He said that I funded terrorism and killed thousands of animals. I was like "what?!" cuz I think he thought I actually supported PETA. I'm not anti-peta, obviously, or I would'nt have joined the group, but he obviously was and had no business being there.

I then got angry, asked him if he thought I worked for the SPCA or PETA or someshit and told him I wasn't going to waste my time replying to some retarded kid on the internet and left it at that. He replied again but I never went back to read it.


Then today, some other shitstick decides that he's going to join in the fun. He called me a self-righteous vegan and thought he needed to educate me on the fact that I'm not perfect and that animals die when crops are harvested and that he hates me because I called douchebag a retard.


Oh wahh. Do you want a tissue for your issue?


I never at one point said "Hey meat eater. I'm better than you." I just asked why he was there since he didn't seem to really care about animal welfare. He said veganism wasn't a lifestyle, and it was a dietary choice based on fussy eating. I sent him links from wikipedia and 2 other sources to show him the true definition of vegan.. Since he obviously didn't know. Guess that makes me self-righteous. Oh well.


Anyways, I replied and said I'm not self-righteous, I just live on the defensive side since people do make fun of me and the food I eat. I explained I was having a bad day, but thought it was unfair that I was being attacked just for replying to a post and stuff like that.


I don't really remember since I wrote 2 replies. I deleted the first one cuz it was really long and kinda angry.. Then the second one was basically me trying to explain my point of view. I don't think they care really. I shouldn't care. People like that only bug other people online because they don't have the balls to do it to someone face-to-face.


This is the problem I have with Facebook groups. All these kids conjugate and pick on people they don't like. What's sad is that I'm not much older than them and I know better. I sunk to their level and continued an argument I should have just walked away from in the first place, rather than getting pissed off and insulted by strangers I'll never even meet. Even if I do, we won't recognize each other.

I can't try to educate people who don't want to be educated.

I guess that's the thing with PETA groups too. People can be into animal rights, but vegans like me have a hard time trying to figure out how someone can love animals and fight for their rights when they continue to eat them.

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Breakfast: Green Smoothie including: Kale, honeydew melon, 1/4 avocado, some blueberries, 1 scoop raw hemp protein powder, a splash of juice, some water, and uhh.. I think that's it. It was pretty good.


Snack: A banana. Wondering what I should have for lunch. More vegan cheese? Lol. It's so nummy.


Trying to do laundry and the stupid thing won't go on. I just moved into my boyfriend's place and I can't get his washer to work. GRR! He's got the washer/dryer crammed in a closet and the dryer is above the washer and I banged my head on the door. This house is dangerous. Seriously. The cabinets are hanging in a dangerous place and some of the doors open backwards. There's also clutter everywhere from when he was painting and putting in his floor last year. Yep. Still there. One day I'm going to get a concussion again. (Last year I hit my head on the door. I don't know how I did it but it hurt!)

Getting my eyes checked today. I have no glasses cuz the stupid cheap plastic frames broke. They were always falling off my face and getting bent anyways. Hopefully I'll be able to see soon and I won't hit my head as much.

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i've got an issue with Facebook groups.

90% of the time, nobody is moderating them. I've joined a few groups on there and there's the odd meat eating redneck who'll come in, and in broken english and bad spelling, will say something along the lines of





Seriously, how can you argue with that?



Marcina your blog is hilarious.

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I've been busy the past couple days, I'll give everyone the DL about what's been going on:


#1: Last weekend I threw a fit (been acting a little psycho lately as a result of overtraining) and broke my glasses. Right after I broke them I didn't really give a shit. They're ugly. They're tacky plastic. They fall off my face. I HATE THEM!! Hell I'll throw them again if I have to!


But all week long I've been unable to see. I went to the Optometrist's on Tuesday, to get my eyes checked since it's been awhile. I've got super healthy eyes. I thank a vegan diet high in lutein! I also picked out a really cute new pair of glasses. Thing is, I have astigmatism so it's going to take longer for them to fit the lenses properly. I've been blind for about a week now. I get the new glasses on Monday *I hope!!*

They cost a crapload of money though and now I'm broke so it doesn't matter if I can see or not cuz I can't afford to go anywhere!! HAHA!


On Wednesday and Thursday I finished up my Fitness Theory course. It was tough following along in the book when I can't see unless I hold the book up 6 inches away from my face. That would look dorky so I tried to pretend I could see. Kept losing my spot though.


Yesterday I worked a full shift and put the cash envelope down on the club catalog, which is a big white piece of paper you write stuff down on. I couldn't find the envelope because it camouflaged with the white paper. It was funny.

Slow day, so I drew happy faces and then turned them into pirates.


Working out has been held off a bit this week. Tuesday I did some weights and was really tired the next day. Thursday was the more practical part of the course. We went around the gym learning how to use everything and worked out. Lots of core work, so my lower back and abs were stiff yesterday. Rectus femoris a bit tender too from all the squats and lunges. Today I'll probably take it easy. The overtraining symptoms are going away now. I don't sleep all the time anymore and my appetite is back. I'm also not a grouch.


Just finished a delicious breakfast smoothie. You guys should try it sometime.


Step one: Soak almonds overnight and put a banana in the freezer.


step two: Well, go to bed. You can't have it now, sucka.


Step three: Wake up and take the banana out of the freezer.


Step four: Peel the banana and cut it up and put it in your blender.


Step five: Add the soaked almonds + water


Step six: Add some chocolate Vega


Step seven: Add nut milk of choice


Step eight: Blend


Step nine: Drink and think about how wonderful Marcina is for teaching you how to make the smoothie of Gods.


Actually I think this recipe is similar if not exactly the same as Brenden Brazier's... Oh well. I can't remember where I learned it from.



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Lunch: 2 pieces of flax bread with vegan cheese and a slice of tomato on each under the broiler.

Man they were good. Lots of protein in that meal. The bread has 6g each piece. Not sure about the cheese though, I threw out the wrapper.


For dinner I made chili with veggie ground round, black and kidney beans, peppers, mushrooms, onions, and spices. It was really good.


Dessert: Fresh fruit and a glass of soymilk.


Post workout: Vega and berry shake with soy milk


Did leg workout to get pumped for my pics. Did some lunges and squats, calf raises, and some core work. My core is awful. It's better than it was a few years ago. Weak core from years of bad posture, so I try to do something every day that helps strengthen it.


I didn't keep track of my workout today. My heart wasn't in it. I started crying again because I hate my body. Man it's been happening a lot. I think I'm depressed or something. I hate my legs the most I think. No matter how hard I work them they always look scrawny.


I cleaned my house for 2 hours today and my boyfriend made a mess of the kitchen already. I made dinner but he put a bunch of stuff in it and then cut up some fruit and then buggered off to have a nap. There are dishes everywhere and he didn't put the fruit back in the fridge.


That really pisses me off. It's not hard to put your stuff away when you're done with it. I put away my weights and my bosu ball when I was done working out.


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I can't tell you how many of my platonic women friends CONSTANTLY bitch about their boyfriends being slobs. All of those relationship experts that put out pop books and go on talk shows need to add house cleaning to their list of relationship stressors. I think it belongs right up there with trust and money.

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Why can't men just pick up after themselves?


Lol he's learning.


Yesterday I came home from work and he had made me a big pot of soup!! The kitchen wasn't a disaster either! It was pretty clean, until I decided I had the munchies and made a big ass bowl of popcorn. Popcorn kernels are everywhere and the air popper is still out.. I messed up my own kitchen.

I better clean it up before the man gets home or he'll tease me about it! Lol


This week I've been working evenings and I have been going into work early to do cardio. Trying to lose some bodyfat for when summer comes (if it comes.. Fuck.) I hate the west coast. It's probably about 12 degrees celsius out right now. Been raining since Saturday and it's supposed to continue all week long.

I bet if I ate a big chocolate bar and got some junk in the trunk the sun would come out.


Yesterday I only got about 15 minutes of cardio in because I caught the 11:30 bus. After work I did some core work but I was fatigued and ended up getting all shaky and whatnot. Eating didn't help. Got a 1 minute plank in, some ball crunches, some lower back extensions on the ball, bicycle crunches. I did pretty good for being tired.

Then I played video games for about an hour and then started doing the droopy-eye thing and went to bed.


At work I run up and down the stairs a lot. I hope that shrinks my bum. I don't understand why I'm skinny everywhere but have a fat ass.

I hate genetics.

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I love to read your journal, you must be a trip to hang out with due to your wicked sense of humor and style.


I hear you with the butt thing. My butt is where I hold the most weight. I have child bearing hips. The very last place I lose weight is in my seat, ie where my hips and glutes intersect.... I had stretch marks there when I dropped bf for a comp b/c the weight just did not want to leave and got pissed at me for forcing it to go. Luckily the marks went away...


It's been raining since saturday over here as well but we have also been having some very nice weather. This saturday they're calling for 88 degrees, i'm hoping the nyc humidity subsides a lil though b/c it is unnerving.


Rock on sistah!

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Today I learned that if you live with a man... And you are hungry and want to find something good to put in your morning smoothie.. I don't suggest rummaging through his freezer and assuming that the banana in there is any good.

I noticed it smelled a little funny. "Ah it's just the peel." I thought. It's dead and smelled weird because it's frozen and been in there awhile. Naw I think he put the banana in the freezer when the banana was too far gone to be considered edible by any means. Usually a ripe banana in a smoothie is awesome. Not in this case. This banana was probably resting in peace in that freezer.. Who knows how long it was in there!! I'm pretty sure that if that banana hadn't been frozen, it would have been soup.

Anyways, it ended up ruining my smoothie. I forgot to add Vega in it as well, as I usually do in the morning. That also could have been why I didn't enjoy it as much.

But it was probably the dead banana screaming in my mouth.


It is off to work, now. I packed myself a green green salad: Made with spinach and kale, and topped off with cucumber. Some cherries, and some raw almonds and some of those nut and seed pucks. Those things are seriously good. They're like crack to me. I'll be glad when they're gone, actually. The amount I'm eating can't be good, as they are sugary and whatnot. The past two days I didn't eat so well. I indulged on chocolate and fried japanese food. I ate Nibs for lunch one day. Nibs and nut and seed pucks. Tsk tsk tsk.

Hitting the gym hard tonight!!

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Workout today: Heavy on the legs.

Warmed up on the stair stepper for 10 minutes and did some hamstring curls and some squats without weight to warm up a little more. I suck at squats. I suck even more at lunges. I wasn't doing them properly before and now that I know how to do them right, I realize just how difficult they are. With my weak core it's very hard to balance correctly. There are many times when I spend most of my set trying to just get my body in the right position for a lunge than I do doing the actual exercise.

Didn't do the Smith machine squats cuz some big muscle head douchebag left the huge weights on the bar and I wasn't about to attempt removing them for fear of hurting myself.

Instead, I did some one-legged presses on the leg press. I did two legged too. Different angles to hit the different areas of the legs/glutes.


I've lost some muscle mass and strength from when I was overtraining and eating way way less than I should have. I leaned out a lot in the upper body but still have a fat ugly ass and I really need to stop looking at it in the mirror and picking at myself. O.o

I was having a shower and thinking about how many years I was drinking 2% milk when I lived at my mom's and I think that's what caused the cellulite on my bum. That and the stretch marks I got in high school when I grew hips and decided that I was going to starve myself until my woman body turned back into a little girl body.. Uhh the shame. So much self-harm. It really shows in your body when you abuse it, I'll tell ya that.


Now, the stretch marks aren't visible but they leave these fine lines that are almost like wrinkles and the leftover toxins from years of eating animal products are still there. That's what cellulite is: Toxins trapped in the fat cells. I can do cardio up the ying yang and still have a fat bottom. It's depressing. I guess it's shrunk somewhat though, because my pants are loose. I used to have cellulite bad, and it started when I was about 18 years old. It was the worst at 19, when i was living with a tubby guy in Chilliwack working at McDonalds and not working out. Then I met Silvio and lost 10 pounds, gained it all back as muscle. I'm not ashamed to wear a bikini without shorts anymore, but I of course, still worry. I still think people are looking at my bum and thinking "wow. Her ass is kinda gross." or "why does she have cellulite but the rest of her is skinny?"




Am I the only one who suffers from such a negative body image? I can't look at myself truthfully.

Wow. This is getting long. It feels like a psychiatrist visit but free and nobody's listening.

Well, some people read this.. But most people would skip reading something so unhappy I'm sure. 2 blogs in the span of 30 minutes. I have a lot of thoughts.


Back to the workout part of my day: Did legs for probably an hour and had a nice big Vega shake when I got home. Now that I'm back into weight training I have an appetite like a monster. I should allow myself to eat this time so I don't lose my muscles and my strength anymore.

Restricting myself of food only hurts me, it doesn't make me any happier or healthier. Need to remember that.

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Marcina you're not alone. I have a bit of a negative self image issue as well. And I too have a problem with a big ass. The last time I measured, my hips were 10 inches larger than my waist measurement. And that tape goes around my big ass during hip measurements. I have to wear one pants size larger to accommodate my backside while the waist in the pants is too large because I have to fit my butt in there. It sucks. I am hoping that as I lose this excess weight that my butt will shrink and not be so....out there.

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I did legs yesterday and spent the whole day obsessing over my ugly legs...To me, it looks like my legs don't belong on my body because my upper body has far surpassed my legs. But, I have to remember that the things I see and what is really there are two very different things. Also, some biaatch stole my straightening iron out of my gym bag, so now I'm the girl with ugly legs and bad hair!!!


Anyway, I'm sorry about your co-worker...it's pretty effed up...why is life so difficult sometimes? Hope your week gets better!

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Hehe thanks you guys!

Sorry about your hair straightener. I'd kill if someone took mine. It's so awesome. My boyfriend gave it to me as a present <3


So, today I'm wearing a pair of jeans I haven't been able to fit into for a loong time. It's pretty nice. Proof that my butt is shrinking. I can't honestly tell by looking in the mirror. I noticed my favorite pants fall off half the time so I thought I'd try these on and they fit!


Thank you, Stairmaster.


In other news, I tried some gluten-free vegan pancake mix I found at the health store the other day. Yummy stuff! Got the sugar shakes from the syrup though. Next time I'm going to use fresh fruit or something instead. Yiikes.

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I work at a women's gym. They sent me home because the girl who wrote the schedule told me to work today but didn't tell anybody else I guess, so the people scheduled to work showed up.. And I showed up, so they had an extra person.

That's why they sent me home.

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