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Hi everyone, I'm a new member.


I'd like to ask what do people think about curries? Are they suitable as regular meals for bodybuilders or people training to be in a marathon? Personally I'm very fond of them although I've never cooked one yet but have ate quite a few at restaurants.


If I can learn to make them, what I have in mind for a regular meal is a vegetable curry featuring courgettes, cauliflower, peppers, onion and chickpeas (for protein), in a tomato-based sauce, with cumin and coriander, served with boiled brown rice.

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ginger and turmeric are main ingredients in most curry powders and are great for athletes since they reduce inflammation . quick tip of making curry at home: add the powder to a hot, dry pan and let it sit for a second or two until it releases its aroma, then add your veggies. do this a well anytime you use cumin, it greatly enhances the flavor

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You're on the right track, learn to make these at home so you can control the fat and sodium. Restaurant curries often contain more fat and sodium than you would ever even consider putting in at home.


haha, you haven't seen me cook!


Ha, I've seen pictures though! When are we all heading over to your house for dinner?

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