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when is durian ripe ?

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So I went to an asian market on friday and bought a FRESH durian...yes it cost me like 35 dollars @ 4.99/pound or something, and the frozen ones were like 1.39/pound, but my justification is that I just got a new VERY well paying part time job ....


ANYWAY because it was sooooo freaking expensive and I will probably never buy a fresh one again and this will be my first durian experience I want it to be the best possible....


I've read that it should open up by itself and you should be able to pick it apart with your fingers...well mine is starting to seperate on the segments but only at certain areas...should I wait until it gives all the way along the seams to open it up or use a knife at some points now?

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You are correct in asserting that once the durian has a 'crack' in it, that it is ripe. I would say that is probably the best time to crack it open. You don't want it to stink up the house any more than it probably is anyways


I have never had fresh durian. I was in front of some at a raw food expo that I could have bought 'a pocket's worth' of but I want my first fresh durian experience to be one of chewing it, not blending it up and I was on the juice feast that i'm still on at the moment.


I asked if the taste was different from the vendor between fresh and frozen and he said.... slightly so i guess it's more of from a personal standpoint of consuming those that aren't irradiated.


That's a really good price, WOW. Over here in nyc, it costs $14 per lb and when I was over in california, I snatched up a menu from rawvolution only to realize too little too late that they were selling it as well, for the same exact price $14 per lb. With an average durian weighing about 4.5 lbs, that's one expensive piece of fruit!


I'll probably buy a small pocket's worth to try it next month or at a later point.


Let me know how it tastes! I would ask you to compare fresh to frozen but you have never tried it yet.....

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I cracked it open last night and had a little bit, today I will have more and plan on making a coconut-durian (or mabye coco-avocado-duran) smoothie and mabye durian custard as well....will give full report with pictures later on!..its defiently one of the most complex tasting pieces of produce I've ever had.

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I cracked it open last night and had a little bit, today I will have more and plan on making a coconut-durian (or mabye coco-avocado-duran) smoothie and mabye durian custard as well....will give full report with pictures later on!..its defiently one of the most complex tasting pieces of produce I've ever had.


Hey, something to consider... I asked for coconut and durian together at a raw food restaurant here once before and the owner is a known durian lover and knower of all things durian (bonobos). He didn't want to make it for me as he claimed they were not good to be consumed together for some reason or another. I guess there would be nothing wrong with trying it out for an interesting taste once or twice but perhaps not habitually. Not sure what his reasons were; perhaps i'll try to look it up and get back to you if it's googleable or maybe someone else will read this post and know why that dude said that to me?

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WARNING! them import durians are toxic. ive visited the farms that grow commerical durian to meet international market demands..they take short cuts that short cut your health. there is a company that claims to get organic durian to california but im not sure how they sneak it past customs when even organic mangoes from mexico need to be hot water dipped..


as for frozen durian..its TOTALLY off my list. man, them thai farmers are getting sold the cooked deal. monsanto is funding most of the durian research stations in chantaburi. ive been going there for the last 4 years each year. its sad stuff. im on an organic durian farm right now in penang malaysia.


save your cash and buy local, organic and fresh. the safest import fruit is organic bananas. the only requirement they have is that they are shipped green.


can you imagine a redneck customs officer letting a spiky, smelly durian past without any irradiation? me either...heck those babies probably get zapped when they leave thailand and enter port.

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