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Fitness for meditation


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Hi, haven't been lurking long, but thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 20, been vegetarian for 2 years or so. I've been slowly transitioning off dairy and cooked foods for the past few months (currently 80% raw). My goal is to become balanced and strong enough to sit for long periods of meditation. This includes having great internal organ function so as to minimize distractions to a peaceful awareness. So even though I'm all about doing things very minimally, so as to have the least impact on people, animals, plants, and ultimately my own stillness, I realize I need to function optimally, physically and mentally, as a means of setting ground-work for attaining my goal and birth-right as a perfected soul. I've already learned a lot and been inspired by you guys. Thank-you and I hope I can be of some help to others as well.


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Meditation for long periods of time: Vipassana?


No not vipassana, rather a technique for meditating on the inner spiritual Light and Sound for the purpose of transcending the physical (outer senses, mind and body) and returning home on this inward and upward flow of primal manifestation, otherwise known as Shabd, Word, Logos, Tao, or Naam by the various scriptures of the world. The technique and existence of the inner states are nothing new, and is simply a connection given by a Saint, to the so-called Master-power, which is in all of us, and is in fact the Shabd itself. It is something handed down over the ages, and active at all points in time. Currently, for the sake of name and form, it's called Sant Mat, and the connection is given by Sant Baljit Singh to all that request it.


I suppose I could give a quote from a book called Ocean of Intoxication by Sant Kirpal Singh that explains some of this.


So, a Master is God-in-man; do we see that? He does not assert; but He works as Christ, and all other Masters said: "I and my Father are one. It is the Father Who is working through me." He is conscious, all the same. Sometimes Masters have to say Who They are. When one of the disciples said to Christ, "You have been speaking always of the Father. It would suffice us if you would show us the Father." Christ grew indignant over it and said, "I have been so long with you, and you do not know it is the Father working through me?" Then He went so far as to say, "Whoever has seen me, has seen the Father." They are conscious, although They work at the level of the man-body. Masters come from time to time: the world is not without Them, mind that. It is not necessary that They follow the same lineage. No, They may be here, there, everywhere. That Power remains working throughout the world. And wherever that Power is, you will find that He gives you some experience to start with on your inner way. That is the only criterion you can have. But, in due course, you will begin to observe Him within you. The only thing that is required is obedience.

Our Master used to say, "Your whole life may be spent in search of a Godman: that very period of search will be counted for devotion. If you come to the right person, with the Grace of God, all your labors will be crowned with success."

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I love all the things you said. I have a resistance to the word obedience and the end result of success. That is the way of man. I accept the ways of man, but do not need to follow them. I like to be guided by my own inner light, not one who has gone before me and can show me the way. I cherish all the mistakes I make, and learn from them. It is my way. My free will is too strong to follow. As my guru (my husband ) says of me "You will do as you want as you always do". That is my celebration of life. May your journey be different and unique as all light fractures into many colors of the rainbow . Keep evolving till you embrace your light, and end with success.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're both lucky to have to have found VBB. This forum is great and has grown priceless to me in the short time I've been here. Journaling has been especially helpful in keeping me on track, and the support and experience here are valuable gifts.


A life without meditation seems a terrible waste to me. A great thing about meditation, not unlike physical fitness, is how we approach it motivated by our current level of consciousness, but enjoy benefits we only later can appreciate as still more valuable than we previously could have imagined. Though I was a regular TM meditator as a teen, a religious studies major in college, taken intensive instruction in the Rinzai Zen and Theravada Buddhist traditions, and have befriended great folks from many other traditions, my meditation technique is Ram mantra and my lineage is as a Hanuman devotee. As a secularist and critical thinker I appreciate that most folks here are nonreligious. Not to say vegan jocks are somehow better than the New Agey vegans, but, I'm enjoying getting to know the good people here very much!

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Hi, haven't been lurking long, but thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 20, been vegetarian for 2 years or so. I've been slowly transitioning off dairy and cooked foods for the past few months (currently 80% raw). My goal is to become balanced and strong enough to sit for long periods of meditation. This includes having great internal organ function so as to minimize distractions to a peaceful awareness. So even though I'm all about doing things very minimally, so as to have the least impact on people, animals, plants, and ultimately my own stillness, I realize I need to function optimally, physically and mentally, as a means of setting ground-work for attaining my goal and birth-right as a perfected soul. I've already learned a lot and been inspired by you guys. Thank-you and I hope I can be of some help to others as well.


Wow, your post is very inspiring! My goals tend to be so focused on the external. Aside from the ethical reasons I became a vegan, I'm always looking for ways to 'lose' and 'burn' and 'trim'. I don't think much about the inner.... it takes reading a post like that to remind oneself how consuming vanity can be, and that true power comes from within. Thank you.

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  • 3 months later...

It's bin a while so I thought I'd let you all know how it's going. It seams I have quite a heavy "karmic burden" you could say. I would have liked to have this dealt with during meditation, but either I'm avoiding it during that time, or it just wasn't meant to be, and therefore it's spilling over into the outside world. There are some tough lessons to learn, ones I have failed to grasp many times previously, mainly concerned with love for fellow humans. This was never a problem for me with ppl I didn't know well or live with (there were no bad thoughts as such, just an intentional distancing to avoid dealing with my lack of love), but with family and close friends it has become a living hell. I know their weaknesses and they know mine, and we are all somewhat evil in nature. True as it may be that ultimately we are all pure at heart, the outer layers are there, and it's a lot of self examination to dismantle them, coupled with actually doing what is right. Often times I will not do the right thing, like stop what I'm doing and physically comfort someone, because I don't trust that person, or don't like that person. Often times I think that I'm entitled to dish out the karma, but in the process I'm creating a hell-like confines for my own soul to live in.


What has this got to do with fitness? Not much. I'll do a post about that in the future. Cheers

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Ah sweetie! Such is the wrestle we face when we become to be truly aware of our reality. Been there and done that. The only way to look at life is acceptance. Reality is filled with all ends and inbetweens of the spectrum. And if you step back (not become so attached to the outcomes of everything), and have the patience to watch it unfold naturally, you will find that it all makes sense. You are still trying to control things. Let go. . . . . or not and keep on learning (that is most fun! it is kind of boring on the other side! dancing with emotions is a glorious dance of the spirit and life)!

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