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Vegan from Venezuela!


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Hello everyone. My name is Allan, Im from Venezuela and Im 19 years old.

I wasnt to much interested in bodybuilding but since I saw Iron Man I said to myself: "God I want to have arms like that!"

So Ive been training a bit at home a week from now, but Ill like some advices so i can get the "Iron Man body"

Thanks and sorry for my bad english...

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Welcome to the board, man! I'm new here as well Is it difficult to be vegan in Venezuela? I've been reading quite a bit about your country (history, current events, Chavez, the opposition partys, etc.) recently and, despite some things that I didn't like, I have to say I'm completely in love with Venezuela!

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Well Flanders, yes the force is strong on the fruity side hehehe

xzebrasx Hey man, I live in a city called Maracay, is actually a valley, very warm and rainy, lastnight we had a terrible storm Well, if you dont pay attention to the political issues you can live happy. Ill say Venezuela is like China now, we have to accept socialism. Yes is kinda hard to be a vegan in Venezuela, we dont have much products to consume and we dont have special sections in the markets, but it is not impossible Right now Im skinny, but I want to gain some muscle so I can promote veganism in here so people can see that you can be healthy and strong on plant-based diet.

Thank you Dan, Ill ask

Thanks to all the other guys, you are all so supportive, this gives me the strength to train very hard!

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Hey Lean and Green!

Thank you. Right now I think my major problem is that I cand hardly do one excercise for abs hehehe, Im in really bad shape, is been a whole year since I did something for my body. Im working right now at home with free weights and this is what I am doing:

* Day 1: Back

* Day 2: Chest

* Day 3: Legs

* Day 4: Shoulders

* Day 5: Arms

Im doing five excercises for every muscle per day. Also Im eating a bit more.

Can anyone tell me how can I avoid to develop some sort of tummy? I mean, I dont want a six pack down there but I dont want a belly either hehehe.

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Well Ill say 2500 - 3000. Im not really sure couse Im not counting.

Yesterday I had this:

Breakfast: 2 cups of fortified soy milk with three tablespoons of rolled oats, two slices of bread, two tablespoons of peanut butter.

Lunch: One garbanzo patty, italian salad with more garbanzo and carrot sauce. two slices of bread.

Dinner: The bottom of the peanut butter jar, two cups of fortified soy milk with barley flakes, coconut and raisins. One medium potato.


Now that I wrote this down... looks like little to gain mass

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Yeah, it looks like you may have to eat more.I only base that on what I need which is about 4000 calories a day.But then my metabolism is crazy! & we are all different.


I guess if you find you are not gaining weight, just keep increasing your calorie intake.Also, you may need to eat some good plant combinations of protein, like beans with bread, or lentils with rice.A good source of calories & protein are nuts, they are my huge 550 calories in the afternoon!


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Thank you Dan!

The thing is this "gaining weight" idea ocurred to me when there absolutely nothing at home to eat! hehehe Ill have to go to the market soon.

Also I think I need to adjust my body to eat more. Little steps... sooner Ill be there... I also tought about the rice thing, Ill make some tonight.

Can you give me an idea of your daily menu please?

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I am no expert on diet, but this is what works for me:



~1 Uk pint of water (about 500ml) which I drink 20 minutes before eating

~Cereal (whatever you fancy), with Soya or Rice milk

~Fruit smoothie (whatever fruits you find you like to combine) & I add a scoop of soya protein powder.



~1 Uk pint of water which again I drink atleast 20 minutes before eating

~2 slices of wholemeal bread with 150-200 grams of homous

~2 Soya yoghurts



~1 can of mixed beans, with 1 can of new potatoes or with a jacket potato

~2 cereal bars

~1 pint of water which I drink atleast 20 minutes after eating

~Glucosamine & Chondroitin tablet (helps joints)



~100 grams of nuts


After work (around 6:00)

~1 Uk pint of soya milk with a scoop of soya protein powder

~1-2 pieces of fruit


I leave it 30 minutes before doing my workout


After workout I eat a couple of bits of fruit & some water



~Lentils, Rice, Vegetables (always eat a huge & various portion of these!), all boiled up into a stew with seasoning

~Half a Multi Vitamin tablet


Before bed:


Anything you can squeeze in! (which is usually not much)


Obviously this is an example of a days eating & it does vary depending on mood & season.As I said this is probably not the ideal diet, I may be eating too much or too little of some things but at the moment I am gaining muscle, strenth & feel great, so I am happy with it.It all comes down to what works for you - but I hope this helps! Bear in mind it did take a while to be able to eat this much, to start with it was nearly impossible, but after a couple of months it becomes quite easy.Feel free to ask any questions about it, I will help & im sure others will too!


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