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Hi from Anglesey, North Wales UK!!


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Hi, I'm Aly from the UK. North Wales to be precise. This is al new to me! I'm right at the starting point of my body building career...been vegetarian for years and years, been vegan for about 5 months and loving it! I much prefer being vegan and I think the benefits are really starting to show both physically and mentally.


I don't have much of a clue where to start....I'm a member of my local gym and started upping my protein intake. I'm aboutto order some hemp protein isolate powder.


I'm 5' 3" and weigh about 100lbs or about 45kg. Little I know! I already have some minor defintion on my arms and shoulders...but that's it for now. My BM is around 19...it all seems to be concentrated around my thighs though!! What d I do about that???


Anyway, any advice would be much appreciated.


Ta very much Aly

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Hey welcome to the forum At 100lbs, your thighs can't be that big surely? Congratulations on becoming vegan, that's great



Hi Richard...no of course my thighs aren't that big, it just seems to be where my only fat accunulates! The rest of me is really trim....usually flat tum too even after child!! I really want to get the definition everywhere!


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Yeah I find that when I gain fat, it goes onto my stomach and lower back generally - just where I don't want it, grr. I tend get proportionately much less on my arms and legs. It differs from person to person I think, where the fat builds up initially. But it's always the same way to get rid of it; eat less fat / calories than you use up in the day. Sadly there's no way to target any place, except if you were to cut it out with an axe, but I don't advise that, you'd probably regret it even if it seemed like a good idea at the time

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Yes..I hear ya re the less fat and calories thing. I have no problem cutting out the bad fat, well being vegan there's very little bad fat anyway. As for calories, I have a job to physically enough to make up the amount of calories I need. If I'm lucky I make it to 1500. Usually it's made up with the odd sweet/high cal thing.


Anyway, where to from here??? I've got a simple program at my gym...and know lots about nutrition. But I need to confer with other vegans really who can advise me as someone who is right at the very starting post!


Got any clues....signposts? There's so many fora here I could get lost!



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What's your program at the gym? I think my main advice would be to get into a routine, something you can do consistently and feel good about / motivated to do - and that you enjoy. The consistency is one of the most important aspects at all times I think, but something that you need to get into when you're beginning / getting back to exercise. If you share your training program, I'm sure lots of people will have advice on how to tweak it if necessary


Daywalker wrote a great article about training for muscle development, contains lots of very incisive information, might have some general pointers for you?




Advice on training you will find in the Bodybuilding/Strength Training section - feel free to post any questions you have there about muscle development

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Hi Richard,

My gym program is as follows (if I can remember it al):


lunges with 10kg bar on shoulders - I don't like that one, I prefer just single free weights in each hand.

3 or 4kg screw bicep lifts

3 or 4 kg shoulder lifts/press(free weights)

Squats with cable machine at 30kg, pulling cable/weight to chest

Bench dips

core abs on fit ball

Back lifts on fit ball



All of the above are 3 x 12 reps.


I haven't been to well lately, chest condition and possible asthma. Pants or what!! I've been doing some bits and bobs at home so as not to fall out of routine. My arms and across the fronts of my shoulders look ok



What's your program at the gym? I think my main advice would be to get into a routine, something you can do consistently and feel good about / motivated to do - and that you enjoy. The consistency is one of the most important aspects at all times I think, but something that you need to get into when you're beginning / getting back to exercise. If you share your training program, I'm sure lots of people will have advice on how to tweak it if necessary


Daywalker wrote a great article about training for muscle development, contains lots of very incisive information, might have some general pointers for you?



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How many times a week do you / plan to do that work out?


Looks like that targets most of your body - the dips will target your chest, but I wonder if you could also put in something else for chest? For the reps, my advice would be to make sure that 12 is where your maximum is for the weight - let the number of reps dictate the weight you're using. If you can get 13 or 14 reps out of the weight, increase the weight until you can't do that many. Sorry if you know that already! Don't want to be patronising. With the bodyweight exercises, I'd recommend just doing as many reps as you are physically able to do (without hurting yourself). Don't stop yourself at 12. If you can do 15, do 15, at least that's what I do with similar exercises.


I have asthma also, it is a bit of a bitch depending on the severity. I find that I am alright with most resistance and weight exercises, it's stuff that jerks my upper body that I have trouble with especially running / jogging, which seems to crush my lungs, and force the air out of me and I wheeze. But pretty much everything else seems to be alright.


Another thing I'd recommend is taking photos of yourself from various angles, so you can keep track of your progress visually (it's hard to just remember what you looked like at a given time, and it can surprise you to look back). And take photos each month or so, standing in the same positions. Don't feel obliged to share them if you are uncomfortable, but you will get support on here if you do want to post them, everyone is friendly.

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Thanks Richard!


That all sounds really...I'm glad I'm barking up the right tree, so to speak.


Well, with a 2 yr old it's tricky, but 3-4 times a week including what I can do from home.


Yes, I see with the reps and weights. That's why I went from 3 to 4 for the biceps and shoulder press, cos I found I could manage it. Plus with the dips I think it's for the triceps too...I'm not sure if I explained it too well. It's where I put my hands on a bench behind me and dip my behind to the floor using my legs out straight as a support.


Yeah you're right, there isn't anything that concentrates on the chest. There are plenty of machines at the gym for that so maybe I'll ask next time I go.


I do about 200 total ab crunches on the roller each day. 100 on the front and 50 each on the lats. Sound any good?


I don't have a problem taking pics...it would help build my confidence. The feedback would build confidence too....I don't think I lok toooo bad!


My behind and legs are my real problem areas. I used to weigh a lot more and lost it all quickly..I think my skin has suffered as a result.


I just ordered some hemp protein isolate powder. The vega looks fab but there's no way I can afford it I just need to build in some protein for now.


I reckon around 70g is what I should be on....does that sound ok? Double the RDA in standard nutrition.

I noticed lots of people eat tofu around here too..I heard it's not that good for you. Men especially because of the amounts of female hormones it contains. Plus whilst it can discourage type of cancer, it can encourage another.....?


Oh I don't know! Eat this, drink that, don't do the other...too many instructions!!



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Yeah I dunno. People on this forum tend to dismiss stuff about tofu / soy being a risk generally - I don't know all the facts, but sometimes I read that diets with soy in them have low rates of cancer, others I read say they promote the development of cancer, it depends on the source and I guess who finances the so-called studies. I think a lot of processed soy products are also generally high in salt and often fat - that's my main concern, not the other stuff, but I eat them in moderation.


200 crunches sounds good to me, so long as you're doing them in sets which are making you feel the pressure. Doing 200 sets of 1 rep wouldn't do anything, heh. But so long as each set is a strain, I think that's a great number definitely.


I'm not an expert on the protein, and people will give you different guidelines. I've done alright on 60g myself when I weighed 150lbs. These days I aim for about 100g. You can read around the forum to get an idea of what others are doing for protein, and see what makes sense for you. I'd say 70g sounds good to me - but I shouldn't necessarily be listened to

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I'm feeling so unwell from this chest infection type thing...just forced down a protein and fruit smoothie with barley grass. Had some quinoa porridge this morning with fruit and soya yoghurt. I really need to get my strength up again so I can return to getting fit. Hate being unwell.


Re crunches, yeah...mostly do groups of 25. But I reckognise I could do them harder per set.


Perhaps I won't get hung up on the protein thing...I do pretty good in general and try to avoid processed stuff. That just turns me upside down.


Is that you in the picture next to your posts?



Yeah I dunno. People on this forum tend to dismiss stuff about tofu / soy being a risk generally - I don't know all the facts, but sometimes I read that diets with soy in them have low rates of cancer, others I read say they promote the development of cancer, it depends on the source and I guess who finances the so-called studies. I think a lot of processed soy products are also generally high in salt and often fat - that's my main concern, not the other stuff, but I eat them in moderation.


200 crunches sounds good to me, so long as you're doing them in sets which are making you feel the pressure. Doing 200 sets of 1 rep wouldn't do anything, heh. But so long as each set is a strain, I think that's a great number definitely.


I'm not an expert on the protein, and people will give you different guidelines. I've done alright on 60g myself when I weighed 150lbs. These days I aim for about 100g. You can read around the forum to get an idea of what others are doing for protein, and see what makes sense for you. I'd say 70g sounds good to me - but I shouldn't necessarily be listened to

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Yeah sorry you aren't feeling so good. I dislike it because I am out of action, can't get stuff done that I want to get done, that's the biggest bummer.


I personally wouldn't worry about the protein so much, especially since your aim is to get toned, not to become The Hulk.


Yeah that's me in the picture

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Ah yes, it is my intention to become more toned...and not the hulk! Of course! But I think I would like a little more than just toned. Maybe the fitness wizards in the UK describe 'being toned' slightly different to the way you guys do.


I'd really like to see some difference in my arms and abs. I guess that's a long way off!!


Hey, are you Richard or Robert?



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I'm Richard! My name accompanies my posts You can determine the difference between me and Robert because he is blond, american, and about 3 times as big as me.


Ah yes, it is my intention to become more toned...and not the hulk! Of course! But I think I would like a little more than just toned. Maybe the fitness wizards in the UK describe 'being toned' slightly different to the way you guys do.


I'd really like to see some difference in my arms and abs. I guess that's a long way off!!


Hey, are you Richard or Robert?



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Ah I see...it's just the notification email I get that has Robert in it.

Norfolk eh? Are you under pressure to eat turkey lurkey!!!???


How come your a moderator on the site? Do you know Robert from America? How long you beeninto all this? Do you knpw many women trying to get into vegan fitness?



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Robert is the founder of the site, the owner, the head honcho. I'm an administrator on the forum and I designed the website, and help him out with graphics / posters / backrubs whatever else he needs. I've been internet buddies with Rob for a few years now, but never met him. I've been vegan for about 8 years or so, was vegetarian before that for a long time, and been lifting weights on and off for 8 years also, keep having lapses where I slack off or have other interests conflicting.


There are lots of women on this forum, but I don't personally know any women outside my family, a couple of them are vegan / veganish, but none are into fitness right now.


I used to get pressured by people when I was a bit younger, now people know what the score is and there is no point trying to get me to do anything I don't want to. But there just aren't many vegany shops around here, but sainsbury's is good for labelling


Ah I see...it's just the notification email I get that has Robert in it.

Norfolk eh? Are you under pressure to eat turkey lurkey!!!???


How come your a moderator on the site? Do you know Robert from America? How long you beeninto all this? Do you knpw many women trying to get into vegan fitness?



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