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Thanks... I'm still not sure about my form on that thing. I know I'm seriously hitting the gastros, I just am not sure if it's only gastros.



Went for a run in the morning, seriously not feeling it, but I guess I went faster... Also went to the downtown gym, it was so nice and uncrowded on a Sunday afternoon, and the ac was perfect, it was sweet.



Run 4 miles outside

Superset 3x10 full crunches 3x20 push ups

Superset 3x30 double crunches 3x30 bicycle crunches

50 leg drops 50 side leg drops

superset 2x50 ball crunches 2x20 push ups



30 mins crosstrainer

superset weighted hyperextension 3@15#x20 hanging leg lifts 3x20

crunch machine 3@ 50/70/70#x20

50/10 bosu jump squats




ginger, parsley, tomato, hemp, h20 smoothie

200 cal oatmeal with coffee/soy



carrots, green pepper with 300 cal tofu

3 lunabars and a some popcorn and an emergen-c throughout the night

middle of the night, couldn't sleep, larabar

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Schedule's gonna be really fucked this week... it's gonna take some dedication to stay working out. Tonight especially, I really really really have to sleep and not talk to kryptonite man. That's all there is to it. To my friend that i know is reading this, I love you and I love your advice, and I can hear your voice in my head. <3 Wish you were here to hold my hand, because you understand so much.


One thing really freaked me out today. I was trying on a dress for this week, the wrong size of course, and I asked the dressing room woman for her opinion, and she did me in by saying... not "that dress is too big for you" but "you are too small for that dress." wtf?


Took the military press back up to 17.5 today and just barely made it to 20 on the second set, so I added some more at lower weight at the end.




4 mile run


30 mins elliptical

superset wide grip pull downs (2@60x20) and tri press downs (2@80x20)

superset skullcrushers(2@30x20) db military press ([email protected])

superset db row more weight (2@25x20) db lateral raise (4@5x20) ([email protected])

superset stability platform overhead tri extension (10# 20/20 20/20) military press (5# 20/20)

and like 10 bosu jump squats, I was hella worn out





ginger, parsley, tomato, hemp, h20 smoothie

200 cal oatmeal with coffee/soy




cabbage, green pepper, carrots with 300 cal tofu

2 lunabars (peanut butter cookie flavor omfg)

100 cal oatmeal

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I can't really believe how delicious those peanut butter ones are. I wish I could find them for the same price I get my ghetto flavor.



Ate some serious carbs at work and it affected me like crack(!) to the point of me going into someone important's office and standing on a basketall (for like 15 seconds, unasssisted, which I am very proud of!) and then fallling like a drunk. Lucky thing there was carpet. Other highlights included eating more carbs, then eating more carbs, and also riding four blocks (on the short side) hands free even though the headset is still loose. Worked mostly on my suplesse and riding like the scrapper I used to be while commuting around town. Got to stop at the gym. Rob helped me figure out how to use the rotary calf press better, I should be able to really get on it next time.



50 mins elliptical

superset db chest press (2@20 x20) db bi curl (2@15x20)

superset cable chest fly (2@25x20) bb bi curl (2@30x20)

rotary calf press (3@230x20)

superset seated leg extension need to add more weight[/i ] (2@70x20) prone ham curl (2@50x20) plus playing on the seated one

superset stability platform db bi curl 10# 20/20 20/20 and and 10/20 bosu jump squats



remembered to eat all my veggies, flax, miso, along with obscene amount of carbs, 2 veg burgers, three lunabars, and some coffee.


less carbs planned for wednesday

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plus playing on the seated one
After discovering the seated ham curls I refuse to do the prone one. I actually really like the standing ham curls, but can't find one or a way to adjust the prone to get a top squeeze.


My only advise on the seated ham curls: adjust the leg piece so that you can put your legs on them without having to stretch them or angle your knee awkwardly while mounting. Then when you are seated adjust the leg piece so you get a nice stretch.

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Yeah, I dunno about most sales people, I don't really trust mainstream taste in this country and most dressing room workers tend to be pretty mainstream... she wanted me to get this skin tight thing... sometimes when I look around downtown or in the mall at what people are wearing, how it fits, and what's showing, i just stop and wonder. I did end up getting a pretty tight dress. I dunno how well I can rock it. I wore it out the other night, but it's possible the bar was filled up with gay guys.



30 mins elliptical

55 mins run << faster

I've always been impressed by cardio freaks like you.

Nothing special at all, just gotta feed that endorphin monkey on my back!


LB, I'm gonna keep playing on the seated ham curl and follow your advice till I find a good fit. I think my main issue with it is that my hips or lower back shift with the movement, and I don't feel the kind of concentrated static burn I get with the prone one. The prone curl anchors my hips/lower back in what feels like a pretty good way, with relatively little effort to figure out.



Bike commute, did not stop running/flitting from 8:30 till 9:00. Food was a little off, also I ate some almonds, which were pretty yummy. I'll prob not be integrating nuts into my diet in any significant way though, maybe a little if i go abroad this summer.



Bike commute all day, long work day. It felt good though. Food was nothing surprising.



woke up worn out, was looking forward to bike commuting but i needed to take the car. Went for a short hike, ran a speck, but I think I screwed myself up by doing it in flip flops, even though they were good teva ones. When I got back my injured knee was all twingey and weird. Stayed on my feet for the rest of the day. Got to the café and I actually asked S if he accidentally gave me decaf... coffee had no effect on me at all.


Once I got to the gym, my knee felt worse. I thought warming it up in circular motion on the elliptical would help, it didn't really. Then it did this weird unhinge thing. Feeling mad, bummed, and worn out, I promised myself to try the treadmill, go easy, stop if i need to. The first ten minutes sucked. No pain really, just discomfort. I have a pretty high tolerance to pain though, so maybe it was bad. At about 15 minutes it went away, but I was over running at that point. So so so so tired. I made it all the way through 55 minutes, 6.02 miles.



30 mins elliptical

55 mins running

leg band side walking <<

superset wide grip pull downs (3@60x20) and tri press downs (3@80x20)

superset skullcrushers(2@30x20) db military press ([email protected])([email protected])([email protected])

superset db row (2@25x20) db lateral raise more weight ([email protected])

stability platform military press (10# 20/20)

stability platform overhead tri extension (10# 20/20 20/20)

bosu jump squats 20/20



the usual, except a couple cookies right before i left for the gym, which prob made my tiredness problem worse.


Note to self: Please remember, wheat is not your friend, no matter how wiped out you are.

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Twitchy calf muscles are hawwwt. Time to get down there and massage um, woman!


The reason why I am so in love with that seated hammy is due to the isolation of the hams that it affords you. The fact that your lower back is NOT engaged makes it dreamy. Dreeeeeeeamy hehe. I find that with the prone my erectors and gluts engage a ton and since I have a back day proceeding a leg day...I don't want that.


My suggestion when doing the seated ham-of-love-machine (it's just a love machine) is to seat yourself with your pelvis slightly tilted forward, a neutral arch in your lower back and most importantly plant and spread your gluts as wide as you can throughout the seat. That way your base is as solid and stable as possible and you can focus on contracting your hams and nothing else.

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I'm just laying here watching my calf muscles twitch and i haven't rly even been on my feet yet today. They do that alot.



I'm no doctor. But you could be low on potassium.

You should get that check out


All the best Sweetie <3

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or smart water? maybe use more lemon for seasoning...


I probably should get it checked, but I most likely won't. I'm sure it's nothing.


Old knee injury's feeling a little better, still have that weirdness going on with it. One of the results of the injury is connected with the glute, and all the way down to my foot. So yesterday I was working rly rly hard on ham curls and when I got up it felt more not right near the glute/lower back, almost like a pinched nerve feeling. Still functional, just not super comfortable.


Possible solutions:

-ibuprofen to reduce any swelling and prevent future exacerbation (rly don't wanna)

-more anti inflammatory foods (already on it)

-stay as prone as possible (prob won't happen)

- lots of stretching/yoga... keepin mostly away from quad stretches





30 mins elliptical

55 mins run

leg band squats

superset db chest press (2@20 x20) db bi curl (2@15x20)

superset cable chest fly (2@25) bb bi curl (2@30x20) rotary calf press 1@150x20 3@210x20

superset seated leg extension more weight (2@80x20) prone ham curl more weight (2@50x20)

stability platform db bi curl 10# 20/20 20/20

practice standing on a medicine ball <<< omg fun





kale tomato ginger hemp (120 cal) h20 smoothie

200 cal oatmeal with coffee, soy



spinach and tofu (300 cal)

popcorn (520 cal) lunabar

2 lunabars and a couple swigs of soymilk

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Bad knee is feeling better but still actually a bit swollen, good knee was weird today on the road... twinges of pain going up hills.. i think my stride is overcompensating and favoring my old injury which is bad for my good knee and for me overall. So today I tried one legged jump squats on the bosu ball... i always knew i had some imbalance going, but omg this was huge. By the end of the second set, it wasn't so bad. Prob should go see the chiro. Or get a massage.


Run felt hard, but I guess it was cuz I went pretty fast... need to get more serious about stopwatching or something.






4 miles run

Superset 3x10 full crunches 3x20 push ups

Superset 3x30 double crunches 3x30 bicycle crunches

50 leg drops 50 side leg drops

superset 2x50 ball crunches 2x20 push ups



30 mins crosstrainer

superset weighted hyperextension (2@15#x20 2@25#x20) hanging leg lifts (4x20)

20/20 bosu jump squats and 5/5 5/5 one legged next to the wall





ginger, parsley, tomato, hemp, h20 smoothie

200 cal oatmeal with coffee/soy



zucchini with 300 cal tofu and a lunabar

spinach, tomato, and a lunabar

a couple of cute gummi worms, amazingly vegan << gotta get some to share

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amputation lol,

yeah I noticed there was no stretching on your log. I would give that a try! Ive been stretching during my fragile early training and ive not had any injury as of yet. maybe you are also working yourself too fast. smoother can be better than high intensity. just some thoughts . happy training dont forget to enjoy yourself

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LB, that sounds good. My calves are twitching as I type this.


@lohung you're right. I usually stretch down a regular amount when I'm done at the gym, I just don't record it unless it's a great big huge cooldown session. I usually do yoga poses throughout the day (half moon in the hall etc) I should prob do a little more


@lobster my workout made me very tired today!


On the way to the gym I got this pinched nerve kind of thing going on in my shoulder. Tried to work it out, got my back and neck popping all over the place... Didn't work all the way. Then the gym must have been hot or really humid today or something, because I sweated buckets more than usual. Running felt terrible today... I just couldn;t get a flow going till I started running fastish, was gonna just cut it short, but I did the whole 55 minutes (took like 2 30 second breaks to ties shoes/ fix ipod etc)


30 mins elliptical

55 mins running

leg band side walking <<< hurt, went light and slow

superset wide grip pull downs (2@60x20) and tri press downs (2@80x20)

superset skullcrushers(2@30x20) db military press ([email protected])

superset db row (2@25x20) db lateral raise ([email protected])

Superset stability platform military press (10# 20/20 20/20) stability platform overhead tri extension (10# 20/20 20/20)




ginger, parsley, tomato, hemp, h20 smoothie

200 cal oatmeal with coffee/soy



salad greens

cabbage, pepper with 300 cal tofu and a lunabar

2 lunabars and a scoop of vega in h20

some more cabbage

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hey babe-just how free is your schedule going to be. i am in desparate need of some female compainionship!!!! not to say that i dont absolutely love my guy friends, but i mean c'mon....they're guys! must......eat.....chocolate.......and watch.....dirty ......dancing!


or something equally as ridiculously girlie.

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