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New Vegan, 2 Questions


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There is a product out there that is better than fish oils: http://www.water4.net/why-v-pure.htm

I get it thru VeganEssentials.com, but they seem to be out of it right now (probably cause I introduced the product to another bodybuilding website and they were crazy to try it! ).


B12 can be supplemented, and there is no harmful effects if you take more than your body can handle (B vitamins are water soluble and go right thru if not absorbed). Remember that there has to be intrinsic factor secreted in your stomach for the B12 to be absorbed (B12 has a hard time diffusing thru the mucosa lining by itself, and it may be absorbed thru the Ileum (small intestine) if the pH is just right).


B12 is made from bacteria. Did you ever stop to think about all the bacteria you have in your body? How it is so important to have a microflora flourishing in your GI tract? You might be able to get by if your microflora is optimal (though even the stress of living a regular hectic day can affect your microflora! making the microflora not optimal).


Why do we compare ourselves to other animals and humans of the past? Evolution does happen. Besides, our generation is the first (with the baby boomers starting it off and the next generations after) who want to live longer and longer lives. Do you know how long a person from previous generation average life span was? 40 years if you were lucky! This generation is still thinking of procreating at that age! or later! We use to consider 70 as a life span, now we praise 100 year old centurians! which seems to be a dozen or so who have birthdays that Smuckers advertises on one of the morning shows. This whole concept of living past procreating is a concept for humans mainly.


A good protein powder to try is Pure Advantage's pea protein here in the States (VeganEssentials and Vitacost.com both have it).


And a PWO meal is good to schedule your Meal #? about half an hour after your workout. I will also take BCAAs and an extra Glutamine right after a workout that is longer than 1 hour, and still have the meal#? half an hour afterwards. I think the filling of creatine and glucose stores in the muscle tissue should already be there for the workout (at least breakfast, meal#2 for me, should be in and digested before you begin to workout). And it is all about the digestion! You need to digest before you can absorb the nutrients into your body and prime the muscles for a great optimal workout.

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6 meals a day, will mean you dont really need a post or pre workout meal, imho.



Also my addition to the general debate on B-12, grass, insects etc is that we probably get enough B-12 from plant foods, although truthfully none of us actually know really.Nor do we know about what our ancestors were eating.I would say, given our lack of claws and sharp teeth, we probably evolved & survived eating plants, but perhaps occasionally eating carcass.Certainly at some point we started making tools to kill animals, so the idea of eating meat would have occured before that, at a stage when we were not killing the animals, but perhaps scavenging anything we could, including carcass meat.We probably did this in areas or times where vegetation was scarce, and would see other animals eating carcass, & so thought we would try it.The idea of eating meat was born, but carcasses were not enough so we had to kill some animals to satisfy our desires.

I do not think we need meat to live, infact I am not sure carnivores do either.A friend of ours feeds her show dogs vegan diets & they are always healthy & happy.

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Dogs are not carnivores; they are true omnivores just like their genetic twins bears ( and very unlike humans: different tooth structure, jaw structure, facial musclature, color blind, short and smooth digestive track, ability to eat cholesterol w/o arteriosclerosis, different stomach acidity, and so on). Unlike cats which are true carnivores, dogs can thrive on both vegetarian and animal diets. Obviously, humans are far different than true omnivores like dogs aand bears: for example, our jaws move side-to-side so we can thoroughly mix digestive saliva into our food with extensive chewing and completely masticate it. Omnivores like dogs sheer food off in chunks (jaws only go up and down)and swallow it piecemeal because their digestive tracks are relatively short( prevents meat putrification) and their stomach acid is far stronger than ours and quickly breaks down anything including meat. Dogs and bears see in black and white; we see in color because it allows us to judge if our food is ready (ripeness). And so on.

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