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Dr. Weil


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I think there are some things this guys says that are great but then one that I am against.


He thinks soy foods if organic are great because of Isoflavonoids . He does promote fish a lot because of Omega 3s. Much more honest and sounds truthful than Dr. Mercola. He even quoted that if people just begun to replace their meat meals with more soy it would seriously improve their health.


He did mention that Vegan diet was not optimal because of b12 and iron. There I disagree. He does mention now that eating flax seeds is a good substitute for fish if you don't like fish. (again this is his general audience he is talking too.)

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if he would be intelligent he would know that flax seeds are not a good substitute to fish, it is fish who is a substitute. Nuts are not a subtitute to meat, meat is a substitue to nuts.


I never heard of him (or is he the bald guy that does tv shows ?), but from what you said he sounds just like the others, thinking in terms of macronutrients and micronutrients (proteins, calcium, iron, b12, vitamins, etc). A food is not Vitamin C, a food is a food. If he thinks that all we need are the micronutrients and oligoelements in foods, he should just feed himself with pills, he would see that these offer nothing at all, because an element needs to be in its whole, it works with all the other elements in the whole food.

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if he would be intelligent he would know that flax seeds are not a good substitute to fish, it is fish who is a substitute. Nuts are not a subtitute to meat, meat is a substitue to nuts.


I never heard of him (or is he the bald guy that does tv shows ?), but from what you said he sounds just like the others, thinking in terms of macronutrients and micronutrients (proteins, calcium, iron, b12, vitamins, etc). A food is not Vitamin C, a food is a food. If he thinks that all we need are the micronutrients and oligoelements in foods, he should just feed himself with pills, he would see that these offer nothing at all, because an element needs to be in its whole, it works with all the other elements in the whole food.

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I've met a number of buff people who got that way by winning the genetic lottery or stumbling in ignorance onto a working combination of things for themselves.


You can't judge fitness knowledge, let alone health knowledge, by a person's looks.


All you can say about Dr. Weil is that he eats too much, regardless of what he knows.


On the other hand, it is unfair and an ignorant thing to do, but if you give health advice people will judge the value of that advice based on your appearance. That is just life.

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My wife is a personal trainer (Gyrotonics and Pilates), and keeps herself in top physical condition and optimum health. She feels that if she is going to train people and advise them about their health, she must provide a good example. I tend to agree with her to a certain degree. Older masters who have "been there, done that" are an obvious exception. Just because someone has stopped their degree of comittment or training (or grown old) doesn't negate their knowledge. I have also met people with a lot of "book-learned" knowledge, who have never really applied this knowledge to the real world. I am much more likely to dismiss the advice of some like this rather than someone who has been there, but has now let themselves go . . .

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I agree that you shouldn't neglect someones knowledge just because they don't practice as they preach but the thing is that Weil says his diet is easy to follow, gives you weight loss and energy and all that crap, and obviously he is lying since he can't follow it or it doesn't work.

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