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Searching for hope... do people care?


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I discussing with a friend about global warming, animal extinction, depletion of the oceans natural life and even Veganism.


I think in general people are to busy to care. They got their own little everyday problems and it seems that generally to really care about any of these issues does not really come up in their life. If people really wanted to make the planet more efficient for us or all animals and species the change would occur much faster. I think here in the U.S. candidates claim they can pretty much cut back on oil not now but in several years down the road. To stop using 80% of oil it will take till 2050. That is too late. In order to stop the mass amount of sulfur into the atmosphere and nitrogen people would make the change from eating factory farmed meat and reduce their meat consumption by a lot. Fish are depleting and people still continue to eat fish. I have even a friend who knows that and with all he knows he still say he loves fish and he has to eat it. He is 48 so he may not even be around by the time all fish are depleted. So what does he care.


How many people are even aware? Do people generally care? my friend think only some people don't care but the majority do and are willing to do something. I think if you think of people you meet in everyday life how many of them really want to make a drastic change in their life in order to help our environment?


I think of people in the situation of health. Most people could give a crap about eating unhealthy food until they get a serious heart attack or they get cancer and then they say hey Doc? What can I do now to save my self?


Do you agree or disagree with me? Do you think people generally care right now enough to say hey I will take public transport instead of drive. I will not eat fish, I will try to recycle everything I can, I will go vegan or mostly I will write to my congress representative and push for green technology and push to get away from oil,ASAP.


I think there is some hope but I don't think most humans will care into it is too late or it affects them directly.

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That's a tough question to pu your finger on. Ignorance, apathy, ego, greed, etc. are some of the factors that make people behave the way they do. Here in America a decade ago, everyone was aware of automobile pollution, yet the sales of SUVs (sport utility vehicles) went thru the roof, with the majority of the people (irreguardless of family size) understanding the poor fuel economy standards set for these vehicle. So here would be an example of ego getting in the way of peoples convictions.

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Rainra... I feel it starts with YOU. YOU need to care. I need to care. I think the best thing we could do is be healthy, happy Vegans and spread the word more about HOW and WHY a Vegan diet helps the planet.


I think we could spread the word by staying positive, being less judgemental. Being happy with people if they just want to "eat less meat" for now and not shove our message down their throat too fast, too soon.


Becoming a hostile, angry Vegan I FEEL is damaging to furthering the cause and doing good. Finding ways to stay positive, to be hopeful, to always see the glass as "half-full", to support organizations who are trying to help, even if we don't agree with everything they say or do... having calm, non-hostile open conversations with people about your lifestyle... these are all positive steps in the right direction....


And for me, it is the biggest motivator to maintain my appearance and fitness. When I am out in public and I tell people I'm Vegan, do you know the most common response I get... "You look to healthy to be a Vegan". THIS IS WRONG! We need to start turning this image around. But when I here things I don't like, I never get annoyed or angry. I just use it as fuel to maintain a healthy vibrant image and help more people do the same.

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some people will never care, i think most people are concerned but just can't make the effort and will often be deliberately ignorant and too scared to find out more of the uncomfortable truth...


I'd say that applies to most people I know; they probably would change if you proved without any room for doubt whatsoever that what they were doing is unspeakably cruel and destructive, however, any tiny tiny doubt and they will spring on it and revert to their ordinary ignorant ways.


It should be the duty of every vegan to lead by example; even though I know omnivores can be absolute pricks to the extent that smacking them in the face seems the only apt solution we shouldnt let ourselves end up in cliques.


Oh, and also every vegan should be as healthy as possible and not just for themselves...i'm sure i dont need to tell you that any health defect in any way shape or form whatsoever that you have will be attributed to veganism, and I mean ANY!!!!


Some primitive idiots would probably blame acne and heart disease on being vegan!


And not only healthy, but athletic; a lot of people agree that a vegan can lead a healthy lifestyle in that they wont get ill much, will have a decent figure etc but not that they can be an athlete, certainly not a bodybuilder or strength athlete, so my opinion is that to all vegans who arent especially interested in pursuing any sports or the like should just hit the weightlifting gym thrice a week and eat loads; this step, which only consumes up to three hours or something a week will dispell the ignorant stereotypes of double or triple figures worth of people...for EACH VEGAN WHO DOES IT!!!


Some perfectly decent people who are meat eaters or ovo lacto or pesca shy away from veganism purely because they genuinely believe you cant reach your physical potential with it, and even scientific evidence isnt often enough to really convince them; but an abundance of vegans with bull like strength would.

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