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What foods make you feel good?


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I posted this because I know people talk about it all the time. What food is better. Again I don't really care just see a lot of crazy over raw foods. I am not talking only about preparing raw foods but eating like bananas and more food in it's natural state. I just like raw veggies over cooked veggies because of texture. Cooked veggies seem very mushy.... but again it depends on the food. Like potatos I like cooked.


Everyone is different so they got their own opinions.


Not saying one is bad or good just want to know what people eat around here.


Or as in reference to what Robert says below,


What foods make you feel better... if you would like to include that instead.


what do you like about your food?

Edited by RAINRA
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I think focusing on a % of cooked or uncooked food is silly, relatively pointless and is an extra form of stress that is counter productive. I don't see benefits of focusing more on raw or more on cooked, but to just eat foods that makes us feel well and are cruelty-free.


I never worry about % of anything I'm eating, as long as it is as close to 100% vegan as possible, I'm cool.


I hang out in Raw and Cooked vegan communities and I truly don't see any benefit of focusing on a certain % of either.


We're all different though, and we all have things up in our heads that make us believe a % of something is better and for a lot of people that does a lot of good and for a lot of people it does a lot of bad.


Eat to feel well and cause little harm.


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Feel is all relative my brother. As far as 'feeling

better in the sense of a functioning system that is at peak performance at all times and such..... Vegetable juice blends more so than anything else but when on its own not combined and dragged and crammed into all sorts of other meals,


Now 'feel' better as far as going down, feeling satisfied, comfort food type feeling and happy it's in front of you etc etc Fatty gourmet, specifically creamy coconut and nut and agave combination desert type stuff. It's so addictive. But you know you shouldn;t be gorging on it all the time. But oh so yummy.


That's my two cents for now.....

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Yeah, I felt my best when I was following my diet of protein shakes along with some vegetables throughout the day as snacks, drinking lots of water. I was feeling awake, and light, not bogged down or sleepy.


Stuff that makes me feel good at the time of eating is a long list! And a lot of it is total crap

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I think this is a great topic and something I talk about all over the country....not about raw, not about cooked, not about anything specific other than finding a compassionate way to eat that fits you best...what foods are best, and why, how to incorporate more whole foods, etc.


I'm interested to see input.


I have my favorites.


Oranges, bananas, brown rice, avacado, and so many other things make me feel well. Just as some foods don't make me feel well like some bread products, some hummus products, some vegetables can make me bloated, etc.


So I try to focus on some foods that really work well with me...most fruits, and I love fruit....certain veggies, certain greens, certain grains and nuts and focus on those things.

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