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Chemo not your best option when it comes to fighting cancer


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I belive in treating cause rather then symtoms with anything in life and more so in health. IF you have dandruff it's not becasue your missing head n shoulders shampoo. I see it every week in my local newspaper someone i know dying of cancer. I've seen people that are really healthy looking and then find out they have cancer and go and get blasted with chemo and then die within 6 weeks. I've allso seen people get cancer and have the cancer go away from chemo and then have it come back later.


Oviously diseases can be very tricky, but one things for sure people arn't healthy in this country and will continue to get more and more unhealthy considering the diets/ lifestyles and drugs people are on. The Average american eats a diet of 60 percent GMO food and mostly processed foods

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There is a fortune waiting for anyone who comes up with a cure for cancer or even only something that helps. If any of this stuff worked they wouldn't need a web site to sell it.



Not completely true. I don't know about that web site and most people are scammers looking to make a buck on sick people, but the government makes it illegal for ANY one to say you can cure any disease. Lets just hypothetically say i had a cure for cancer and it had a 100 percent success rate i could not say i could cure cancer under any circumstance. I'd be thrown in prison. Lets face facts sickness is probably the single biggest industry there is if not one of the top couple. Corporations will do any thing they can do to keep that the case.

There will never ever be a drug cure for cancer, but what they will have is like they have for so many things a drug you can take for the rest of your life that will keep you alive with the disease. Is there a cure for High Cholesterol? High Blood pressure? sure with some easy lifestyle changes, but instead people take drugs to cover the symptoms and take them until they die from a related condition.

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Yeah your right about that. by the time alot of people get cancer there health is in such a mess that maybe nothing will fix them. Alot easier to live a lifestyle/ diet that prevents cancer then do get rid of it. It would be amazing the differences in cancer rates if everyone just started eatting all organic, mostly plant based foods, stop drinking, smoking, and other bad stuff. Of course that will never happen, but you can compare the US probably the most unhealthy country to some other countries where they live much better and you can see a huge difference. I've talked with people from europe who come to the states and the first thing they notice is how fat americans are.

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There was a mainstream major story that said cancer will surpass heart disease as the number one killer in America within a couple years. And your right at about some parts of europe. Many parts of Western europe eat the same kinda crap we eat here just a little better version. Of course many parts of thr planets cancer rates are going up. no surpries there the western infulence is spreading every where. Before we know it the whole world will be eatting GMO foods and other processed crap and every group of people will be a mess

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Yes, you can see a huge difference between the US and the rest of the world, except it's not what you think. While cancer rates in the US are dropping, cancer rates elsewhere are rising. And let's not think Europeans are immune to obesity - http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1140558


The British don't consider themselves "Europeans", but I saw a magazine article somewhere that said their obesity problem is on par with the U.S.. The article mentioned a popular trend of soft drinks replacing tea and food vendors that will deep fry anything......including candy bars.

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Yes, you can see a huge difference between the US and the rest of the world, except it's not what you think. While cancer rates in the US are dropping, cancer rates elsewhere are rising. And let's not think Europeans are immune to obesity - http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1140558


The British don't consider themselves "Europeans", but I saw a magazine article somewhere that said their obesity problem is on par with the U.S.. The article mentioned a popular trend of soft drinks replacing tea and food vendors that will deep fry anything......including candy bars.



Yeah the british have horriable diets and it reflects

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The cure for cancer is prevention.


most of the time anyway.


I don't have any expertise, but aside from a genetic disposition it seems like environmental pollution and crap people ingest seems to be at the center of it.



While environmental factors are a factor it's a very small compared to proper diet/ exercise/ no drinking/ no drugs(inculding legal drugs/ no smoking. It similiar to the people that are so freaked out about gems and washing there hands and all that yet eat shit diets and wonder why there allways getting colds/ flu's. We'll never be able to control out side things, but what we can do is build a body that has the immune system to handle whatever comes are way.

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How diet and positive lifestyle helped this woman stop the cancer from killing her. She was suppose to die from it no she continues living and stopped the growth for now.


I agree with Beforewisdom that what we ingest has a lot to do with it.


It is not what you take to slow it down. I think greens are the source of healing.


Not Chemotherapy. Which solves the disease for the moment in some cases but does not stop it from coming back. Again another bandaid fix. Painful, expensive and unrealiable.

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The healthiest thing brittish people consume (except tea) is potatoes, which they always deep fry and melt cheese over. The older people doesn't seem to be obese their, just a little on the heavy side, but the youth is really unhealthy and fat.



You Swedish folks eat pretty healthy in comparison right? Seems like the Eastern/nortern euro people are beasts when it comes to strength. I've allways wanted to move to Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland

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